Chapter 11

Crowded into the small waiting area, they sat for more than half an hour before Teaspoon dared to break the silence. The thought running through his mind had been bothering him since they'd rescued Lou and discovered Wicks was on the run. "Kid?" Teaspoon waited, but got no response from the man leaning against the wall next to the curtain leading into the examining room. "Kid?" he tried again.

Kid heard his name both times, but wasn't ready to talk with anyone. He was trying to listen for the doctor. Trying to hear if he talked to Rachel or with his wife, who was also his nurse, or even for sounds from Lou. He heard nothing.

"Kid, are you awake over there?"

Finally Kid nodded, but didn't turn his head.

"I know you're worried about Lou, but I'm beginning to worry 'bout something else."

Teaspoon gained his attention with his troubled tone and Kid turned to face the older man. "What about?"

He didn't know how to ask, afraid it would push Kid over the edge, but it was a legitimate concern. "Does your father." Seeing Kid's murderous look, Teaspoon changed his approach. "Does Wicks know about Jeremiah and Teresa being in that orphanage? Would he go after them to hurt Lou?"

Kid's shoulders slumped and the air rushed out of him. What else could go wrong, he wondered? "I don't know, Teaspoon, maybe." It was the best he could offer. Running fingers through his hair, he wracked his brain to try and remember if in any of his talks with Wicks he'd mentioned Lou's brother and sister and the real reason for being in St. Joe. "I might've mentioned them, I might not've, but if he knows, he's likely to do anything to hurt Lou and me at this point, so I wouldn't put it past him."

"Then we need to go get 'em, Kid. We can't leave 'em there and risk puttin' them in harms way."

"I can't leave Lou, Teaspoon." He was torn between duty and love. He knew he should go for her siblings, they were essentially his siblings now too, but he knew he couldn't bring himself to leave Lou's side.

The strain of the situation was evident on the Kid's face and Teaspoon felt for the young man. "Would they come with me if I went for them?" He'd heard all about their experience with Boggs two years before and suspected the children would be reluctant to leave with a stranger again.

"I doubt it. They were expectin' us to come for them today. If you go, they might think it was another trick. Besides, the Sisters there are very protective of Teresa and Jeremiah after what happened last time." Thinking back on the incident with Boggs, he found it ironic that Lou was almost killed by both of their fathers.

"What about me?" asked Buck. "I was there when we took them back to the orphanage. I think they'd remember me. I even talked to the head nun for a while."

Kid contemplated the offer. It was the best solution and he trusted Buck to take care of the children. "Thank you. It would be best if we brought them to the hotel until we're ready to head back to Rock Creek. I have something at the hotel so they'll know Lou and I sent you. I'll be right back."

Before he walked out the door, Kid looked back at his friends. "If she comes to before I get back, come for me right away." He was out the door quickly, a look of determination etched on his face.

"Dear, God. I hadn't even thought about the children," sighed Charlotte. "What have I done?" She bent her head and began to weep into her hands as Travis rubbed her shoulders and tried to calm her.

"Charlotte, you can't go blamin' yourself," consoled Teaspoon weakly. In a way, he wanted to blame her for her dishonesty, but he knew Wicks was just a twisted man who would have attacked Lou under any circumstance. "Lou's gonna be okay and once Buck gets the children we'll all feel better."

"I should have told Louise the truth. Then she could have still come for them, but avoided this city. I was so selfish!"

"Sweetheart, you're being too hard on yourself," soothed Travis. "I'm sure once you talk to Louise she'll understand."

Charlotte shook her head and hiccupped as she tried to slow her tears. As the door to the surgery opened and Kid reappeared, she couldn't look the young man in the eyes. She felt terrible about the situation and knew that if he wasn't so wrapped up in dealing with the pain of his father and Ethan Wicks being one and the same, she would be feeling the full weight of his blame.

Moving to stand in front of his friend, Kid rambled in a lifeless tone. "When you get there, Buck, talk to Sister Marie. She's the one you met who's in charge and if you have to, tell her a little about why it's you and not us there to get Teresa and Jeremiah. Tell her Lou's sick or something, but try not to scare her or the children. If you have any trouble with them, show Teresa this doll." Kid handed over the doll Lou had carried only a few days before. "It was Lou's and she gave it to Teresa years ago. Teresa gave it back to Lou the other day. She'll know Lou sent you if you have it."

