Chapter Fourteen

Early March was unseasonably mild for Denver and it gave everyone at the ranch time to make the necessary repairs to the property before the new lambs were born and sent out to pasture. Much to Lou’s dismay, she found herself riding the eastern fences with Carl and Ethan, two of the newest hands. The two men were her least favorite of the new men, but she hadn’t wanted to disrupt everything by asking to switch work crews.

Lou knew the Malones looked to her as one of their own and they trusted her with their livelihood. She felt she had to show she was worthy of their trust and the added responsibility. To her, this included working out her problems with the men on her own.

Carl and Ethan hardly spoke to Lou all day as they rode along and made the necessary repairs. She began to relax and thought to herself, many times throughout the course of the day, that she had just been imagining their previous leers and stares. Maybe they weren’t so bad after all.

The day was long and they were all glad when it was time to head in for supper. When the trio was fifteen minutes from the main house Lightning picked up a stone. Lou dismounted to check on him. While lifting the horse’s front leg she started to tell the two men to head in without her. Unbeknownst to Lou, Carl and Ethan had also dismounted their horses and were standing on either side of her.

When Lou looked up to see what was blocking her sunlight, Ethan’s close proximity startled her. “Oh! Ethan, there was no need for you to get down. I can handle this. Why don’t you guys head in.”

The large, shady looking man moved closer than Lou was comfortable with and she put up her hands to block his forward movement. Ethan didn’t stop and just curled his lip into a sneer as Carl grabbed her arms from behind, drawing them to her sides and pinning them there.

The terror Lou felt must have been obvious in her eyes because she watched Ethan get a sudden charge of power as his friend tightened his grip on her arms. She was rendered powerless to fight off the attack.

Trailing his gloved hand down Lou’s face, Ethan leaned in and whispered into her ear. “You think you’re too good to work with us, don’t you?”

Lou shook her head and forced herself to keep her voice steady. “I don’t know what you’re talking about? Why don’t you let me go and we can all go get some supper.” She wanted them to believe she would just let the incident slip by without mention

“She doesn’t know what we’re talking about, Carl. What do you think about that?”

Carl leaned in from behind and Lou felt his hot, stale breath on her other ear. “I think she needs to remember where she came from.”

“You may be right, Carl. You see Louise, we remember you. A friend of ours, back in St. Joe, was awful fond of you and might be interested in knowing where you ran off to?”

In an instant Lou’s mind flashed back to the brothel in St. Joe and she had a clear vision of Wicks’ main card table. In those days these two men were better dressed and went by different names, but they were from that time in her life all the same. The flashback had her struggling to get away and she kicked out with all her might. Catching Ethan in the knee, he reacted by slapping her across the face.

“Ethan! You can’t hit ‘er where it’ll show! Then she’ll have to tell ‘em.”

“Yeah, Carl. Give me a minute. I think the bitch busted my knee.” Ethan steadied himself and got right up in Lou’s face. “You do that again and it won’t be just a slap I give you. You understand?”

Lou refused to acknowledge the fiendish man and he grabbed her chin to hold her head in place.

“You better listen up, missy. You’re going to help us with our plan or we just might have to drop your old friend a line. Do you catch my drift?” Ethan moved Lou’s head in a nod of understanding for her. “Good. We’ll get back to you with the details, but keep in mind that if you tell anyone about this I can’t predict what might happen to your happy little family here.”

Just the thought of a threat against the people who she cared for more than anything in the world had Lou fighting against Carl’s restraining hands. She turned her head and braced herself in anticipation of the next blow, but was totally unprepared for what Ethan did next.

Grabbing her head by both cheeks, Ethan leaned in close like he was about to whisper to her again. Instead, he forcefully kissed her. He only withdrew when Lou bit his lip and he laughed menacingly as she scrambled onto Lightning and raced for home. “Remember our arrangement,” was the last thing she heard as she spurred Lightning into a full run.

Lou made it to the barn in record time and was thankful that no one was around when she slipped into Lightning’s stall. She struggled to regain control of her emotions and stop her shaking. How could this be happening? She thought her past was behind her and here were two men who could bring everything she had fought for, tumbling down around her. She continued to spit and wipe at her mouth with her coat sleeve in an attempt to erase Ethan’s kiss from her mind. Flynn found her doing this and she jumped straight off the ground at the sound of his voice.

Doubled over in laughter, Flynn couldn’t help comparing this meeting to their first. “Gosh, Lulu. You jumped almost as high as you did the day I met you!”

