Chapter 19

He watched from a distance. Not so close as to be seen, but not so far as to not be able to see. He waited. Not for much longer, but long enough to be sure of his plan. It had been months since they were together last, but he knew from watching that she was heavy with child, his child, and she looked more beautiful than ever. This time he would not fail. She would be his and no one would stand in the way. Not her friends, not her family, not even his own son.

He'd been patient long enough to learn the comings and goings at the place Louise called home and he knew with certainty that if he was patient just another hour more his dreams and desires would come true. He would have Louise back in his arms and soon she would bear him a child to replace the two who had shown him nothing but disrespect and disloyalty from the moment they were born. Tucking back behind the stand of trees he rested with his eyes closed and tried to slow his racing heart. She'd slipped away from him twice already and he would not be a fool a third time.


The commotion was typical in the crowded house and Lou was looking forward to the quiet that would follow when everyone finally departed for the day. She was tired just watching them all hurry about and she'd moved to the settee to try and keep out of the path of the storm that was seven people eating and getting ready for their day. It was the last day of May and the baby was due in only a matter of weeks. Overall, Lou was healthy and felt it despite being a bit clumsy with her larger size. The only problem she had was an uneasy feeling that had been nagging her for a couple of weeks.

Finally distressed enough to talk to the Kid about it, he'd been sweet and attentive, but not overly concerned. He felt it was her nerves and she wasn't inclined to disagree with him. She was nervous both about actually giving birth to the baby and whether she would be a good mother, yet even after their talk she couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. Again.

"Hey, sweetheart." Kid sat down beside Lou and took her hand in his. "Are you gonna be okay here today?"

Tipping her head to rest it on Kid's shoulder, Lou closed her eyes. "I'll be fine. The peace and quiet will be nice. I may try to finish my book or take a nap. Emma and Jenny and Charlotte are all comin' over later for a spell."

Kid let go of Lou's hand and started to rub in small circles along her lower back where he knew it had been hurting her. "That'll be nice. I know something else you can do if you find the time."

Lou groaned. "Please don't say it, Kid." She leaned forward as much as her body would allow so he could rub all of her back. Sleeping was becoming more of a chore and the aches in her back weren't helping.

"You can't avoid it any longer, Lou. This baby's comin' any day now."

"Kid." The whine in her voice was unbecoming and she knew it. "No matter what name we choose we're gonna hurt someone's feelings. We got too many people who we could name it after. I ain't got no way of decidin' fairly!"

Looking back over his shoulder, Kid spotted Rachel and Teaspoon eyeing them. "Lower your voice or they'll all jump in again. We gotta name it something, Lou."

The topic of the baby's name was a popular dinner conversation and everyone was more than happy to offer his or her choices. The parents-to-be were growing more and more frustrated and Lou had taken to avoiding the topic completely.

"Why? You don't have a name, do you?" she challenged.

Kid rolled his eyes. It was a tactic she'd tried before. "I told you, that's different. Besides, if you really think it's gonna be a girl, then that cuts out half the names you have to think about."

"I don't know for sure it's a girl. It's just a feeling I have." Lou sat up and looked down at her swollen belly, poking at herself gently. "I'll work on a list," she conceded grudgingly. "But it's no fair that I have to do this all on my own."

"I gave you my choices, but I'll make a note of your protest," Kid laughed. "We can talk about it more after dinner."

"Likely not tonight. Sam and Emma are gonna be here for dinner and that's just two more opinions we don't need buttin' in."

"Right," he agreed to placate her as he pushed her hair back over her shoulders and away from her face.

"I still feel badly that they have to stay in town at the hotel."

"It can't be helped. They understand we're out of space here and the bunkhouse just isn't suitable with Thomas being barely six months old."

"Well if we were already in Sweetwater like we were supposed to be..."

"You can't think like that. We're not there yet, but we will be one day. If we were supposed to be there, then we would be. It was better for you to stay here until after the baby is born. We talked about that. And you know it would be just as bad if we were in Sweetwater. The house would still be full of people waiting for you to have the baby, just like it is here."

"I know," Lou sighed, "But everyone keeps watching me like I'm going to pop right before their eyes. Being the center of attention is startin' to wear on me."

Kid laughed heartily. "Until you can give them a baby to concentrate on, you're it. Besides, Emma loves to spoil you rotten and Rachel ain't far behind."

Snaking her hand back into his she whispered, "Neither are you."

"Who me?" Kid feigned innocence.

"Yes, you. You spoil me like crazy."

"You should be spoiled. You both should." Kid placed his hand on Lou's bulging stomach just in time to feel the baby kick. He yanked his hand back and looked at Lou's stomach. "Wow! That was a strong one"

Lou leaned back on the settee to rest as the baby continued to move. "Sure was. I guess it heard us talking and wanted to be included."

"Maybe so. Does it hurt?" He wondered what it would feel like to have someone inside him kicking and trying to get out.

