AUTHOR'S NOTE: This chapter contains scenes of a more mature nature.

Chapter 18

Two months later, on his next visit to Rock Creek to check on Louise McCloud, Dr. Bailey was able to see more changes in the young woman than just the physical ones the pregnancy was having on her body. It was mid-April and spring was early in the Nebraska Territories, but something more than the brisk wind had a glow on her cheeks. Watching Kid take a seat in the front room as he closed the curtains, the doctor tried to hide his satisfied smile.

"How are you feeling this time, Lou?" he asked as he gave her a warm hug and passed her over for his wife to do the same.

"Like I swallowed a watermelon!" she laughed as she emphasized her protruding belly. "And according to Buck and my brother I waddle like a duck. They even quack at me when I pass by!"

"Pay them no mind," soothed Mrs. Bailey. "I have yet to meet a man who would survive birthin' a baby after the first labor pain hit and until I do, I won't listen to a word they say about expectin' mamas."

Lou laughed heartily and could even hear the Kid laughing from the waiting room.

"Is it safe to say that's your charming husband I hear eavesdropping?" asked the doctor's wife.

Lou's eyes widened and she looked over at Dr. Bailey questioningly. She knew he knew about the divorce and was genuinely surprised he hadn't told his wife. When he shook his head at her, Lou knew she would have to tell the sweet, older woman what had transpired since their first meeting.

"Well, Mrs. Bailey, it is the Kid waitin' on me, but we ain't married anymore." She dropped her head, embarrassed that the situation had come to this and that as a soon-to-be mother she was unwed.

"Not married anymore? Oh my. I have missed some things by staying with Mother when Paul comes here to visit. Well, let's get you up here on the table, young lady, because after the doc is done, you and I have some talkin' to do."

Looking up into Mrs. Bailey's intense hazel eyes, she felt trapped like a deer in a rifle site, but the hint of a smile from the older woman helped to ease her fears. While embarrasses by her predicament, at the same time, Lou knew the kind and honest woman would be just the person she could ask about some very delicate concerns she had. As much as she relied on Rachel for advice and opinions, she was both too nervous and embarrassed to ask her about it.

Climbing onto the examining table Lou reflected on how much had changed between her and the Kid in two months. Their talk on Rachel's porch after the last visit to the doctor had set the changes in motion, but she also knew it was her healing heart and mind that allowed them to progress. Their relationship was still tender, like skin scalded by water that was just a little too hot, but Lou knew with each day that passed and each day that approached it was getting a little bit better. Changing their ways of courting and the attitudes they brought to it, had allowed Lou to let her defenses down and open up to the Kid and his attentions.

Ever the peacemaker, Kid even managed to get Lou to go and speak to Charlotte again and start mending what had become a giant rift between them. The first conversations hadn't been easy, Lou still felt Charlotte was very much to blame for what happened in St. Joe because of her lying, but with each trip to the McKay house the stiffness and tension faded and the old smiles and laughter returned. Lou would forever be grateful to the Kid for knowing full well that they were both too stubborn to make the first move themselves and pushing them together.

Now, Charlotte spent every free moment she had in her dress shop making baby clothes and bedding for the nursery. Excited about the prospect of being 'Aunt' Charlotte she was rushing to make up for lost time. She even managed to pull a few outfits together for Lou that fit her new fuller figure better and Lou loved the time they spent in the dress shop laughing and gossiping again.

The eight weeks even brought about drastic changes for Lou and her siblings. Her conversation with the Kid had been like an awakening for her and it was at that moment that she realized how much she was truly neglecting Teresa and Jeremiah. In a way, it was as if they were strangers, related only by the blood that ran through their veins, and from that day on she made an effort to change that. It started with having dinner together each evening, meals that she or Rachel would prepare, but that were attended by everyone. Even Kid had been welcomed back to the table and the steady flow of conversation helped Lou to get her brother and sister to open up.

Lou made sure she spent a part of each day alone with Teresa and Jeremiah, sometimes together, sometimes apart, so they could talk about things that related just to their family and she even spent some time explaining what happened to her and why she had changed so much since they'd left the orphanage. It wasn't easy to discuss, but the children felt less excluded for knowing and that was all that mattered.