Buck moved his head up and down. "You want me to bring them here?"

"No, take them to the hotel. I don't want them here until we know more about Lou. It's gonna scare them enough to know she's sick, let alone if they see how hurt she is." Kid's voice died off and he turned again to look at the closed curtain.

"There's been no word," offered Cody.

Kid knew it would take some time for the doctor to fully evaluate Lou. "I brought her some bed clothes for when they're done. She'll feel much better in her own things."

No one replied and looking at Kid none were surprised that he hadn't bothered to put on a new shirt himself. His long john shirt was the only thing he wore under the coat that was handed back to him upon their arrival.

"You want me to go with Buck, Kid?"

Kid shook his head. He'd thought about sending Jimmy to the orphanage instead, knowing the children would remember him best of all, but on the walk back from the hotel he made a different decision. "Jimmy, would you come outside with me for a minute?" Kid wouldn't meet the eyes of anyone in the room and walked out onto the porch of the surgery without waiting for an answer.

Jimmy looked over at Teaspoon who nodded his head solemnly. They both knew what Kid was going to ask of him. Although they both knew how hard Jimmy was trying to separate himself from his reputation, they also knew he would do anything the Kid asked of him. Jimmy didn't need Teaspoon's approval or understanding, he was his own man, but he did want it. They'd spent too long being friends, and Teaspoon had invested too much time in helping him grow up, for Jimmy not to care what he thought. With the single, slight nod of his head, Teaspoon was able to communicate that he understood completely.

Shutting the door behind him, Jimmy stood and watched Kid. Standing just off the porch and staring into the sun, it appeared he was desperately trying to let the distant fire burn all of the pain out of him. Jimmy knew it wouldn't work. The pain, the hate, the despair and even the love he felt for his injured wife would stay with him until she began to heal.

Kid spoke without turning, he knew Jimmy was behind him. "I'm gonna ask you for a favor like I've never asked of you before. I'd do this myself, but I can't leave Lou right now."

"You know I'll do anything for the two of you. You're my best friend, we're family."

To Kid, the words rang true. Teaspoon always told them that family took care of it's own, but did he mean for it to go this far? "I want you to find Ethan Wicks and bring him to me." He would never refer to Wicks as his father, either in public or private. "Buck said he got that bartender to tell him that Wicks was likely in Kansas City at his other saloon."

"Kid," Jimmy started to immediately reason with him. "I know you like to do the right thing and all, but bringing him in for trial? Is this really the time to be fair?" This wasn't what he'd been expecting to be asked to do. He wasn't prepared for this type of justice.

Kid whipped around on his heel and stepped forward so he was nose to nose with Jimmy, so close that the brims of their hats battled for space. He spoke so quietly that even with the nearness, Jimmy had to lean forward to hear him. "I said I want you to find him and bring him to me."

Kid's calm demeanor unnerved Jimmy, but he let him continue uninterrupted.

"Because, you see, I'm always fair," Kid laughed maniacally. "And he is gonna get a trial, but this one will be different. For this one, I'm gonna be both judge and jury. He'll answer to me for what he's done and only me." Kid remained toe to toe with Jimmy, staring hard into his friend's eyes. "He'll die for this, Jimmy, even if I die making sure of it."

Jimmy stayed outside after Kid returned to the surgery. He released the breath he'd been holding since Kid had turned on him. He'd seen Kid angry before - when he'd gone after Cole Lambert for wrongly killing a man and for beating on Lou and also when they'd scuffled before Kid and Lou's wedding because of Rosemary's deception and secrets - were among the worst times he could remember, but this was different. Kid was beyond anger. This was blinding fury, burning hate and a passion for revenge rolled into one man. He'd stood there and felt it radiate from him and Jimmy knew if left festering, the rage had the power to destroy his friend.

Kid settled into a seat and stared at the wall in front of him, willing the curtains to part and the doctor to walk back through. No one questioned why Jimmy didn't return and Buck left to see if he could catch him before riding out to the orphanage.

