The porch in front of the Doc's was crowded. They were all waiting for word on Lou. It had only been a flesh wound to the side, but she had lost a lot of blood. Doc wasn't sure she would make it. He said if she made it through the first few hours she would probably be okay. It had been almost two hours since he came out last.

Jimmy walked off a ways with Ann.

"Ann, I don't know what to say," Jimmy started. "I had been on my way out to your place to tell you that Lou and I had talked and we were gonna try the two of us together. I'm real sorry. I know this is coming out of the blue."

"Jimmy, don't," Ann interrupted. "I knew about the two of you the moment I walked off the stage. I saw how close you were standing and the looks in both your eyes. It just made me want you to look at me like that all the more. Almost got there, too." She smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

"You tell Louise that I appreciate her saving my life. I promise I will be a little more discreet regarding my inheritance."

"I think that'd be a good idea, Ann." Jimmy gave her a quick hug and watched as she walked towards the stage. Behind him he heard his name and looked back to see Buck waving his arms at him shouting, "She's awake, Jimmy! She's awake!"

Jimmy could hardly run fast enough to get back to where the Doc was talking to Teaspoon about Lou's condition. When they saw Jimmy, Doc stopped, smiled and said, "Go on in, Mr. Hickock. She's been askin' for you."

With a faint smile of relief and a look of disbelief on his face, he went through the door. She had been asking for him? Maybe all this was real after all.

She was laying on the bed, pale and quiet. She opened her eyes, saw Jimmy and smiled a smile that lit up her face.

"Did we win?" she asked.

"Like we always do."

"Did the others show up just in time?"

"Just like they always do."

"Teaspoon worried about me?"

Jimmy nodded, "Like he always is."

She paused, "What about us? Are we gonna be together?"

Jimmy smiled, "Just like we always were and always will be, Lou. Always. I love you, Louise. Whether it's as your best friend or your man, I will always be with you!" He leaned down and tenderly kissed her lips, wrapping his arms gently around her. Lou closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. She was safe and loved and she was sure she would never be bored.


Part Three

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