Kid still walked Teresa and Jeremiah home from school each afternoon and it was then that he would stay to spend time with them on their schoolwork or start them on their chores. Lou loved to watch from her seat on the porch as Kid taught Teresa to ride the ever patient Katy or Jeremiah scurried by with a bucket of water or a tool in his hand. Kid's presence was important to her newly forged bond with the children and she appreciated the efforts he made with them everyday.

Most importantly, Lou appreciated the efforts Kid made with her. Based on their new agreement to go back to what brought them together in the first place, they found new and old ways to court. Starting out in a slow manner, they both found it easy to be in the company of friends, so besides Charlotte and Travis McKay, they spent a lot of time with Buck and Jenny Tompkins. Jenny had decided to stay in Rock Creek with her father when her visit was over and nothing could have made Buck happier. It was a good example for Kid and Lou to see Buck and Jenny so captivated by each other and clearly in the early stages of love. Lou liked having another friend her age and together the foursome spent time playing cards, dining at the hotel restaurant, or visiting with Jimmy at the Marshal's office like the old days.

When they were alone, Kid and Lou walked and talked about old memories, including childhoods they were proud to have survived and their wondrous time with the Pony Express. They even dared to talk of the future. Their talks often lasted until the late hours of the night, but Kid still returned home to the room above Teaspoon's office each night and Lou found she missed him the minute he was gone.

Together they spent time in the barn as Kid worked with the newest set of horses he'd bought to train and sell, and Lou listened carefully as he shared his plans for the ranch he still had hopes of building. In the months since St. Joe he'd had a lot of time to think about it and he'd made modifications to the modest spread they originally planned. Now he wanted to be the biggest and best supplier of horses to people moving west and north. Lou couldn't help but smile as his blue eyes danced with excitement.

Not one to withstand being cooped up for long, Lou had Kid take her for rides in the buckboard in the open country. The rides made her long for the days when she flew over the trails on Lightning's back, when her only care was getting the mail to it's next destination. She liked it when they stopped to get out and stroll by some of their favorite places. She stopped shying away when he reached for her hand and as the weeks wore on, she began to relish the feel of his work-worn hand holding hers. However, as the weeks turned to months, she was starting to get frustrated. Holding her hand or putting a loose arm around her shoulder, as they leaned back against the fallen log in the clearing, was as far as Kid ever went and it was starting to drive Lou insane - so much so that she finally took matters into her own hands.

The late March day started out bright and sunny and unseasonably warm, and Lou decided on a picnic lunch for her and the Kid. It was Saturday and Teresa and Jeremiah were going fishing with Jimmy and Cody, who was home on leave again. With no children to worry about they would have the day to themselves. However, by the time Kid arrived to pick her up, the sky had gone dark and a light and steady rain had begun to fall.

"Maybe we should have this picnic another time, Lou." Kid stared out the window at the ominous clouds.

"But, Kid, I cooked all morning for this and I was so looking forward to it." Lou knew she was almost pouting, but she was disappointed and didn't know what else they would do for the day. "I'm desperate to get out of this house. You all have me on such a short rope I feel like I'm about to choke!"

"Lou, we ain't doin' it to choke you and you know it. We just want to keep an eye on you."

"Kid, I still got nearly three months to go and besides, I ain't the first woman in this territory to have a baby."

"But you're the first woman in this territory to have my baby."

Lou's hands covered her mouth in an attempt to stifle the cry of joy that threatened to escape. She figured it was possibly the sweetest thing he'd ever said to her. Yet repeating the sentiment over and over again in her mind only brought the tears to fruition. She turned away and busied herself with the hamper of food in an attempt to hide the tears from Kid. It amazed her how sensitive she still was and how quickly her emotions could swing.

"Lou? Lou, did I say something wrong?" He'd only been honest, but could tell by the shaking of her shoulders that she was upset. "Come on, Lou, don't push me away." Walking up behind her, he gently spun her around to face him.

