The next morning, Lou found herself biting her lower lip as she stuffed her hands further into the pockets of her jacket and walked with her head down in the direction of the barn. She had to talk to him. She was already so embarrassed at how she had been acting, what was a little more humiliation. She would just find him and apologize. Maybe they could all get back to normal. Well, it would never be the old normal. She knew that now. She just couldn't stand the thought of him being angry with her.

She got to the barn and pushed open the heavy door. He was standing in the dimly lit, dusty stall of his beloved palomino cinching up his saddle. He was getting ready to go to Ann's.

"Um, Jimmy." Lou began hesitantly.

She was answered with a deep sigh. "Lou, I'm tired. I don't want to fight you anymore."

Lou swallowed. She knew he was angry with her, but seeing how angry brought tears to her eyes. How did she let this happen?

"I don't want to fight you anymore either Jimmy," she paused. "I want to say I'm sorry."

Now she had his attention. He looked up at her and gave her a judging glance. He wanted to be sure that she meant what she was saying. He saw that she did. He waited for her to go on.

"I've been really stupid and selfish. Ann is a really nice person and if you had started courting her anywhere but here, I think I would have been helping you pick out her presents, like I did before. But this time it was here and it was in front of me and it hurt."

"How did it hurt you, Lou?"

"I know, it doesn't make sense, Jimmy", she looked down at her hands again. He noticed her shyness and felt something starting deep inside, something he'd pushed down so many times before. This time was different because she had come to him. He was the one that was involved with someone. He looked at her intently, waiting.

"I just, it's that,. " she wasn't sure how or even if she should say what she was thinking and feeling. "Jimmy, I was being selfish because seeing you with another woman hurt me and it hurt me because. because. "

Jimmy was looking at her with such intensity, she didn't know if she would be able to go on. He had moved to the door of the stall and was only inches away from her now. She could feel his warmth. She looked up from her hands and into his eyes. She decided to go on.

"I was hurt because I wanted to be the one with you.. I guess part of me always has, but now that Kid and I aren't together and you and I'd been spending so much time. You are my best friend and I guess I kept hoping that one of these days you were going to ask me out or maybe even just kiss me again. I know you'd said it was a mistake, but I was kinda hopin you mighta changed your mind."

Lou took a breath while Jimmy continued staring at her, almost no expression on his face now.

"So anyway, when Ann came into your life and I watched you fallin for her. I guess I got jealous and so I been mean and nasty and ugly to you both and I'm sorry. All that's really important to me is that you're happy. You are such a sweet man and so caring. You've helped me so much and I repaid you by spitting on your chance for happiness. I truly am sorry and I wouldn't blame you for hatin' me. Just please know how much I care for you. I can't stand for you to be mad at me anymore. Okay?"

She looked up at him, standing so close now, with tears in her eyes and tracing down her cheeks. He reached up and with a gentle hand, wiped the tears away. He put that hand under her chin and looked into her liquid brown eyes. Tears formed in his own eyes. He blinked, a tear escaped. Now it was her turn to touch his face tenderly.

They stood there with one hand touching the other, neither breathing, not wanting to break this moment. For Jimmy, there was no more Ann. He had heard the words that he had so long wanted and yet discouraged. As he looked in her deep brown eyes that were so clearly showing him her love, he knew that there would never be another woman that he would feel this strongly for.

Lou looked into his eyes and finally had a glimmer that he did indeed feel for her what she had always hoped. She could see his love for her shining in his eyes. She saw his hesitation in removing his hand. She slowly moved forward towards him and he moved towards her.

With Jimmy's hand still on Lou's chin and Lou's hand tenderly touching Jimmy's handsome face, their lips met. It was soft at first, a tentative touch. A look in the other's eyes and they kissed again, passionately and filled with their caged feelings. Jimmy's hands moved from Lou's chin to her hair, his other hand moving behind her back to pull her close to him as he stepped from the stall door. He wanted to fully feel her body against his. Lou surrendered herself to his strong embrace and threaded her fingers into his hair, exploring his muscular shoulders and back.

Their kiss continued until they were both dizzy and had to hold each other for support. They backed up a little, breathing heavily, and looked into each other's eyes.

"Lou, I have to know what you're thinking"

"I'm thinkin' we waited too long for that."

"What about Kid?"

"Kid's important to me and will always be in my heart. But the thing with us was, we were always arguing. We saw things differently. We loved each other, but we weren't right for each other. I wasn't who he needed and Jimmy, he wasn't who I needed."

"Maybe so," Jimmy said, "but that don't mean he won't always come first in your heart. I couldn't stand to know that you chose me because Kid's moved on."

"Jimmy. " She leaned up again to touch his lips tenderly with hers while looking in his eyes. "You have been first in my heart for a long time. It's been tryin' to tell me for a while, I just been too stubborn to listen. Now, it's probably too late. I know you been plannin' to ask Ann for her hand."

"Hold up for a minute, Lou. What idiot told you that? No, wait, I have a couple of ideas." Jimmy said with a smirk, thinking of Cody.

"Either way," Lou went on, "I don't want to make you have to choose, Jimmy. I can't promise you anything right now and I would hate for you to lose the good thing with Ann, especially if you decide in a month that you'd rather have stayed with her."

Jimmy backed up and held both her hands between them. "Okay, Lou. I have to be honest with Ann, though. I have to tell her that I have feelings for someone else. As for you and me, we'll just take it slow. Maybe we could start with dinner tomorrow, in town."

"That sounds so good, Jimmy." Lou could feel her grin stretching all the way from ear to ear. Had all this really happened? She felt purely giddy. She reached up and with one hand on his cheek, she kissed his cheek - a lingering kiss. Then he turned his head and kissed her lips tenderly. He returned her grin with sparkling eyes.

He finished cinching up his horse. He was still gonna go see Ann. Only now he was sure what he wanted to tell her. He led his horse out of the barn holding Lou's hand the whole way. He gave her hand a kiss and one last smile and then mounted up.

Lou watched Jimmy's back as he rode away. She was so excited with the way things had turned out, she was almost giggling. She went back in the barn and brought Lightening out to brush her.

Suddenly behind her she heard the sound of horses galloping near. She turned around and jumped back just in time escape being trampled. She recognized the lead horse and immediately yelled to the bunkhouse.

"Cody! Buck! Ike!" She yelled. The boys ran out the door, concerned what the problem was. "It's the Kaplan Gang and I bet they're heading out to Ann's. They musta heard about her gold. Jimmy just went out there. Get Teaspoon and meet me there!" She ran back in the barn to grab her saddle and got Lightening ready as quick as she was able. Then Lou took off after the Kaplans. She knew her friends would be following close behind.

Part One
Part Three

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