"Not really, just strange." Lou couldn't explain it to anyone, even the Kid, what it felt like to have this child, this particular life, growing inside of her. Every move or change was special in its own way. It wasn't painful or inconvenient; it was new and exciting. Finding out about the baby all those months ago had been the trigger for her new beginning, it was what saved her from a life of loneliness and despair and for that, this baby would always be extra special to her.

"Seems it from here and it ain't even my insides I' tossed about." Watching the content look on Lou's face he hoped she was getting over her nerves and starting to look forward to when the baby was born. "I really should go. See you this afternoon?"

"I'll be here." Lou rolled her eyes. "It's not like you let me go anywhere."

"Lou, let's not start in with that again or we'll be going in circles all day. You need to stay here and rest, not be runnin' around. Doc Bailey will be here tomorrow for your check-up. If he says you can, I'll let you wander away to your hearts content."

"I know, I know, that's what I agreed to. Go. Sell lots of horses to Mr. Richards and I'll see you later. She tipped her head up and kissed him gently on the mouth. Pulling back only slightly, but not taking her eyes from Kid's, she called out as the front door opened. "Teresa Christine McCloud! Take your sweater! I told you earlier not to leave without it."

The young girl sulked back to the table to retrieve her forgotten sweater. "How'd you see me, Louise? Your head didn't even turn."

Grinning against Kid's lips she kissed him quickly one more time. "I know you too well, young lady. Have a good day at school."

Rising as everyone scurried out the door to their various destinations, Lou bade her goodbyes as she walked out onto the porch. Waving as her family scattered she was slow to go back into the house. Shielding her eyes from the morning sun, Lou looked out into the warm spring day and instantly got the chills. Rubbing her arms for warmth and stepping back inside she locked the door and tried to fight the eerie feeling that was permeating through her body.


The force of the nightmare woke her from her nap shaking and near tears. Chest heaving, Lou lay perfectly still and tried to clear the images that ran through her mind. The intensity of the nightmare was surprising. It was the first one she'd had since the Kid had moved back in.

Starting to turn on the settee so she could try and rest on her side, Lou caught the slightest glimpse of something moving in the chair by the dormant fireplace. Raising her head slowly, she looked over her shoulder. The sight that greeted her made her heart stop and her blood freeze in her veins. Had she not heard her own screams she would have thought herself dead.

Ethan Wicks watched and gave Lou a demented smile as she screamed herself out while struggling to get up from her prone position.

Get Out! All she could think was get out, and she meant herself and not him. Get up and get out the front door! Run! Get as far away from him as possible!

Rushing for the front door, Lou screamed again when she felt his hand on her arm. "Get your hands off me, you bastard!" Turning in his grip she slapped his face with all her strength. She would not be his victim again.

Wicks shook his head to stop the ringing in his ears, but only tightened his hold. "Where do you think you're going, Louise?" he asked as she tried to pull away.

"You've done enough! Why won't you just let me alone?"

"How can I do that when we're meant to be together? You've been mine since the day I made you a woman and you'll always be mine. I love you, Louise." He reached up with his free hand to stroke her cheek.

The delusional sweetness and his repulsive touch made her stomach roll and fear seize her heart. Fighting back tears as she struggled against his tightening hold she raised her chin defiantly. "I'm meant to be with Kid, not you! You're a sick man!" With a giant pull of her arm, she finally wrenched free. Dashing for the kitchen, she knocked over what ever was in her path in an effort to impede Wicks' chase.

"You can't run from me this time, Louise!" he called out as she slammed the door to the kitchen. "There's no one here to rescue you," he added as he rammed his shoulder into the barricaded door.

The wooden chair she had propped under the knob shattered as the force of the opening door sent it slamming into the wall. Lou backed against the far wall, armed with plates. "Let me be!" she hollered as she let the first of the plates fly at his head.

Wicks sidestepped the first tin plate as it sailed at him, but the second caught him in the right temple. As a steady stream of blood began to trickle down into his eye, all self-control was lost. Advancing in three quick steps he slapped Lou across the face with a fierce hand.

Head snapping to the side and her knees buckling, Lou fought for her balance. As Wicks grabbed her by the shoulders and began to shake her wildly she instinctively dropped the rest of the plates she held and covered her stomach with her hands and arms. The fear that he would hurt her was nothing compared to her fear that he would hurt the baby.

She was scared of him and he knew it and the power that knowledge gave him restored his sense of purpose. Seeing her resolve to protect her child, he dropped his hold on her, knowing she wouldn't try to run and risk his temper again. "Now, you going to quit sassin' me? I don't want to have to hurt you this time, Louise? I wouldn't want to have to leave you another reminder like the one you got there." He reached his fingers out to touch the scar on her lip and as his hand drew closer to her mouth, Lou struck out like a rattlesnake and bit him.

Squealing like a stuck pig, Wicks cracked the palm of his good hand against Lou's other cheek in an attempt to get her to unclench her teeth and loosen her vise-like grip on his fingers. "You stupid bitch," he muttered as he drew his hand back to observe the damage.