Lou looked up at Kid's worried face and desperately wanted to reach up and smooth away the crease that had formed between his eyes. Not trusting herself, she kept her hands at her sides. "You didn't do anything wrong, Kid, honestly. I think what you said may have been the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me. It made me a bit weepy is all. I've gotten very emotional with this babay and it's hard to explain why. Rachel says it's natural, but I don't think so."

Kid laughed with relief. "You scared me for a minute there. I thought I was about to be out in the yard with the rest of the animals."

"No! I swear it's just me. And I do know you're only trying to protect the baby and me by askin' me to stay around here, but I really do have a bit of time to go and I'm startin' to get cabin fever. That's why I wanted to go on this picnic so bad."

Walking to the window and glancing up to the sky, Kid knew a picnic by the swimming hole was out, but something did catch his eye. He turned and grabbed the hamper in one hand and Lou with the other.

"Kid! Where are we goin'? You said it yourself, it's pouring down rain out there. I may want to be outside, but not bad enough to sit and eat soggy fried chicken!"

"It won't get soggy. Trust me?"

Lou didn't hesitate. "Of course." Allowing Kid to lead her out onto the porch, she wasn't prepared for him to start pulling her across the muddy yard towards the barn.

"You okay?" he called over his shoulder as Lou waddled quickly behind him.

"Fine, but this is crazy. There's no need to go ridin' in this rain!"

Stepping inside the barn and pulling the doors closed behind them, Kid set the hamper down and shook the water out of his hair. "Who said anything about ridin'? You think you can still climb the ladder to the loft?"

Lou tried to look hurt, but knew her tone showed she was playfully accepting his challenge. "Are you asking me if my belly's too big to get up a little ladder?"

"Well, you are a bit bigger than the 'puny, but spry' rider Teaspoon hired as a boy Pony Express rider." Seeing Lou's face scrunch up at the mock insult, Kid chuckled. He loved that he could tease her again, that finally the easy banter that was always a second nature to them had returned.

They climbed the ladder slowly, Lou in front and Kid behind, just in case she did have a problem. Reaching the large open hayloft, Lou marveled at Kid's quick thinking. "I'd never've thought of picnicking up here. It's a wonderful idea! With the door open we can still enjoy the warm air without getting any wetter." Lou walked closer to the open double doors used for pitching hay out and waited as Kid went about setting out the blanket she'd packed into the hamper.

"If you wait a minute before setting out the food, I'll move some hay bales over so we can lean against them. It'll be as good as resting back against those rocks by the swimming hole."

Lou waited patiently and peered over her shoulder as Kid grabbed the large bales with ease. She could see his tensed muscles clearly defined beneath the still-wet shirt and the sight sent shivers through her that she knew weren't caused by the damp air. She wasn't surprised by the feelings that were stirring in her, they'd started coming on slowly in the previous weeks, but it did make her nervous that she wanted Kid to touch her, hold her, kiss her and love her more than she had since their last night together in St. Joe.

"Lou? You fall asleep standin' up?" Kid was right behind her tapping her shoulder.

Turning quickly, Lou nearly knocked Kid over with her girth and started to chuckle as he stepped backwards to regain his balance. "Oops, sorry! I forget how big I've gotten."

"It's like a weapon," Kid agreed with a grin and lightly touched her stomach. "I should be more careful than to sneak up on you. You draw that thing faster than Jimmy can his gun."

Lou swatted at him. "That's not very nice to say!"

"But it sure does get your color up. Come on, let's eat, I'm pretty curious about this chicken."

"You keep teasin' me about my cookin' and you can just march back down that ladder with an empty stomach." The pout wasn't serious, but her feelings were hurt just a tinge.

"Now stop frownin'. You know I didn't mean nothin' by it." Kid sat on the blanket and held his hand up for Lou.

Placing her hand in his and gingerly lowering herself to the blanket she continued as she pulled out the plates and napkins. "All you boys fun me for my cookin' and it's gotten so much better!"

"Please, Lou. Don't get so worked up over what I said. I was just teasing you. I don't want to spoil our picnic." He reached for the heaping plate of chicken she'd unwrapped and to prove his point he snapped up one of the legs and took a giant bite. Chewing vigorously for several seconds he stopped suddenly, dropped the bone, and wrapped his hands around his throat like he was choking. His exaggerated gasping and bulging eyes had Lou in a fit of giggles.

