Chapter 12

He sat with her for hours and each time she stirred he prayed she was waking, but as more time passed, she remained fast asleep. At least she seemed at peace. Kid only left her side, when as the sun began to set, Buck came to tell him the children were getting anxious.

"Will you sit with her, Buck?"

"Of course." His words were confident, but Buck looked tentatively through the heavy curtains at Lou's motionless form tucked into the recovery bed. The scene was too close to the sight of Ike lying pale and breathless after being shot. The shudder that ran through his body rattled his bones.

Kid saw his friend's uneasiness. "We can send for Rachel if you prefer."

Buck shook his head and stepped towards the curtain. "I can be here for her." He would gather some of his inner strength and maybe even a few prayers to say for Lou. "The kids are with Rachel in the room next to yours."

"Thanks. Did you have any problems?"

"No, the doll did the trick, but they're pretty scared, Kid."

"Who isn't?" he turned without another word and headed for the hotel.


When Kid reached the room Jeremiah and Teresa were sharing he found the door slightly ajar. He could hear Rachel's voice quietly reading a book and as he opened the door further he found Teresa curled to her side listening intently, while Jeremiah sat by himself, staring out the window.

'Kid!" Teresa squealed as she jumped from the bed and rushed at him.

Kid dropped down and scooped the young girl into his arms. "Hey there, sweetheart. You doin' okay?"

"Where's Louise? Everyone keeps sayin' she's at the doctors."

Kid smoothed her hair back from her face and carried her over to the window where Jeremiah was watching them closely. "That's what I wanted to come talk to you two about." He set Teresa down and indicated that both children should sit at the small table while he sat on the edge of the bed.

Teresa climbed into one of the upholstered chairs, but Jeremiah refused to budge. Kid could tell the boy would not make this any easier.

"Lou has to stay at the doctor for a day or two. It's just until she's feeling better."

"We know that," snapped Jeremiah. "No one's tellin' us why she's gotta stay there."

Kid didn't know how to explain it simply. There was no way he could tell two children the full truth. "Well, she had an accident," was all he could muster.

Jeremiah stepped out of the shadows to stand before Kid and look him directly in the eyes. His dark brown eyes that matched Lou's were stormy as he hissed at Kid, "Did you hit her?"

Kid was floored by the question and couldn't respond. He heard Rachel gasp behind him.

"Did you?" Jeremiah's anger was building and Kid could see the boy's small fists clenching at his sides.

Looking past Jeremiah, Kid could see Teresa beginning to cry. He wasn't sure if it was because of Jeremiah's anger or because she really thought him capable of hurting Lou. "God, no! What would make you think that? I would never hurt your sister. I love her." He was being honest, but he could see there was no immediate diffusion of the situation in sight.

At the age of thirteen, Jeremiah was growing older, but not necessarily wiser to the world. He knew he'd hurt the Kid's feelings with his accusation and although he backed down some, he would not give up the protective position he'd taken, effectively separating Kid from Teresa. "That's what my Pa used to do to my Ma. Sometimes he'd do it to Louise or us. I just figured you'd do it to."

Kid laid his hands on Jeremiah's tensed shoulders. "Please know I'd never do anything to your sister, or to hurt the two of you. Just because there are some bad people in the world, doesn't mean everyone's like that. You'll see." He stood and guided Jeremiah closer to where Teresa sat. Stooping to look the young girl in the eyes, he dried her tears with his thumbs, much like Rachel had done for him earlier.

"Now, I'll tell you the truth. Someone bad did hurt Lou. He knew her from before we met and he saw her again when we came here the other day. He took her for a while and yes, he did hit her, but we've got her back now and the doctor said she'll get better soon. Do you believe me when I tell you that?"

Two heads nodded together.

"We're family now, all of us, and I'm gonna try and be as truthful with you as possible. I don't ever want you thinking I'm lying to you or hiding something. We have to all be there for each other, okay?"

Her head still nodding, and a small smile playing across lips that barely concealed a missing tooth, Teresa asked, "Can we see Louise?"

"Not yet, Tessie. She's resting and I'm gonna go back and sit with her tonight. I don't want her to get lonely. Rachel's gonna stay here with you and make sure you get some dinner."

Kid stood, but not before kissing Teresa on the cheek and ruffling Jeremiah's hair. "I'll see you again in the morning and maybe you can see Lou then."

As Kid was about to walk out the door, Jeremiah called to him.

"Kid. The bad guy, did you kill him like you did that man who said he was our Pa?"

Kid inwardly cringed over the fact that the young boy recalled that incident so easily and would always associate it with him. "No, Jeremiah, he got away."