After fifteen more minutes, Dr. Paul Bailey finally stepped into the waiting area. "Mr. McCloud?"

Kid was up and in front of the doctor before the man could finish saying his name. "How's my wife?"

"She's resting now. Ms. Dunne and my wife are going to finish bathing her, then you can go in and see her for a little while."

Kid stuck his hand out and wordlessly offered the clean nightgown he'd brought for Lou.

The kindly doctor took it and laid it over his arm. "I'm sure she'll feel better in her own things. I'll give this to the ladies. I'd like to speak with you before you see her."

The doctor's tone of voice set Kid's heart racing. "Is she alright, Doc? You can tell me now, these are our friends." Kid swept his hand back to indicate Teaspoon, Cody, Charlotte and Travis who were standing behind him.

"She's going to recover, Mr. McCloud." He looked over Kid's shoulder and smiled gently at the other anxious faces. "It would be better if I could talk to you privately about it."

Kid agreed nervously. He knew what Wicks had done to Lou was bad, but the doctor's insistence on privacy was further scaring him.

Teaspoon put his hand on Kid's shoulder. "We'll go for a spell. I need to talk to the mayor about gettin' a new Marshal for the town anyway." Hearing that Lou was going to be okay made it easier to walk away without actually seeing her. "Cody'll come with me, won't you, Cody?"

"Sure, Teaspoon. Then I'll get us all rooms at the hotel for the night. We'll come back in a little while." For once Cody knew better than to argue or run his mouth.

"I'll take Charlotte over to the hotel and get us settled in. She needs to rest. I can reserve the other rooms," offered Travis.

Kid tuned out the conversation behind him as the group put plans into motion and departed. The sudden silence in the room was deafening as the door slapped closed and he stood rooted, waiting for the doctor to come back from taking the two women the clean nightgown.

Returning to the newly emptied room, the doctor found Kid unmoving. "Why don't you come have a seat by my desk?" He gently propelled Kid towards the large oak desk in the far corner of the room. He turned to the stove behind him and poured two cups of coffee before taking his seat.

"I shouldn't really drink anymore of this," Kid stated absently as he took his first sip of the hot brew. He knew too much made him jittery.

Dr. Bailey nodded and sipped his own. "I shouldn't drink it either. Too much makes me shake all day, but it's what makes the day easier." He waited for Kid to sit further back in the chair and face him before starting his talk in earnest. "I'm sure you are an intelligent young man, Mr. McCloud, so, I won't try to dance around the facts here."

"Thank you." Kid felt strangely comforted by the doctor's straightforward demeanor. He could tell the man had taken good care of Lou.

"Ethan Wicks is a sadistic man. I've treated his girls before."

"Lou was not one of his girls!" Kid roared, instantly riled up again. How could he have misjudged the doctor? Did he actually have the audacity to think Lou was a working girl?

Reaching out to cover Kid's hand with his own, Paul Bailey kept his voice even. "Mr. McCloud, please, you have to calm down. I was by no means insinuating that your wife was an employee of Ethan Wicks. Ms. Dunne set me straight right from the start. I was just trying to let you know that I have seen his handiwork before."

Kid breathed deeply and tried to regain his composure. "I'm sorry." He felt badly for jumping to conclusions about the doctor. "This is just so hard." Kid's voice broke as he felt the fight drain out of him.

"I understand that, I really do. What you have to do now is remain strong for your wife. Most of her wounds will heal quickly. They seem recent, like they were inflicted in the last twelve hours or so. She doesn't have any broken ribs, but she has more bruises than a cowboy kicked off a wild horse. Those will likely look worse before they get better, but the ones across her body will fade. It's her swollen eyes and the lip that concern me the most."

Kid clenched his eyes closed. He clearly saw Lou's damaged face looking up at him from the dirty bed, begging him to help her. "Why?"

"The lip looks as if it's been split a few times, like every time it stopped bleeding, it was started again. I've got some ointment on it now to keep it moist, but I'm concerned there could be a scar." The doctor could tell that below the bruises his patient was a woman of real beauty. It pained him that this incident would leave a lasting mark.

"Will it be big?" Kid didn't care if it covered her entire face, he'd love Lou no matter what, but he knew any visible reminder of Wicks and his horrible fists would crush her.