"Okay, okay! Enough already before you really do choke." She pulled out the rest of the contents of the hamper including a still wrapped dessert.

"You baked?" Kid asked incredulously.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I can barely get a meal done, let alone a cake. Rachel made it before leaving to go check on the Widow Harper."

Kid sneaked a peek under the covering as Lou slapped at his hand. "She made the lemon one with the sugar?"


"God bless, Rachel."

It was peaceful eating at a leisurely pace and watching the rain fall steadily from the ever-graying sky, but as Lou started to cut the cake, they heard squeals of laughter coming from the barn below. Moving closer to the edge of the loft, Kid peered down and saw Jimmy, Cody, Teresa and Jeremiah returning from their rain-shortened fishing trip. Carefully rocking back on his heels to avoid being seen, Kid placed a finger to his lips to urge Lou to keep quiet. If they were silent, and didn't move about, they would likely go undetected and be able to continue their secret picnic.

It seemed to take forever for the four to finish putting up the horses and leave for the comfort of the dry house, but as they scurried back across the yard, both Kid and Lou breathed audible sighs of relief.

"Thought they'd never leave. If I had to stay hunched like this another minute I think my legs were gonna cramp up." Kid rose to his feet and started to stretch his legs. One step back towards the blanket and the floor let out a well-defined squeak.

"Good thing you stayed like that," Lou laughed. "If they'd heard that, Jimmy and Cody would have been up here with their guns blazing and that would have ruined a perfectly good lunch."

"We would've been fine once Cody got a look at that cake. Speaking of, we planning on eatin' it or just admirin' it?"

Lou looked up at him through her long lashes and tried to look seductive - a look she figured was hard to believe coming from a woman of her growing size. "Come back over here and sit down and I'll cut you a piece."

Kid was caught off guard by her sudden turn from playful to sexy, but didn't hesitate to take a seat beside her that was just a little closer than the one he'd occupied previously. Silently taking the piece she offered, he ate without taking his eyes off of her.

She felt empowered by his intense gaze. She could tell he was once again restraining himself because he was afraid to scare her, but Lou knew if she didn't do something to release the emotions that were building up inside of her, she'd likely die. Seeing a smear of powdered sugar on the Kid's upper lip she decided to seize her opportunity.

His heady scent was so familiar as she leaned in close that she nearly lost what little control she had left. She sensed him flinch as she moved her lips close to his and knew she was sending him a signal that was unfamiliar. Not daring to stop, she lowered her lips to the very spot where the sugar was and kissed it away with the lightest of touches. Pulling back she looked into his shocked blue eyes and spoke in a lusty voice she didn't recognize as her own, "You had a little cake there."

Unmoving, Kid stared at her. Her aggressive actions more than shocked him and he couldn't tell if she wanted him to continue. He was more than willing and ready, but he had long ago put his desires for her aside in an effort to regain her trust and friendship and love.

She waited. Lou was certain that after making the first move Kid would take control of the situation, but sitting back several more inches she saw him make no move forward. She hoped she hadn't misread all the longing looks he had been sending her, but the longer he stayed silent, the more embarrassed she got. She started to turn away, ready to pack up their lunch remnants and head back to the house, when he reached out and took hold of her chin. Turning her head to face him, she could sense him searching hers, looking for any doubts or fears.

"Are you sure, Lou?" he asked tenderly. There would be no turning back once the floodgates were opened.

More sure than she had been of anything in a long while, she reached her arms up to wrap them around his neck and whispered, "Kiss me, Kid," as she did so.

He wasted no time in joining his lips with hers and though he tried, he couldn't restrain himself as much as he knew he should. Surprisingly, she met his intensity and even moved herself into his lap as they dove into deep and passionate kisses. He'd memorized the feel and taste of her long ago, but it was still exciting to have the familiar back against his lips. It was several minutes before he pulled his head back to come up for air, nestling Lou closer to his chest.

"This sure is some picnic," he said breathlessly.

