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Everyday large amounts of data are being stored on computers all over the world.  If your company is spread over the country or over the world, an online Database could be the best way to exchange information for you.  They can also be used on a smaller scale, simply to make a price list available, or a customer list or whatever information you wish to share.  However there are some benefits to using us for this service.

Key Benefits


I am capable of creating small databases and making them available on your web site.  (Larger or complex databases should be created by an Microsoft Certified Professional)

I can take an existing database and make it available on your website.



Can I restrict access to the databases used on my site?
Yes, databases may be restricted to certain users.  Password protected or made available on a site that is restricted to its viewers.
How many databases can I place on a site?
You may place as many on a site as your space allows.  However, multi-users can make a database grow in size rapidly.   Size may become an issue depending on the size of the site you purchase.  This should be considered if you are considering having an online database.


Information Request Form

Select the items that apply, and then let us know how to contact you.

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