"I don't think so. It's on her upper lip, maybe as big as the nail on your small finger." The doctor traced his finger over his own lip in the spot where Lou's cut was. "I'm hoping it heals without one, but we'll have to watch it. The cuts from the ropes should heal over, but I want to watch for infections. The skin's pretty raw."

Kid closed his eyes again and saw the image of Lou's chaffed wrists and ankles, but it was the image of her badly distorted face that wouldn't leave him. "You said you're worried about her eyes?"

"They're very bruised and swollen, but until she wakes up and the swelling goes down, I won't be able to know about her vision. In a few cases, I've seen patients that have been hit about their head and eyes like I think she has, get their eyeballs knocked loose. It's what's called a lazy eye. It just goes one way while the good eye works fine. In extreme cases, I've seen some patients lose their sight. With any hope, your wife will be fine. Right now we have some cold compresses on them to try and bring down the puffiness. I also have her propped up so the blood doesn't collect in her head."

Kid nodded, afraid that if he opened his mouth he might get sick again. This was overwhelming. The more the doctor spoke, the more he realized there was a possibility for permanent damage and they hadn't even discussed the worst of it.

The doctor could see the Kid getting pale. "Do you want some air before we continue?"

"No, just get on with it. I need to see her."

The doctor softened his tone. "You know what he did to her, don't you, son?"

Kid's eyes clouded over and turned a dark, stormy blue as the anger built behind them. "The bastard raped her."

"Yes, he did. More than once I'm afraid." He watched Kid's jaw tighten and his knuckles whiten as his hands clenched into fists. He'd seen it before - talks like these were never easy. "She was still unconscious when I examined her, so I don't believe she'll remember it."

Lips pursed together, Kid gave a singular nod. "How bad is it?"

"She's gonna hurt for a while, but I honestly don't believe he did any permanent damage. Physically she'll recover."

"Will she be able to have babies? We've talked about a big family. It'll kill Lou if she can't have babies." Kid was beginning to ramble as he seized the little bit of good news the doctor offered.

Dr. Bailey smiled weakly. "I think she'll be able to have a baby, Mr. McCloud. It's really going to be a matter of whether she wants to or not." He didn't know how to explain to him that it was the mental recovery that would be the toughest of all. How did he tell him that the young woman might not want him in the same way she once had?

"You mean." Kid's voice lost its power as the doctor's words registered.

"Yes, unfortunately it's not uncommon in cases like this. You have to be prepared for the possibility that your wife may no longer want to be intimate with you."

There was nothing left to say. As the doctor left him to his thoughts, Kid's only reaction was to drop his head to the hard wood desk and weep openly. He cried for Lou. He cried for himself. Mostly he cried for what he feared was their lost love. He was still sobbing several minutes later when Rachel came to him and pulled him into her arms like a mother would.

"Kid, she's gonna be all right," she murmured gently, as she stroked his back and rocked him slowly. "She's gonna be okay."

"How can you say that, Rachel?" His head buried against her side, Kid's words were muffled by her blouse. "You were in there, you know what he did to her. She may never want me again."

Rachel's heart tore apart further than she thought possible. Stepping back she took Kid's face in her hands and wiped at his tears with her thumbs. "You have to have faith, Kid. That's all I can tell you now. I know you love Louise and she loves you, so for now, that's what you're gonna have to rely on. I won't lie to you. It's gonna take time, maybe a long time, but together you'll heal and be a stronger family for it. Can you do that, Kid? Can you give her the time she's gonna need?"

Kid nodded. He was in their marriage for better or worse and he would not forsake his vows. "I can give her forever if I have to."

Rachel could only smile at his sweet words and innocent face as she bent to kiss his forehead. "I hope it won't come to that, Kid. Why don't you go into her now? She's sleeping, but it's good to sit with her. She's getting some of her color back. I bet she'll wake up soon."

"You really think so?" Kid's face lit up at the mere thought.

"I do." Steering him towards the closed curtain, Rachel let him go in alone. "Just sit with her, let her know you're there." She let the curtain fall back in place and turned to race from the empty office, the strain finally too much for her to bear.

Chapter 12


Title Page

The Storybook

The Kidnation