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URL's are what makes the world of the internet go round.  Without them, well there may not be an Internet.  A Universal Routing Locator is your home on the Internet.  This site will help you register your home, or let you check out the cost involved with having a home on the Internet to meet your needs.  If your not sure exactly what you want, then check it out here.  If you don't find what your looking for, send me an email, and I will help you find it.


How it works

I have listed a few "Registration Sites" which you may visit by using the links below.  This can be a very time consuming and lengthy process if you are unfamiliar with the how to.  I have attempted to make it easy for you. 

However, if you find you are to busy, or you lack the technical skills required.  Simply ask and I will gladly help you sign up for the service which will best fit your needs.

My cost of this assistance is offered to you at the extremely low price of just $69.95 per registration.

My cost for being your system administrator will be negotiated at the time of our contract. 


Helpful Registration Sites