Forcing lightness into her voice that she didn’t feel, Lou turned to him. “I’m glad you find scaring me so funny, mister.”

Catching a glimpse of her red cheek, Flynn immediately stopped laughing and stepped closer to her side. “What happened?”

“Nothing. Just me not payin’ attention again. I tripped over my own feet and fell right to the ground.”

Flynn thought the mark looked a little too much like a handprint, but he knew Lou would tell him if there had been a problem while out riding. Besides, he knew she could be clumsy, so what was not to believe. “What was with the spitting?”

“Mouth full of dirt.” Lou figured the less she said the better. “Let’s go eat. I figure anything your mom and Fallon cooked has got to be better than what was just in my mouth.”

Flynn could only chalk her sour mood up to a long day in the saddle, with less than desirable company and followed her to the house.


Lou did her best to avoid Ethan and Carl, but over the next several weeks every time they saw her they made subtle gestures or mouthed silent threats that made her bones rattle. Other than the initial threat that they would tell Wicks where she was, they never made a direct threat against her again. Their threats were always directed at the people she loved. One day it was a loaded gun pointed towards Flynn’s back. Another time it was the pantomimed motion of a knife cutting Shannon’s neck. Finally, when Ethan joked about pushing Fallon, who was heavily pregnant, down the steps, it was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

Finding Carl alone, Lou confronted him. He was less threatening when Ethan wasn’t around and she was determined to settle this quickly and on her own. She approached Carl, but kept her eyes constantly moving and on the lookout for Ethan or any innocent bystanders.

Trying to fill her voice with bravado she didn’t really have, Lou called out to Carl as he mucked a stall in the barn. “I’ve had it with you two, Carl!”

The experienced criminal knew she was talking about their mental torture and didn’t even bother to mask his gloating smile as he turned to face her. “Now, I don’t think you’re in a position to talk to me like that, Lulu. Do you?”

Lou bristled at the man’s use of Flynn’s pet name for her. Keeping her eyes locked on his dirty, pock marked face she forced herself to stand tall and not back down. “You told me if I helped you, you’d leave my friends and family alone. Just tell Ethan that I want to do it now, so you can be on your way.”

“I’m sure you remember how kindly Ethan takes to bein’ told what to do.” Carl rubbed his own cheek to remind Lou of the vicious slap.

“Just do it, Carl! I don’t know what the two of you are up to, but I want it over with. Agreed?”

The voice from behind her was thick and heavy with disdain. “Louise, I’ll see if we can accommodate your schedule.” Seeing her involuntarily shudder, he grinned at his friend in satisfaction and continued. “Everyone is headin’ in so we got no time to talk now, but I want you to meet us here at midnight tonight. You’re one minute late and that pretty horse of yours may just have an accident. Agreed?”

Lou didn’t bother nodding her head or speaking, she would be there and he knew it. She stormed out of the far end of the barn just as Flynn walked Pacific in the near door. He watched her storm off and suppressed the urge to chase her. She had been extremely moody the last few weeks, and he wasn’t ready for another tongue lashing about how she could take care of herself. The one thing that had him concerned was the appearance of Ethan and Carl from a far off stall and their laughter as they also watched Lou leave the barn.


At the stroke of midnight, Lou crept through the Malone’s house and out the front door. Concentrating on her forward movement, she never bothered to look back over her shoulder. Flynn followed at a safe distance and kept to the shadows in an effort to follow her.

Carl grabbed Lou as she reached the corral and dragged her inside. Flynn fought off the desperate urge to jump from his hiding place and rescue her. He would have to let this play out a little longer if he was going to find out what these two were up to.

“Take your hands off me, Carl! I’m here, aren’t I?”

“Now Louise, we can’t risk you tripping and hurting yourself again.” Ethan was alluding to her flimsy excuse after he hit her the last time. “Now, listen up. I’m only gonna tell you this once. Somewhere on this stinkin’ ranch is my money. I want it and you’re gonna help me find it.”

“Ethan, are you crazy?” There’s no money here other than what we’ll make at auction this spring. Everything went into the new stock.” Lou turned to walk away from the deranged man.

Ethan refused to be dismissed so easily and grabbed at Lou. “Where do you think you’re going?” Pulling his gun, he jabbed it into her ribs. “My money is here. Fleming said Malone took it and I’m gonna have to believe Fleming right now.”

Lou refused to show fear. “And why would you believe that lying, no good, two-bit gambler?”

