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DNS E-Services Monthly Maintenance Packages
M-Package 1:
Allows you twice yealy routine checks of your website, assuring functionality, links
management, and reporting problems to your site administrator.
Price  $   15.00
  12 monthly checks       Price $19.95  
M-Package 2:
Package 1, plus 4 upgrades or information changes of your choice.
Does not include new page creations, audios, or graphics Price  $   26.99
M-Package 3:
Package 1, plus 10 upgrades or information changes of your choice.
Does not include new page creations, audios, or graphics Price  $   49.99
M-Package 4:
Package 1, plus 20 upgrades or information changes of your choice.
Does not include new page creations, audios, or graphics Price  $   64.99
M-Package 5:
Package 1, plus 30 upgrades or information changes of your choice.
Does not include new page creations, audios, or graphics Price  $   89.99
Custom Packages Available
Receive a 20% Discount on all Packages if DNS E-Services is your Site Administrator
For more information Call or Send E-Mail to:
All terms in U.S. Dollars