Lou tried to steady her racing heart enough to talk. "I'm glad you decided to bring us out here, otherwise Cody and Jimmy and the kids would have walked in on some interesting activity."

"You tryin' to tell me you've been planning this?" Kid played with the ends of her hair where it fell along her back, refusing to let her out of his arms.

"You bet I planned this," she quipped happily. "I couldn't wait anymore."

"You? I've wanted to kiss you like this for so long, Lou."

"I know that and I'm sorry I made you wait."

Pulling back and ducking his head so he could meet her eyes, he shook his head gently. "Don't dare apologize for that. I would have waited for you forever."

"I know that, too, but I couldn't have waited forever. I've missed this too, but I was scared. I didn't know if you'd want me now. I'm so big and then there's this." Lou pointed to the scar on her lip. "It's so ugly."

"How could you ever think I wouldn't want you? You're as beautiful as ever, even more so now that you're havin' my baby." Kid rested his hand on her stomach. "Our baby," he corrected himself. "As for that scar, you can barely see it. I know you think it's huge and ugly, but to others it's really not there. To tell you the truth, it's sort of sexy." He wiggled his eyebrows at her. "It makes you mysterious. We can make up a great story to tell people about it." To emphasize his point, Kid lowered his lips to Lou's and kissed the scar as softly as she'd first touched his lips.

Unable to stop at just her mouth, Kid trailed his lips down along her jaw line and started to feast on her neck in a way he knew she enjoyed. Hearing an approving moan, Kid knew it was his invitation to continue. Gently shifting so he could lay her on the hay he never broke contact with her sensitive skin. Stretching out beside her, he continued to kiss along her neck until he reached where the top of her blouse met her vastly grown breasts.

Lou felt Kid hesitate and opened her eyes. "What? What's wrong?" She didn't want him to stop. For the first time in too many months, when she closed her eyes she saw only him. There were no horrible images. There were no painful memories. There was only him.

Kid rolled back and propped himself on his elbow. "I'm afraid of hurting you, Lou."

"Kid, the hurts been done. This.this is the healing."

Listening to her words he knew she spoke the truth, but he was genuinely concerned. "I mean really hurting you or the baby." Somehow he didn't think it was proper to be doing what they were heading for when she was six months along.

"Oh." Lou propped herself up on her elbows and looked over at Kid, lips pursed and deep in thought as he stared at her belly. She couldn't help the deep laugh that escaped. The entire situation was too comical, but she could see she'd hurt his feelings. "Kid, I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at you."

"Sure sounds like it."

"Really, I'm not. I'm laughing at us, at this mess we're in. I ain't even thought about whether or not we should or shouldn't because of the baby." She closed her eyes and enjoyed the once dormant feelings of longing and desire that ran through her. "I just know I want you so badly right now."

"Me too, me too," Kid sighed. "Can you ask someone? Maybe Rachel?"

"I can't do that!" Lou was embarrassed even thinking about asking anyone. Silently frustrated, someone eventually came to mind. "I guess I could ask Doc Bailey or better yet, Mrs. Bailey if she comes during his next visit."

"But Lou," Kid cried desperately. "That's not until next month! I don't think I can make it that long."

Lou rolled her eyes at the obstacles being thrown in their way. "We sound like pathetic young lovers and I don't want to wait anymore than you do, but it would be best if I asked one of them, 'cause maybe we shouldn't be doing it."

Kid rolled onto his back to stare up at the arched ceiling of the barn. "I know you're right, but still. I just want to be with you, Lou. I love you."

She felt her breath catch. He'd said those three words to her before, but not like this, not as plainly nor as simply and they were the three most precious words she'd ever heard. Reaching across the space between them for his hand she was finally able to whisper back, "I love you, too."

Her quiet reply had Kid snapping back to life. Rolling back over to Lou he paused then carefully lowered his lips to hers, kissing first tenderly, then hungrily. "Say it again," he urged as he nipped at her chin.

"I love you," Lou answered with a nervous giggle. "I love you! I love you! I love you!" It felt so good to say it that she wanted to sing it so everyone could hear.

Silencing her shouts with another kiss, Kid laughed. "You keep shoutin' and we'll have company, Lou."

