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Yes, these are the wonderful individuals who are not ashamed to admit that they are Crash Holly fans!! Check it out, learn about these great people! :-)

Katie Christie, President of the CHFC
Age: 20
Location: Columbia, Missouri
Favorite Fed: WWF, of course!! :-)
Favorite Wrestlers: Scotty Too Hotty, Rock, Chris Jericho, Crash, Grandmaster Sexay, Kurt Angle, Buh Buh Ray Dudley, Christian, Jeff Hardy and Just Joe (that's a new one *LOL* Still admitting it!)
I like Crash because...: well, he's a great wrestler (wish he'd get to show more of his skills, though!), he's adorable and he just seems like a really nice guy! I'd love to meet him one day. :-) Also, oh yeah...he makes me laugh, and that is one of the most important things to me, really!

Lexus, Vice-President of the CHFC
Age: 22
Location: Sacramento, CA
Favorite fed: WWF, of course!
Favorite wrestlers: The Rock, Chris Jericho, Little Holly =), Shane McMahon, HHH, Ken Shamrock, Too cool, and many, many, more!
I like Crash because...: Why wouldn't you like that man?? He's just flat out adorable! He has an adorable smile and walk, and he, along with Hardcore, are just too entertaining to watch! And I love his cocky attitude! *LOL* And come on he has a cute little tush too! =) [Note from Katie: See why Lexus is my VP? She remembers things I forget, like the fact that Crash has the cutest little butt in the world! Well, one of them, at least...hehe...] He's just cute and makes he me laugh! He truly is a Super Heavyweight! =)

Rusti Mason
Age: 21
Location: South Carolina
Favorite fed: WWF, of course! :)
Favorite wrestlers: Triple H, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, Val Venis, X-Pac, Test, Edge
I like Crash because...: He's a cute little feller! :) And he's funny when Bob lets him talk! :)

Age: 16
Location: Manhattan, KS
Favorite Fed: WCW and WWF
Favorite Wrestlers: Kidman, Rey Mysterio, Evan Keragious (sp?), Sting, Shane Douglas, Aysa, Chyna, Test, Billy Gunn, Road Dogg, Buff Bagwell, The Rock, Mankind, Al Snow, Bret Hart, Juventud...list goes on
I like Crash because...: He's just so cute! And, I love the whole heavyweight thing, it's cute. He sounds really cute on the mic, and I love how he dresses like a punk. He's just all around as cute as a bug in a rug. (If they're cute like that)

Age: 20
Location: Pennsylvania
Favorite fed: WWF
Favorite wrestlers: Hunter!!! Billy Gunn, Rock(closet fan)
I like Crash because...: I think he is funny, he's not a bad wrestler, he's cute and I love his smirk =)

Kristina, aka Venom
Age: 16
Location: Virginia
Favorite fed: WCW
Favorite wrestlers: Sting, Bret Hart, Chris Benoit, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Buff Bagwell, Crash Holly, Shane McMahon, Rock, Mankind, Undertaker, Kane, Edge, Christian, HHH, Hardy Boyz, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, Al Snow, HBK, Chyna
I like Crash because...: He's cute and fun to watch :)

Age: 16
Location: B.C. CANADA
Favorite fed: WWF BAYBEE!!!! I also like WCW a LOT too!
Favorite wrestlers: OH NO! THE LIST! Here it goes: Edge, Christian, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Xpac, Road Dogg, Badd Ass, Chyna, Too Cool, CRASH (obviously), Kane, 'Taker (come BACK!), Tori, Luna, Grel, Chyna, The Rock, Miss Kitty (she's hilarious), Test, Shane, Steph, HBK, OWEN (RIP), Rey Mysterio Jr, Kidman, Eddie Guerrero, Konnan, Kanyon, Bret Hart....the list goes on!!
I like Crash because...: His smile, his charm, his shortness, his body, his personality........did I mention his smile?!

DJ Danielson
Age: 15
Location: Minnesota
Favorite fed: WWF
Favorite wrestlers: Crash, Hardcore, Jericho, Al Snow
I like Crash because...: He is bound to be the greatest superheavy weight wrestling will ever see!

It doesnt matter what my name is [Okay, it's all right to be anonymous...*LOL*!]
Age: 15
Location: WA
Favorite fed: WWF
Favorite Wrestlers: Crash Holly, Hardcore Holly and The Rock
I like Crash because...: He's so funny saying he's a superheavyweight

Age: 13
Location: Michigan
Favorite fed: WWF!
Favorite wrestlers: HHH, Test, Edge Christian, Matt & Jeff Hardy , and of course Crash Holly!
I like Crash because...: He's so funny and cute, he makes me laugh, and he has a nice body!

Age: 13
Location: Trenton, NJ
Favorite fed: WWF
Favorite wrestlers: DX, Crash, and Edge
I like Crash because...: He is sooo cool! I love it when him and Hardcore fight. They're always like, "You okay?" and when the other one says yeah, they just start beatin' each other again!

Age: 14
Location: Dillon, South Carolina
Favorite Fed: WWF
Favorite wrestlers: Christian, Crash, Edge, Test, and the Hardyz
I like Crash because...: He is so adorably cute, like a little boy!

Age: 16
Location: West Virginia
Favorite fed: WWF
Favorite wrestlers: Oh so many....Chris Jericho is #1 on that list with HHH, Rocky, X-Pac, Shane McMahon, HBK & Lenny & Lodi!
I like Crash because...: Well, I can't take credit for realizing his "adorbility" myself...the Vice Prez, Lexus, made me realize it! But he is a cute super heavy weight! His little smile, they way he weighs himself when he comes out to the's all just too cute!!

Justin Brenwood
Location: I'm in my house
Favorite fed: WWF
I like Crash because...: He's one my favorites after The Brooklyn Brawler of course. BROOKLYN BRAWLER RULES! Crash is also very funny.

Kristy M
Age: 20
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Favorite fed: WWF
Favorite wrestlers: Shane McMahon, Edge, Rock, Austin, Vince McMahon, Hardy Boyz, The Hollys, Mean Street Posse .. and more!
I like Crash because...: He's a cutey! Love those superheavyweights!

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