Jeremiah seemed to contemplate that for a second. "Do you think he's still out there?"

"I really don't know, but we're not taking any chances. Someone will stay with your sister and with the two of you all the time and we'll be gone from here very soon. Okay?"


Kid slipped into the hallway and Rachel followed him.

"You handled that well, Kid."

Kid was standing with his back pressed to the wall, his eyes clamped tightly closed. "God, Rachel, I can't believe that he thought I'd hurt Lou."

"Kid, that's the only life that poor boy has known - a life where a husband beats his wife and one where it happens almost everyday. You and Lou, you'll be able to change that for him once you get them home. They'll see your love for each other and how love can fill a home fuller than fear any day."

"I hope so, Rachel, I really hope so."


Sitting in the chair beside Lou's bed, Kid drifted off to sleep in the late hours of the night. Teaspoon and Cody were rotating the watch on the doctor's surgery and Buck was staying with Rachel and the children in the hotel. The town had formed a posse to hunt down Ethan Wicks, but Kid knew they were too little, too late. His money was on Jimmy. He felt about as safe as he could when he considered that they were unmoving targets.

She could tell she wasn't bound and trapped in the little room above the saloon anymore. The linens felt fresh and cool, and for the first time in over two days she was able to move her feet and hands without feeling the ropes grinding in deeper. She wanted to open her eyes, but they felt as if they were glued shut. Slowly drawing her fingertips to her face she felt it like a blind woman would. To the touch, Lou knew it was not one she would recognize if she looked into a mirror. She could feel the puffy eyes. Her lip was sore and covered in a goop that had a funny smell. Her nose didn't seem to be broken, but both her jaw and neck were stiff.

For Lou, the swollen and obviously bruised flesh was the physical verification that everything had been a reality and not a long-playing nightmare as she'd hoped. She wondered if her memories of the rescue were real or if she had only imagined that it was Kid who'd saved her from hell.

Struggling to sit up further, she hoped that if she got herself upright she might be able to ease her eyes open and figure out exactly where she was. She was somewhat sure that she remembered someone mentioning a doctor. Had it been Kid? No. Rachel. Memories of Rachel's voice played with her mind. Was she at the doctors? Was she at the hotel? Could she possibly be back in Rock Creek already? She wasn't sure how long she'd been asleep, but the one thing she did know was that she was thirsty, very thirsty, and surprisingly, she was hungry.

"Hello?" she croaked, hoping someone was in the room with her. Without the use of her eyes she was helpless. "Anybody here?" she called again in a ragged whisper. Her throat was so dry it felt like she had swallowed a trail full of dirt.

Kid twisted in the uncomfortable chair and struggled to get some desperately needed sleep. It came in fits through the night, waking each time he thought he heard noises from Lou through the restless haze. Looking at her motionless form, he saw that she was still sleeping; there was no movement or words of greeting. He let his eyes close again and tucking his head to his chest, searched for sleep.

Her first attempt to sit up had exhausted her, but Lou was determined to get water for her scorching throat. Weakly pushing back against the pillows she was growing frustrated that no one was answering her. She could hear breathing in the room. "Hello? I hear you. Where am I?" she choked.

Kid's head snapped up. He had heard Lou! "Oh, God, Lou! You're awake!" Grabbing the seat of his chair he pulled it and himself closer to the bed. Taking Lou's hand in his own he leaned close to talk to her. "Lou, it's Kid. Are you really awake? Talk to me," he begged.

She wanted to nod, too parched to talk, but the slightest up and down movement of her head made the throbbing that coursed through it worse. "Yes. Water. Please." The three words were all she could manage.

"Oh my, of course!" Kid grabbed for the pitcher on the side table and poured half a cup. Turning back to Lou he realized he would have to help her drink it. "Lou, I have to hold your head up." He was afraid his touch would upset her.

Unaware of Kid's concerns, Lou only knew that her thirst was raging. "Please," she pleaded. "The water."

Placing one hand behind her head, Kid carefully tipped her forward and brought the cup to her waiting lips. He smiled for the first time in days as she drank hungrily and emptied the cup.

Lou found the cool water refreshing, but it wasn't completely satisfying. "I'm hungry."

He nearly danced with joy as he heard her ask for food. The doctor said it would be a good sign if she woke up ready to eat. It would mean her body craved the food to turn to energy to help it heal. "I'll go get the Doc. He'll want to talk to you and I'll get you some soup."

As she heard Kid rush from the room, Lou strained to process what was going on. It was obvious that she was at a doctors office and that she was very hurt, but she wanted to make out all the details of her captivity. She was desperate to remember.

