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Hello and thank you for visiting my web site.  This site will help you to understand the services I have to offer in the world of "E".  E-commerce is becoming the biggest and most widely used form of communication on the planet.  My company is designed to help get you on the World Wide Web and get you noticed by the billions of people using the Internet everyday.


Company Profile

DNS E-Services was founded as a company in 1996,  that would offer  the Highest Quality Web Design Creations possible at a well below market prices.

Since the company was started, as a favor to a friend asking me to design a website for them, many more creations have emerged.  

Customer satisfaction is my highest and most prioritized goal.  100% satisfaction is guaranteed and customer's may review any work prior to posting to the internet.


Who am I

Who am I?  My name is David Schultz, President and founder of DNS E Services. Since starting out I have expanded my services to include basic HTML, Java Script, Flash, Graphic Animations, Forms, Bulletin Boards, FTP, Front End and Back End Services and much more.  I have become an Member of the International Association of Web Master's and Designer's.

At the age of 24 I was introduce to the world of the Internet and have been fascinated by it every since.  I have taken the time an dedication to learn as much about Web Design as I can, and I am still learning more and more everyday.  I consult with top designers in their fields, share ideas, and new technologies in order to bring new ideas and designs to my customers. 

Today, I am a successful business manager and owner, my company supports websites for several organizations and small businesses.

Some of my sites have won such Awards as, The Gold Web Award, The Wolf Design Award, and The Web Master's Guild Best Site Awards.

Currently my company is a member in Good Standing with the International Association of Web Masters and Designers.


How do I do it.

I am able to offer this service at well below the industry prices, because it is just me, and my overhead is minimal.  There are no big name companies to pay for, or expensive designers.

I offer FREE cost estimates on all proposals. 

It is my personal guarantee that I will  take the time and  interest,  you and your company or organization deserve and I  will do everything in my power to create a website for you, that  your company will be proud of.


Contact Information

You may contact me by visiting this website and filling out the "Feedback" page or by sending me an email.  

You may also contact my office, at the phone number given below.  Office hours very and I am often out, but please leave me a message and I will gladly return all calls.


You may also send request via regular mail to:


Postal address
PO Box 2371, Decatur, IL 62526

Professional  Member                                                                             Email -

Last Updated on: 10/28/03                                                                             Return to top