"Can't have that now, can we? You know Kid," she asked using her seductive voice again. "There are other things we can do, if we can't do that." As if to emphasize her point she snaked one hand between them to reach for his trousers.

"Lou!" Kid was shocked, but instantly aroused. "Are you sure?"

She was absolutely positive. "Kiss me, Kid."


"So you see, Mrs. Bailey, I want to.I want to."

"Have relations?" suggested the older woman with a knowing twinkle in her eye.

"Yes, but I'm not sure it's okay," answered Lou honestly. She'd just shared with the doctor's wife all of what had been happening between her and the Kid in the weeks leading up this visit and was desperate to know if she could do what she wanted, and if she was wrong for wanting to do it so badly.

"Well, I'm not the doctor, but it's been my experience that being active in the bedroom won't be harmful to the baby right now. You might want to check with Dr. Bailey on this."

"No!" Lou covered her face. She was embarrassed enough as it was. "I wanted to talk to you because you're a woman, you've been through this."

"Four times."

"And did you?" Lou was desperate and couldn't be bothered with manners.

Now it was Mrs. Bailey's turn to blush. "I should tell you it's none of your business," she grinned guiltily, "but I'd be lyin'." She could see a sense of relief wash over Lou's face and pulled the small girl into a hug. "It's not unusual to want to be with your man when you're having a baby. It's a time when you feel very womanly and you have every right to feel desirable."

"Well, I don't know about desirable, but it's been a very long time for us and I surprisingly feel ready. Having to wait until after the baby is born may be too hard."

"Well, I'd take it slow, Louise. It's got to be done a little bit differently now," she reminded her with a pat to the growing stomach between them. "But I figure you young people can manage that."

Lou's face went red hot at the thought of her and the Kid attempting to make love around her growing belly. "I think we'll manage. Thank you for listening to me, Mrs. Bailey."

"It was my pleasure, sweetheart. Now you run along," she encouraged with a pat on the bottom. "We'll be seeing you at dinner this evening. Ms. Dunne invited us."

"She told me. It'll be nice to have you join us, but I warn you, we're a fairly uncivilized bunch."

"Won't be anything I haven't seen before. I raised four boys."

Stopping at the curtain, Lou turned back around. "Mrs. Bailey, can I ask you one more thing?"

Stopping her process of getting ready for the next patient, Mrs. Bailey turned her full attention on Lou.

"Do you think it's wrong that me and the Kid ain't married?" She found their divorce was weighing on her mind a lot lately.

"I think when two people are in love, nothing can be wrong. You'll do what's best for the two of you. I know that with all my heart, Louise."

Lou didn't reply, but with a brief nod her head accepted the words of wisdom and stepped through the curtains to where Kid sat talking with Dr. Bailey.

As the door to the office closed behind the young couple, Dr. Bailey and his wife watched through the window as Kid took Lou's hand in his and they started their way back towards Rachel's house.

"It's good to see them getting on so well," commented the doctor.

"I think they're getting on better than you think, Paul."

"She talked to you about it," he noted without taking his eyes away from the view.

"She did. And is it safe to presume you talked to him?"

Dr. Bailey's head bobbed up and down and he turned to kiss his wife squarely in the lips. "How'd you guess?"

"I knew what she was feeling couldn't be unrequited, so I figured it was safe to assume you and her young man were having a similar conversation out here."

"Right as always, my wonderful wife."

As Kid and Lou finally disappeared from sight, Mrs. Bailey asked one final question, "Do you think they're gonna make it, Paul?"

"Marjorie, I figure if anyone can make it, it will be those two.


There was never any formal invitation, but the very next day after their visit to the doctor, Kid moved back into Rachel's house. Disappearing together immediately after dinner, it was clear to the rest of the diners that Kid and Lou were heading to Kid's room over Teaspoon's office. As they walked back into the yard before breakfast they were both full of smiles and loving glances. Giddy and playful, Lou held tightly to Kid's hand while he held tightly to the carpetbag he was ready to unpack. Filled to the brim with people, the old station house was finally full of love again.

To be continued...


Title Page

The Storybook

The Kidnation