It took only minutes for Kid to rouse the doctor and his wife from their room upstairs and all the running about alerted Teaspoon who was taking his turn on watch. All returned with Kid to find Lou awake, but still unable to open her eyes to see their smiling faces.

"Well, young lady, good morning. Or, should I say, good evening?" The doctor picked up Lou's wrist to take her pulse. "You've been asleep for quite a while, but you needed it. My name's Dr. Paul Bailey and I've been taking care of you."

"Thank you." Even speaking around her swollen lip, Lou's gratitude and relief could be detected.

"I don't want to get you too worked up right now, so we'll do an examination in the morning, but you need to eat the soup my wife is fixin'."

Lou liked the sound of the doctor's voice, but the thought of a careful examination sent a shiver up her spine.

No one seemed to notice her uneasiness. No one except for the Kid.

"Doctor," Lou asked tentatively, her voice barely a hair above a whisper, "Am I blind?"

The doctor bent forward and took her hand in his. "My dear girl, right now you can't see because of the inflammation of your face. That's why you can't open your eyes. As for permanent damage, we'll have to see in a day or two when I can get a better look. I'm optimistic though. You just rest and we'll look you over in the morning."

As the doctor headed out of the recovery room to speed his wife along, Teaspoon moved forward. "Hey there, Lou. How you feelin', darlin'?"

Lou felt tears forming behind her swollen lids at the sound of the gruff, familiar voice. "Hi, Teaspoon. You came for me?"

"Of course I did, we all did. As soon as Kid sent word there was trouble we were on the way."


"Well, Cody and Buck and Jimmy are here too. Even Rachel and the McKays. They're at the hotel sleepin', like you should be."

Lou pushed at her painful lip with her tongue. "I've been sleepin' for a while now, so I'm okay. You should go on though. I'll be fine."

Teaspoon looked at Kid.

Kid shook his head to indicate they hadn't talked yet and discussed Wicks or what had transpired in the past few days.

"Okay, darlin', I'm sure you are, but you get some more rest and we'll come see you in the morning." He didn't want to tell her that he would be on guard for a few more hours before he and Cody switched again.

Raising a tentative hand to her face, Lou tried to smile. "Maybe they should wait until I'm lookin' a little better. I don't want to scare 'em." Even without her sight, Lou knew she looked frightful.

"Don't you worry about us. You look beautiful, as always." He leaned forward to kiss the top of her head.

Kid could see Lou cringe even if Teaspoon didn't. "I'll show you out, Teaspoon."

Walking to the curtain that separated the room from the front office, Kid whispered closely, "You'll stay nearby?"

"Course, Kid." Teaspoon could feel the young man's anxiety.

Kid watched Teaspoon leave with a lighter step. He was relieved to take the worry out of his friend's eyes, but he couldn't help but fear that they weren't over the worst of it yet. As he turned to head back to Lou's bedside Mrs. Bailey arrived with the warm broth.

"Here you go, Mr. McCloud. You'll have to spoon it to her since the poor bird can't see."

Kid smiled kindly. "Thank you, Mrs. Bailey. I'm sorry to have woken you so late and all."

"Nonsense. I'm just happy you're young lady is feeling up to some food. My broth works like magic!"

"I hope so." Kid smiled weakly and turned back towards Lou as the older woman let the black curtain fall back into place behind him. He carried the hot soup carefully back to the chair he'd been using as his bed only a short while earlier.


"It's me. I have the soup."

Lou hated the helpless feeling being sightless gave her. "Can I have more water first?"

"Sure. You want to sit up higher, so you don't spill?" Kid felt like he was talking to a child.


Placing the soup aside, Kid carefully put his hands under Lou's arms to pull her to more of a sitting position. He could feel her body tense, but neither said a word.

As he plumped the pillows behind her, Lou let out the breath she'd been holding. She wasn't completely sure why she didn't like him touching her, but every time he came too close she felt a slight sweat breaking out. It had been the same way when the doctor touched her and even when Teaspoon kissed her.

"Can you give the cup to me? I can drink it myself."

Kid nodded, forgetting she couldn't see it. Filling the old tin cup half full, he pressed it into her hands. When she indicated she was finished, he took it back and returned it to the table.

"Do you really have to feed me? I'm not a baby." Her pride was hurting almost as much as her wounds.

"I know you're not, but it'll be easier for you. Hopefully by tomorrow you'll be able to open your eyes."

Lou didn't respond, instead running her fingers up to her face and covering the purplish flesh. "I must look hideous." She felt hideous.

"Lou, please. Don't say that. It'll all heal." He despised hearing her doubt her looks. She was beautiful as always, no matter what Wicks had done to her.

"You're just saying that because you have to."

