Chapter Two

Wicks had the upper hand again, and Lou was trapped, a prisoner of her own fear.

"You won't make it past the barn if you touch me," Lou said bravely, struggling to pick herself up.

Wicks kicked her hard in the side, knocking her back to the ground, "That won't matter to you."

Lou watched, frozen in horror as he reached for her, flashbacks racing through her mind in a strange union of past and present that was clouding her thoughts.

"You reach one more inch and I'll put so many holes in you that the wind will whistle through you!" A deadly voice growled, and the quiet click of a gun hammer being cocked stopped Wicks cold.

Lou closed her eyes and blinked back tears of relief at Jimmy's timely arrival.

"Oh, you'd better back away from her," Jimmy growled again, his voice slipped lower to its most dangerous tones, quickly closing the distance and standing above Lou protectively.

"She's got something that doesn't belong to her," Wicks said, "She's stolen from me."

"Lou, you okay?" Jimmy asked, without taking his eyes off the man Kid had warned might hurt her.

"I'm okay," She said, but her voice trembled wildly.

"Teaspoon might not have been able to keep you in jail last time, but I have a feeling that won't happen again," Jimmy told Wicks, who stepped backwards, away from the look in his eyes.

Lou struggled to her feet. Jimmy reached down to help her up with his eyes still fixed on the man in front of him.

"Let him go, Jimmy," Lou said.

"What!" Jimmy looked at Lou for the first time.

Unshed tears made her eyes glow bright, and her voice trembled when she repeated, "Just let him go. He won't be back here."

"No, Lou, this is the second time he's caused trouble for you in the past couple of days. He's gonna pay!"

"Jimmy, listen to me. Let him go."

Jimmy again looked at her in utter confusion, "Lou..."

"Jimmy, do it!" She snapped.

Wicks watched the whole spectacle with an interested expression. The girl was smart. She knew what kind of trouble would come down on her friends if they dared to hold him.

"Damn it, Lou," He snapped back at her, but as usual he couldn't deny her wishes. It was just that usually, he knew her judgment was good. This time, she wasn't making any sense. His eyes were on fire as he gazed at Wicks, "Ride out, now, and if you ever come back..."

"Spare me the speech, will you boy? I've heard it," Wicks backed out of the barn.

Jimmy holstered his gun when he was sure Wicks was gone and turned to Lou angrily, "What was that about? What's gotten into you?" He demanded.

When a tear finally escaped her eye, he was instantly sorry. His voice was gentle as he placed a hand on her shoulder, "I'm sorry, you just have me worried. You all right? Did he hurt you?"

, Lou thought frantically, a long, long time ago. She was shaking as she turned her head into Jimmy's shoulder and he put his arms around her.

Completely baffled by this display of vulnerability from Lou, Jimmy hugged her tightly and whispered, "It's all right Lou, he's gone."

He sighed, and thought in frustration, Why didn't you pull your gun on him Lou? You had time if he chased you. Does this man make you lose your wits to the point you can't even think to protect yourself?

Lou regained her control, and pulled away, wiping at her eyes. She looked at him with eyes that were a little too glassy and vacant, and said calmly, "We aren't going to say anything about this, okay?"

"What!" Jimmy cried, "I let him go for you, Lou, but you are asking too much! The others need to know so they can be on the lookout for him."

"Jimmy, this is so important to me. I'm begging you. Don't. You can't tell."

"If you can give me one good reason why I shouldn't tell, I'll think about it."

"I can't," Lou declared stubbornly.

"Well, then neither can I."

They stood faced off, toe to toe, glaring at each other with their arms folded across their chests and irritation in their eyes.

A third voice caused them both to jump in surprise. Buck poked his head in the barn telling them, "Supper's ready."

Jimmy's eyes shifted from Buck back to Lou, who was gazing at him expectantly.

"Anything wrong?" Buck asked, "You both look like you've seen Death."

Jimmy pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head. The headache that had developed while dealing with the most stubborn, bull headed female he'd ever met didn't really surprise him. Again, she'd won.

"No, everything's fine. Let's go eat." He conceded, eyes slipping to Lou.

Lou gave him the faintest smile before she walked toward Buck, who held the door for them both.