“Cause he thought I would spare his life if he told me the truth. Too bad for him I ain’t so good at keepin’ my word.”

Flynn could almost hear the conversation from his position on the other side of the barn wall. Just the mention of Fleming’s name had all the hair on the back of his neck standing on end. He knew he was in over his head, but he was too concerned for Lou’s safety to leave her alone and head back to the house for Connor or his father. Even the bunkhouse was too far away. Reaching for his own gun, Flynn knew he was on his own.

Lou’s mind began to race. Why would Fleming tell these men Liam had their money? “Why would Mr. Malone have your money? He lost everything when they burned down the shop in St. Louis.”

“Carl, she’s dumber than I thought. I gave you too much credit, Louise. I figured anyone who could escape Wicks was smart, but you’re just a dumb little girl aren’t you.”

“Yeah, she’s dumb all right, Ethan. She don’t even realize it was us who burned down the toy man’s store!” Carl laughed and slapped his own knee, proud he was one step ahead of her.

“Shut up, stupid!” Ethan was beginning to lose his temper and Carl’s laugh was irritating his nerves. He shook Lou violently. “Fleming lost everything to me in Kansas City and gave up the deeds to those stupid stores, but I was on to him. He’d lost to me several times when I played cards with Wicks in St. Joe and he was just too drunk to remember me this time. When I caught up with him after the game, he was more than happy to tell me where he stashed his money – in St. Louis at the toy shop.”

“I swear to you. Mr. Malone would never keep money like that for anyone, especially not gambling money.” Lou was desperate to escape these two outlaws, but she knew she was in too deep now. Maybe if she stalled them long enough, Ethan would relax his hold on her and she could make a run for it. “How did you find him here?”

“Lucky for us, people in St. Louis knew they were headed this way. It’s amazing what people will tell you for a few gold coins. The Cherry Creek gold rush was a convenient way to slip into town and from there it was as simple as a few more gold coins. Now look at us, just two more employees of The Double K.”

Flynn kept his back pressed flat against the wall of the barn and gradually eased towards the door. He’d heard enough to know that Lou was in serious trouble and if he didn’t make a move to get her out of there, he would lose his only advantage – surprise.

”Okay! It’s enough of story tellin’ time. Here’s the plan. Tomorrow morning I want you to fake sick and stay back when everyone heads to work. Once they’re all out of the house, I want you to look all over for my money. Don’t leave nothing untouched. Check the walls too. There might be a safe. I want you to meet me here at midnight with the money.” Pushing the gun deeper into Lou’s ribs to make his point, he got right up into her face. “Understand sweetheart?”

“Hold it right there, Ethan! Let her go!”

Lou was shocked to see Flynn charge into the barn with his gun drawn. Too relieved at the prospect of being rescued, she didn’t even question why he’d followed her.

Ethan refused to loosen his hold on Lou. “Now, why would I do that, boss man? There’s only one of you and there’s two of us. Odds is in my favor.”

Without a moments hesitation, Flynn pointed his gun at Carl and shot at both his knees. A top marksman, he didn’t miss. Maiming, but not killing him, Flynn effectively took the odds back to even. “Let her go. I’ll get you your money?”

“Flynn!” Lou couldn’t imagine what he was talking about. She knew there was no money.

“Listen to the girl, Malone. This is between me and your pappy.” Rubbing his hand suggestively up Lou’s arm, Ethan gave Flynn a wicked grin. “Louise and I go back a ways, so I want her to get it for me.”

Flynn wasn’t going to let Lou get any further involved in this madman’s plan. “Just let her go. Let’s do this like men, just you and me.”

All three could hear the ranch beginning to stir. Flynn’s gunshots had served a dual purpose. Not only had they knocked Carl out of the picture, but also they had alerted everyone to the trouble.

Panic began to set in as Ethan saw his plan start to unravel. “Call everyone off, Malone. Or I may have to hurt this one like I did the other one.”

Lou instantly felt all of the air leave the room and would swear until the day she died that Flynn’s eyes flashed like lightning as he realized what Ethan was implying.

“It was you! You killed my sister! You bastard!”

“When will little girls learn not to come lookin’ when something goes bump in the night? Ethan flashed Flynn a vicious grin. “She saw my face, couldn’t have the little witch squealin’ on me.”