"I'd never do that to you. You're beautiful, Lou, don't ever stop believing that. As he watched her drop her hands he moved in closer with the soup. "It doesn't seem too hot, but we'll be careful anyways."

Neither spoke as Lou worked her way through the broth and finished it all. While Kid turned to set the empty dish aside, Lou slid back down the pillows. The heat of the soup warming her from the inside out, she was drowsy again.

Kid watched as Lou found a comfortable position and waited until she appeared to be drifting back to sleep before he leaned forward to pull the blankets up around her. Bending to kiss her gently on the forehead he whispered, "I'm sorry, Lou. So sorry."

She wasn't asleep. She heard his words. They were the first he'd spoken about the attack and Lou stiffened because of them. She didn't want to talk about it. She was hoping that if she ignored it, it would all go away. She wanted to bury it like she had the first time. "Don't say things like that, Kid."

He was shocked at the harsh tone of Lou's reply. He was being honest. He hated that this happened to her, hated that he hadn't been there to protect her, and even more he hated who'd done it to her. "Why not? I meant it. I am sorry." Nervous words rolled off his tongue. "If only I'd gone with you like you asked. If only I'd met you for lunch during the day. If only."

"If only what, Kid?" Lou cut him off as images and memories of her capture and torture flashed behind her closed eyes. It was everything she had been trying to avoid for the past hour. Everything she had planned to avoid for the rest of her life. "If only Charlotte hadn't lied to me and told me the bastard was dead? If only we hadn't come to St. Joe in the first place? If only I hadn't had to work for him when I was fourteen years old to survive? God, Kid, you don't know Ethan Wicks! He's evil and he's sick and." Stopping her tirade short, Lou's shaking hands flew up to cover her gaping mouth. The warm feeling left by the soup went icy cold and she barely made it to the edge of the bed before she began to retch and empty her stomach of the broth and water that rumbled within.

Kid watched Lou's violent bodily reaction in horror. It was as if, until that very moment, she'd managed to block out the fact that her tormentor was related to him by blood, that the man who'd taken her very soul was the same man who'd created him.

Dropping to his knees beside the bed, he pushed the loose hairs away from her face and rubbed her back in small circles as the retching turned to empty, body wracking heaves. "Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God," was all Kid could manage to say over and over again. "Lou, I'm so sorry. Please, please believe me. I didn't know!"

Lou jerked away from Kid's soothing hands. "Stop touching me! Leave me alone!" She batted at him through her darkness praying she would find flesh or bone or both. She wanted him to hurt as much as she did at that moment.

He tried to help her back to the pillows. "Lou, you're gonna fall, let me help you." He was reaching for her again, desperate to make her understand that he hadn't known. "I didn't know he was here. I didn't know what kind of man he was!"

"Let go of me! I don't ever want the hands of another Wicks man on me!"

Kid stumbled over his words. She wasn't listening to him. "My name's not Wicks. It's not his real name. It's the name he took when he ran out on us. It's not mine! I'm not a Wicks! I'm not him!"

"He's your father! You're his son! His blood is in your veins!" Lou roared with a burst of energy she didn't know she had. "How could you, Kid? How could you have let him do this to me?"

"I didn't know he was here, Lou. I didn't know he'd hurt you before. Believe me, I'd never let anyone hurt you."

"Well, Kid, he did hurt me!"

Lou's voice had risen to such a pitch that she'd woken the doctor and his wife and drawn Teaspoon in from his position on the porch. All stood open-mouthed in the doorway as they watched Lou continue her hysterical ranting.

"He's your father!" she repeated. "You share blood, you share family history, you shared your precious Virginia and now," pausing, she took a great gasp of air and flung the words at him that she knew would cut to the bone. "You've shared me!"

"Don't talk like that, Lou!" Kid's own hysteria was growing to a fever pitch. "That's not fair to say! I haven't seen him in over twelve years, since the day he ran out on us. By the time I bumped into him here, he already had you! I didn't know. It wasn't as if he come out and said, 'Oh, by the way, I have your wife right upstairs.' He told me you'd likely run off with another man!"

"So that makes this all okay? Get out of here, Kid! I don't want you near me anymore!"

"Don't do this, Lou. I want to help you. We can fix this together." He was pleading for his life.

"Fix what? I'm not a broken window. I'm a used woman, no better than the town whore and no matter what I do, where I go, I'll always know in the back of my mind that it was my husband's father who did this to me! Get out of here! I can't stand to have you near me!"

Lou's words hung heavy in the room and as silence fraught with fear and pain descended, it was the only witness to the shattering of two hearts.

Chapter 13


Title Page

The Storybook

The Kidnation