"And then Ben reached out to give Ron the pouch, and Ron leaned over to get it, and just tumbled right off his horse! Served him right too, not five minutes earlier he'd been bragging to everyone about how he'd never been thrown!" Cody laughed at his own story.

"Cody," Teaspoon sighed, "You ever heard of keeping your mouth closed, particularly when it's full of food?"

A small peal of laughter echoed in the bunkhouse, and Cody grinned, "Well, I figure I'm such a fountain of information, I owe it to the world to share at all times."

"Saw that Wicks fellow in town this afternoon," Jesse said in the first second of quiet.

Lou and Jimmy, who'd been sitting silently the whole meal, glanced up for the first time at the mention of the name.

"What?" Teaspoon roared, "I thought I left no doubt in his mind what would happen if he stuck around!"

"Well, he did, I saw him coming out of our barn!" Jesse said.

All eyes shifted to Lou, who'd again gone white.

Jimmy shifted uncomfortably as Teaspoon asked her, "Lou, has he bothered you?"

"No," Lou mumbled, and she saw Jimmy shake his head.

"Lou," he admonished her, "Tell them."

"Tell them what?" Teaspoon asked suspiciously.

Lou shot Jimmy a look that should have killed him, then with her eyes on her plate, said, "He just stopped by to bid me a farewell."

"He did what?" Teaspoon roared again then calmed his voice when he saw how much it unnerved Lou. The rest of the riders fixed their eyes on the small girl, who continued to stare at her plate, "Did he try to hurt you?"

"No," Lou said again.

"Damn it Lou!" Jimmy finally snapped, "You got to tell him."

Lou's mouth set in the stubborn line he knew too well.

"Then I am," Jimmy said, knowing he was risking her wrath, "I walked in the barn and found Lou on the ground with the bastard standing over her, reaching for her."

"That's it! He's going back in jail!" Teaspoon declared.

"He's gone, Teaspoon, he won't be back."

"Lou, I ain't so sure about that, sweetheart," He said gently.

That angered Lou, "It's my business!"

"You could get hurt Lou! He could kill you! He might have done just that if I hadn't showed up, because you were too scared to pull your gun on him!"

Lou's eyes went wide in horror when Jimmy mentioned how she'd frozen in front of all of them. Just when she thought it couldn't get any more embarrassing for her, Jesse spoke up.

"What if he would have raped you again?"

The words that came out of his mouth startled the whole table into eerie silence.

Glances flew between the boys, Teaspoon, and Rachel. Jesse suddenly realized his mistake and covered his mouth. Stunned eyes slowly turned to Lou.

Her eyes were fixed on her plate, her cheeks a glowing, fiery red. Tears of mortification ran down her cheeks. They all saw the trembling of her hands as she pushed herself up, and wove on shaky knees. Her eyes grazed over all of them, looking for the traitor in the midst. Who'd given her away, Kid or Rachel? The thought of either of them betraying her was too much, and without a sound, she flew from the bunkhouse.

"Louise!" Rachel called after her, getting to her feet.

"Better to let her be right now," Teaspoon said solemnly. His eyes turned towards the figure cowering at the end of the table, "Jesse!" He snarled, "Let me guess how you found out about all this!"

"Teaspoon, I didn't mean to be there, I promise. It's just that after Kid and Buck left, you started in on the guy right away, and I didn't have a chance to get out! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt Lou! It just slipped out!"

"I know that, and I'm sure Lou even knows that, but the fact is, you did," Teaspoon sighed and relented. Jesse looked miserable enough without his help. His gaze shifted to see how the other riders were reacting.

All of them, even the fountain-of-information Cody, were speechless. They all had wrinkled brows and exchanged shocked and confused glances from time to time. Jimmy seemed to be taking it the hardest.

His hand covered his mouth and his eyes were closed as he said in a voice that didn't sound like his own, "I let him go. He was right in front of me, about to do the same thing to her again, and I let him go!" Jimmy stood up abruptly.

"Easy son, it wasn't your fault," Teaspoon said.

"No wonder Kid tried to kill him," Buck said, his sharp, black eyes turning on Teaspoon accusingly, "He rapes a woman and you can't keep him locked up?" Buck's patience and respect for the law was wearing thinner and thinner. First, Teaspoon couldn't avenge Ike, and now Lou was in danger.

