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Most companies today at sometime or another will use a form letter or a data spreadsheet.  I can create these forms with your information using the latest in Microsoft Office applications.  Excel Spreadsheets and word documents can be easily linked to your website for users.

Key Benefits


I am capable of creating complex Excel Spreadsheets, or using an existing spreadsheet, applying it to your web site, so that when  users add new information, that information is immediately available.

Also, Word Documents, Power Point Presentations, and Acrobat Forms can be made downloadable directly from your site for all users.



Can I restrict access to forms used on my site?
Yes, forms may be restricted to certain users.  Password protected or made available on a site that is restricted to its viewers.
How many forms can I place on a site?
You may place as many on a site as your space allows.
Can I make my forms available to fill out on the Internet?
Yes, although that is a different service.  Those forms are set up differently.  The forms discussed here would be available in there original format.  (word, excel or acrobat) 



Information Request Form

Select the items that apply, and then let us know how to contact you.

Send service literature
Send company literature
Have a salesperson contact me