In an instant it was over, but to Lou, the instant seemed to last a lifetime. Hearing Ethan admit that he had killed Kiley in cold blood sent Flynn into a rage like she had never seen before. A deep, guttural roar escaped his lips and he charged at them with his gun drawn. Lou saw both revenge and justice written across Flynn’s face. There was no mercy; there was no care in the world. His singular purpose was avenging Kiley’s death.

Instinct had Ethan removing his gun from Lou’s side and drawing it on Flynn. Rather than use her as a shield, as she expected, Ethan pushed Lou out of the way so he could have a clear shot at his attacker. Eerie silence followed and the only movement in the barn was the gun smoke dissipating into the cool night air.

Pushing Ethan’s lifeless body off of her, she crawled to Flynn’s side and let loose a hair-raising scream. Looking down at him, all she could see was blood. Immediately pulling off her coat, she tried to staunch the flow.

“Flynn! Flynn! Oh, God! Don’t die! Oh, please don’t die on me!” Lou couldn’t stop her hands from shaking as she tried to get a pulse.

Connor and Liam reached the barn together and Lou looked up at them, with a lost look in her eyes, as they raced in. Having heard Lou scream they expected it to be her who was injured. They never expected to find Flynn, lying on the floor, in a pool of his own blood. Connor rushed to stop Shannon and Fallon from seeing the injured boy.

Liam raced to their position and fell to his knees beside Lou. Carefully lifting her coat to check the wounds, a sob escaped his lips when he saw the three distinct gunshots to Flynn’s chest and abdomen. He knew it would be nearly impossible for anyone to survive wounds like these. Checking for a pulse, Liam was somewhat relieved to find a slow beat.

“It was Ethan, sir. He said you had some money that belonged to him and he wanted me to get it for him.” Lou was lost somewhere between shock and grief and she heard her deadpan voice, but had no idea what she was saying. “Flynn shot Carl and then Ethan said he was the one who killed Kiley. Flynn went crazy. He just charged him and kept shooting. Ethan shot back. Ethan’s dead.”

Liam looked at the girl as if seeing her for the first time. “Are you hurt?”

“No sir.” Clutching at Flynn’s hand she began to cry. “We can’t let him die.”

Looking into his youngest son’s pale face, he saw Flynn slipping away before his eyes. For the sake of his own sanity, as well as that of his family, he would fight for Flynn tooth and nail. “We won’t, Lou. I promise you that.”

At that precise moment Henry raced in. “Wagon’s ready, sir. How do you want us to move him?”

With very careful movements Liam, Connor and several of the ranch hands placed Flynn into the back of the wagon. They would take him directly to Shane rather than wait for Shane to come to them. Lou refused to be left behind and she climbed into the wagon as they lifted Flynn in. She settled his head onto her lap and mopped at his pale face while Connor held the fresh cotton bandages in place. Liam drove as fast as the team of horses would carry them.

“Are Shannon and Fallon coming?”

Connor nodded his head and tried to discretely wipe away his tears. “Charly’s bringing them on the buckboard. Fallon shouldn’t be traveling, but she insisted.”

As Liam raced the ten miles into Denver, Lou continued to caress Flynn’s face. She smoothed his hair back and tried to keep him comfortable. Speaking softly, but loud enough so Flynn might hear her in his unconscious state. Lou fought to keep her voice cheerful. “Well, it looks like you saved me again, Flynn Malone.” Bending down she placed a kiss on his brow. “You can’t die on me now, what would I do without you?”

Lou could swear she felt Flynn stir, but with the swaying of the wagon she wasn’t positive until he opened his sparkling green eyes.

“Hey, Lulu.”

“Flynn! Shhh…don’t talk. We’re taking you to Shane’s and he’ll make you all better.”

Connor looked at her in an effort to stop her from giving Flynn false hope. Lou refused to meet his eyes or believe that Flynn was going to die.

‘Did I get him?”

“What are you talking about Flynn?” Lou was thoroughly confused and at the same time, Flynn’s voice was barely audible over the roar of the team of horses.

“Ethan. Is he dead?”


“Good.” A smile of satisfaction appeared on his wan lips. His sister’s killer was dead and Lou was safe.

“Don’t worry about that now, Flynn. We’re almost at Shane’s and he’ll fix you right up.” Lou reached to hold his limp hand. It felt ice cold and it scared her further. Wanting to make him more comfortable, she looked into his eyes and asked, “Is there anything I can do for you?” Flynn never hesitated. “You can marry me.”


Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five

Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen Epilogue



Title Page

The Storybook

The Kidnation