Rachel sighed, deciding that since they knew the worst of it they might as well know what really happened. "Wicks attacked Lou a long time ago, when she worked for him. It's been years, and there wasn't anything Teaspoon could have done."

Buck's dark eyes still smoldered with resentment.

"I'm going after him," Jimmy announced, "And God help him when I find him."

"Now, hold on. I already had to consider tying down the Kid. You can't just go after a man and kill him in cold blood."

"I'll call him out," Jimmy growled.

"I'm going with him," Cody said.

"Wicks won't face you. He'll let a hired gun back shoot you, and that ain't gonna help Lou." Teaspoon watched the reason dawn slowly on their faces and frustration replace the blood thirst.

Jimmy paced around the bunkhouse, too many bad memories stirring in his head. "I'm going to talk to her."

"She may not want to talk," Noah said softly.

"Let her tell me that," Jimmy shot back at them and opened the door.

Jimmy grabbed his coat, and then thinking the better of it, picked up Lou's also, and walked out to a beautiful sunset. He found Lou sitting on the hard packed dust, facing the brilliant purple and gold sky, hugging her knees to her chest. With a gentle smile that showed his true affection for her, he quietly walked towards her.

A rock crunched beneath his boot, and Lou whirled around, fear on her face.

"It's just me, don't shoot," Jimmy smiled, holding up both hands.

Without saying anything, she turned back around, feeling a warm flush on her cheeks.

Jimmy slowly set the jacket around her slim shoulders, and she glanced up at him with a strange cross of gratitude, embarrassment, and anger.

"A peace offering," Jimmy explained, not taking offense at her hot glare. When it came to Lou, he had all the patience in the world.

Lou didn't look at him again, but kept her eyes fixed ahead. They still swam with tears that she had stopped shedding at his arrival. Her cheeks grew red again.

"Aw, Lou, I'm sorry I told Teaspoon. I'm just worried about you. Think you can find it in your heart to forgive me?" He sat down close to her on the dirt and gave her a nudge with his shoulder.

He was rewarded with a small smile. "I'm not sore at you, Jimmy."

"Well, that's good to know. So why exactly is it that you are sitting out here in this freezing night air if you aren't mad at me?"

Lou didn't answer, and Jimmy could feel her cutting herself off from him, even before he saw the set of her jaw.

"Jesse then? It was a horrible thing for him to say, and out of place, but you are the last person in the world he'd cause pain to."

"I'm not mad at anyone, Jimmy. I just can't go in there, and I don't know how I'm ever going to go back in there again, now that..." She paused and flung her gaze to the dirt.

"Now that what?" Jimmy pushed her, "Now that we know?"

Lou nodded, turning even redder.

"Lou, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. The only shame lies with..." he broke off, unable to say the name, "him, not you."

Lou shook her head, "You're wrong, Jimmy. It was my fault for being stupid."

"No, Lou, can't you see?" Jimmy sighed, "You weren't stupid, you were innocent. There is such a big difference."

"The end result was pretty much the same, wouldn't you agree?"

"But it wasn't the end, now was it? You made it, you survived, and you won!"

Lou shook her head, "I ran away, I hid. Hell, I'm still hiding, Jimmy. I'm still as scared of him as I was the night it all happened. You saw how I froze today."

"You know, Lou, I've never known anyone like you," Jimmy suddenly said, shaking his head, "I've never known anyone, man or woman, as strong as you are. You beat all odds. I admire you, Lou."

"I'm sure you admire me a whole lot after finding out all this," She mumbled sarcastically.

"Stop it Lou!" Jimmy took her chin in his hands and turned her face up so that she was forced to look him in the eye and know he told her the truth, "So what, you are afraid of a man that hurt you badly. You have one weak spot. I have about a hundred. Hell, I don't know how, but knowing what you had to overcome to get to where you are today makes me respect you even more..."

Lou pulled away from his grasp and again stared out at the sky.

"You know, I've never told anyone this," Jimmy said, taking his eyes from Lou's profile and turning his face the sky also, "But when I was young, probably six or seven, a man rode up to our house. He asked to water his horse, and my mama agreed, of course. My pa was away with his abolitionist vigilance committee protecting run away slaves," Lou blinked in surprise at the bitterness in his voice, "So he wasn't there when that man turned on my mama. All I can remember is her screaming, and me running up and hitting the man as hard as I could, but he just knocked me down over and over. I couldn't protect her, and he raped her."

When Jimmy turned to glance at Lou, her eyes were boring into his. He couldn't fathom the expression behind them, but at least he had her attention.

"Afterwards I cried and cried, I was so upset because I couldn't protect my ma. I can remember her taking me in her arms and reaching for my hand. She put it against her face and said, 'James, see for yourself, I'm exactly the same now as I was before. He didn't take me away, and he didn't change me a bit, did he?' Now, Lou, I know it's not the same for you, because you were so young, but he didn't take away who you are," He took her hand and raised it to her face, making her touch her own face, "See for yourself."

"Jimmy, yes he did change me. As soon as I got away from him I quit being Louise altogether."

"No, you stopped wearing dresses, Lou," He smiled, squeezed her hand and let it go, "I mean Louise. But he didn't change the brave, honest, smart, loving young woman you are."

Lou didn't say anything, but her eyes were filled with tears of gratitude.

Jimmy set his arm around her shoulders, and she leaned her head on his shoulder. They watched the beautiful colors from the sunset fade into navy velvet in companionable silence.

"You are such a good man, Jimmy Hickok," She said after a long time.

"No, I'm not," He said, forever modest about his generosity, "But, I am cold, so what do you say to us going in?"

Lou balked, "I don't think I can. How do I face them?"

"What, you expect them to throw things at you?"

"No, that'd be a normal reaction from them. What do I say?" Lou looked panicked, she couldn't remember ever feeling so ill at ease at the prospect of going into the bunkhouse; at least not since her first nights in there with the boys.

Jimmy smiled, "Now, when have you ever had to say something to break the silence in there? Leave that to Cody."

Lou wasn't nearly as confident. Would they look on her with new eyes? Would they turn from her in disgust? Pity her? Scorn her? She didn't think she could stand any of those things.

"Lou, I just have one question for you before we go in," Jimmy told her.

"All right."

"When Wicks said you'd stolen something from him, what was he talking about?"

Lou lied through her teeth, "I don't know, Jimmy. He never did make a lot of sense."

Jimmy seemed satisfied with her answer, but Lou's mind was filled with guilt for deceiving him. Yes, she had the money Charlotte had stolen from him and had hidden it away. She'd die before she gave Wicks the satisfaction of having it back. That money was meant to give Charlotte a new life, a life free of the hell Wicks had kept her in for so long. Charlotte had given Lou a chance to make a wonderful life, and had come to Lou looking for the same favor. Only, Lou had failed her miserably, and the beautiful woman was dead. For Charlotte, she'd make sure Wicks never saw the money he so wanted again.

No matter what the price to her could be.

Jimmy gently placed his hand on Lou's back and ushered her into the warm bunkhouse ahead of him.

At first, it was everything Lou feared it would be. Uneasy silence greeted her as every one of the boys stopped in their tracks and turned toward her, staring. But, as Jimmy predicted, it was Cody who broke the strain.

Without a word, but with a gentle smile that reached all the way into his turquoise eyes, Cody walked to Lou and put his arms around her in a bear hug.

Lou felt tears sting her eyes as his unusual display of affection for her. They still loved her, she was still one of them. Her eyes met Noah's broad smile over Cody's shoulder as he set her back on her feet.

She sighed with relief. Jesse came to face her, his big eyes very troubled, "Lou, I'm sorry, I mean, that ain't what I meant to say."

Lou smiled softly and hugged the boy who had such a special place in her heart, "I know you just said it because you were worried about me."

"All of us were, Lou," Noah pointed out gently, "And for what it's worth, we want you to know that we are sorry."

Lou smiled, feeling oddly at peace for the first time since she'd laid eyes on Charlotte a few days ago, "I know you are sorry. And maybe it's best everything is out in the open now. Wicks is just a bad memory."

"A memory that ain't never gonna hurt you again," Jimmy promised.

"He'll have to go through every last one of us," Buck agreed.

Lou nodded, "You boys never cease to amaze me, you know."

"Yeah, we know," Cody grinned devishly and winked, "I, for one, never cease to amaze even myself."

"At least someone's impressed with you that way," Noah muttered, hiding a smile.


"You wanted to see me Teaspoon?" Lou asked as she poked her head into the marshal's office the next morning.

"Yeah, come on in, Lou," He waved her towards a chair.

Lou sighed, afraid of where this conversation was going already. Teaspoon perched himself on his desk and looked at her before saying, "I want to apologize for what happened last night. It was my fault."


"Lou, I pushed Rachel into telling me what you'd told her. Now, please don't go getting mad at Rachel, because she was worried about you. Everyone was. Anyway, Wicks had to stop back by here yesterday before leaving town, so I made it perfectly clear what would happen to him if we saw him around here again. I got kind of rattled at him, and lost my temper. I forgot that Jesse was still in the back of the office."

Lou nodded, glad to know that Rachel hadn't sat them all down and told them her secret directly. That had been a little too much to bear.

"It's okay Teaspoon. I don't know, maybe it's good that the boys got an explanation for my behavior the last few days."

"There's another thing I've been thinking about Lou. Now, I know I may be an old man, but I'm still pretty damned frightening when I want to be. I know I scared Wicks yesterday, and I know he believed that I really would kill him if I ever found him near you again. So he knows the kind of risk he was taking coming to the station and laying hands on you. Now, I can't help but think he must have thought it was worth the risk to come back. So, I'm wondering, if there ain't something you have that he wants."

Lou found she couldn't meet his eyes and lie to him at the same time, so she looked at her fidgeting hands, "I don't have anything that he would want besides revenge for being humiliated by you. Jimmy put that notion out of his mind when he chased him off."

"Darlin', I'm sorry if I caused you more trouble. Still, I'm worried that he'll come after you again. Do I need to worry?"

"No," Lou lied, "I saw the look on his face when Jimmy held the gun on him. He knew then that you meant it."

Teaspoon sighed with relief, "Good, I feel better."

Lou didn't. She hated deception, but if she was to get on with her life, she had to let them all think that Wicks was gone for good.

She had to let herself believe that too.


Kid couldn't remember ever having made the run to Blue Creek in such record time. Katy was blowing hard when Rock Creek rose into view, but for once Kid didn't care. Wicks had plagued his thoughts since he'd ridden out, and he'd been uneasy ever since he left Lou standing alone on the hard packed dirt, eyes strangely vacant.

He slung the pouch at Noah and his buckskin, pulled Katy up, and leapt off in nearly one movement. After taking a few stumbling steps to keep from falling flat on his face, he glanced up at the bunkhouse porch where Cody and Jesse were gleefully waiting for him to do just that. They were disappointed when he found his feet again.

"Katy not fast enough for you? You gonna deliver the mail on foot from now on, Kid?" Cody asked innocently.

"Very funny, Cody," Kid smiled slightly, "Where's Lou?"

"Ran away, said something about joining the carnival," Cody shrugged.

"What!" Kid exclaimed, not realizing that Cody was kidding until the words were out of his mouth.

Jesse laughed out loud at him then, which just encouraged Cody, "Yeah, said something about doing stunts and leaping through rings of fire. Did you know Lou could do that Jesse? I had no idea!"

"Cody!" Kid hissed, making a threatening step towards him, "Where is she?"

"Hey, ease up, Kid! She's out back with Buck watching Jimmy try to break the

bay stud."

Kid shot them both dirty looks as they howled with laughter at him. Jesse finally had the good sense to shut up, and jumped off the porch, "I'll take Katy, Kid."

"Thanks Jesse," Kid grinned, "So, I guess nothing really exciting happened around here, huh?"

"Oh, no, you're wrong!" Jesse said, his gift of putting his foot in his mouth second only to Cody, "Wicks came after Lou yesterday right after you'd left and was going to attack her, but Jimmy found him and, oops..." He said simply when Kid took off towards Lou.

"Way to go, Jesse," Cody sighed, rolling his eyes, "Poor Lou won't be able to peel him from her side now."

Jesse sighed, wondering if he'd ever learn to keep his mouth closed. Then he and Cody glanced at one another and knowing that a good show could be coming, they took off for the corral at the same time.

Lou and Buck laughed as Jimmy hit the dirt for the third time and groaned loudly.

"Where's Noah when you need him?" He gasped, rolling over to his back in the dirt and laying there.

Lou held the gate as a grinning Buck went into the corral to help Jimmy up again.

"You sure showed him," Buck commented.

"Yeah, I think so," Jimmy agreed, groaning again as he stiffly climbed to his feet.

Lou shook her head, "Yeah, you showed him how to get rid of anyone he doesn't care to have on his back!"

No sooner had the words come out of her mouth than someone grabbed her from behind.

With a gasp, then a yell, Lou spun around, her fists flying. Her knuckles found her mark, and it was too late to pull back as she realized it was Kid. Everything else happened fast. Buck pulled his gun, and Jimmy instinctively went for his, which wasn't strapped on. Cody and Jesse stopped cold not far from the scene, just as Jimmy and Buck started for Lou's attacker.

"Lou!" Kid yelped just before contact, then slumped to the ground with the force of the punch.

"Damn, Lou, remind me not to make you mad," Cody said, shaking his head and staring at Kid.

Covering her mouth with her bruised hand, Lou fell to her knees beside the Kid. Jimmy and Buck were instantly standing over them both. Kid mumbled and grimaced, as he quickly came to, bringing his hand to gingerly touch his swelling and purpling eye.

"Kid, I'm so sorry!" Lou gasped out, horrified.

Squinting into the blinding sunlight he saw Lou's pale face, then behind her Jimmy, Buck, Cody, and Jesse all trying not to laugh and failing miserably.

"I'm never gonna live this one down," Kid finally muttered, and shut his eyes again.


Not much later than that, Lou sat on Kid's bunk beside him, holding a raw steak to his eye, which was blackening quickly.

"I'm so sorry, Kid," Lou said for the hundredth time in the last five minutes.

Kid reached up and covered Lou's hand with his, "I already told you it was my fault. I should have known better than to sneak up on you and grab you with all that's been going on."

Lou sighed and gently disentangled her hand, letting Kid hold the steak.

Kid turned his head so he could study Lou out of his good eye, "So when do you think you might tell me what happened?"

"Not much to tell, Kid," Lou sighed, "Wicks came after me one more time before he skipped town, and Jimmy ran him off."

"And that's all?" Kid asked, having already had the story from Jimmy, "The end?"

"What are you talking about, Kid?" Lou mumbled, staring at her hands which were clenched into fists.

Kid grinned as he followed her eyes, and again sought her hand, "Aren't planning on using these fists on me again, are you? I promise I'll be good!"

Lou smiled and blushed, shaking her head and unclenching her fist. "I'm not making any promises!"

"Okay, Lou, tell me what really happened, why Wicks came after you again."

"Because I caused him to get into trouble, because Teaspoon insulted his pride and he wanted to have the last laugh."

"And?" Kid persisted.

"And what. That's it!" Lou said, growing irritated.

"No it ain't, and you know it Lou. Jimmy told me, Wicks said you had stolen something from him."

"If Jimmy's already gone behind my back and told you everything, I don't know why I have to sit here and put up with this, with this...treatment!" Lou snapped.

"Jimmy's worried about you, in fact everyone is. Most of all, me," Kid said, knowing he would have to be careful or she'd shut up like a clam, "He told me everything. How you didn't pull your gun, how you made him let Wicks go, how you denied everything to Teaspoon's face, and then how the truth came out. Did you forget about all that Lou?"

Lou resented his overly patient tone and snapped, "Why everyone has to know every detail of my life is beyond me!" At that moment the bunkhouse door came open and Jimmy, Buck, and Cody strolled in, "I've dealt with this alone until now, and I never needed any of you to watch over me! I never asked anyone to poke around in my business! I never should have told you Kid! I never should have trusted you!"

Buck quickly jumped from Lou's path as she let herself out of the bunkhouse. The slam echoed so loudly that all the boys jumped.

Jimmy sighed and seeing the look on Kid's face said, "Kid, she didn't mean that. None of this is easy for her."

"Don't you think I know that?" Kid snapped, then calmed his voice, "I just want to be sure that Wicks won't try to get her again."

"I don't think you can be sure of that, Kid," Buck sighed, "Not until he's dead."


Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V



Title Page

The Storybook

The Kidnation