Sensing Wicks' guard was relaxed as he assessed the bite mark, Lou tried to move past him. She knew time was of the essence, but her determination to protect the baby at all costs had her moves awkward and slow and he was upon her again before she could get out of the room.

"Now quit running and this won't be hard for you." Wicks pulled her to his side and placed a hand possessively on her stomach. "I want to take care of you and our baby, but I can't do that here."

Lou swatted at his hand, his touch making her skin crawl. "Don't touch me! This baby is mine and Kid's. It's not yours!"

Wicks continued as if her cries had fallen on deaf ears. "I hope we have a little girl. I've had enough problems with boys already." Leaning down he kissed the top of Lou's head, dripping blood from his wound into her hair. "I hope she looks just like you, Louise."

It was like her nightmares coming true and Lou fought harder to break free. Wicks was too powerful in the throes of his madness and she couldn't stop him as he dragged her towards the back door. "Where are you taking me?" she demanded as they stepped out into the late spring morning. She could see there were neither horses nor a wagon waiting.

"Where we're headed is a surprise, sweetheart, but right now we just need to get away from here." He tucked Lou closer as if they were a regular, happy couple out for a stroll.

Lou's eyes darted around helplessly. They were behind Rachel's house and no one from the town could see them, no one would be able to help her. She had to stall him. "Now wait a minute here." Lou adjusted her tone of voice when Wicks stopped their march away from town. She hoped that if she sounded sweet and docile he might relax his hold and she could slip away. "Here I am, all big and expectin' and you want me to walk? Well, I put my foot down," she pouted. "I demand a buckboard or a wagon." She stomped her foot like a child throwing a tantrum.

"Now sweetheart, please don't be upset with me." He reached down and stroked Lou's face, pleased when she didn't flinch from his touch. "I have a buckboard waiting, but I couldn't risk bringing it to your door and leavin' tracks."

Lou's mind raced. No tracks! She needed tracks if there was to be hope of anyone finding her. Increasing her efforts, she whined a little more. "But I can't walk about in this hot sun. Can't you get it and bring it here for me? I'll wait right here, darlin', I promise." He appeared to be contemplating the idea, but Lou knew by his expression the moment it dawned on him that, if he went for the buckboard he would be leaving her unattended.

"Ha! Nice try, Louise, but I don't want to leave you hear by your lonesome. You can walk with me. It'll be good for you and the baby."

Now it really was time to panic. Lou knew if she let Wicks take her away, Kid and everyone else would never find her. "No! I'm not going! I belong here!"

Stepping in front of her and squeezing both of her bruising cheeks between his fleshy hands, Wicks kissed her savagely on the mouth. "You only belong to me," he hissed, then bit her lip when she kicked his shin. Squeezing her face tighter he laughed as her eyes began to tear. "Now, you can make this harder than it has to be or you can come with me like a good little girl." Stroking downward he trailed his hands along her throat and down to her engorged breasts.

His touch set images of the repeated rapes flashing in her mind. She knew she couldn't survive the brutality, the invasion of both her mind and body, a third time. To preserve her sanity she acquiesced. She knew if she went willingly he would let her be, at least for as long as she was with child. As they started their trek from the old station towards the foothills, Lou prayed that help was not far behind.


It was nearly two o'clock in the afternoon before Emma, Charlotte and Jenny pulled the buckboard to a stop in front of the house.

"I feel bad that I made us so late," apologized Charlotte. "But with Travis' mother comin' to pay us a visit, I've been so busy sprucin' up the place that I lost track of time."

Emma held baby Thomas tightly as she climbed down. "Now don't you worry, Charlotte. Meeting your mother-in-law for the first time can make even the Rock of Gibraltar nervous and I'm sure Louise doesn't even notice the time. She's likely napping anyway. I couldn't sleep enough when I was expectin' this little one!" She laughed and patted Thomas' bottom to emphasize her point.

As if he knew he was the center of attention Thomas Cain smiled a toothless smile and giggled for the ladies, sending them all into fits of laughter as they approached the front door.

Jenny didn't bother to knock knowing they were expected and having dispensed with the formalities of acting like a guest after Buck proposed to her the month before. "Lou?" she called out as she crossed over the threshold.

"Shh., you'll wake the poor thing," scolded Emma. "She's likely in here." Moving into the main room, Emma didn't see Lou anywhere, but was rendered speechless by what she did find. Shards of broken pottery from a decorative urn were scattered across the wood floor. Furniture was overturned. Looking down the hallway towards the kitchen, she could see the door resting precariously on its hinges.

The three women moved slowly and silently down the hall, fearful that whomever had ransacked the front room was still in the house. Peering into the kitchen there were obvious signs of a struggle, but it was the spots of dried blood dotting the floor leading to the back door that scared them the most.

Unable to speak as they looked around helplessly, Jenny broke the frightful silence. "I'm going for Kid."

Chapter 20


Title Page

The Storybook

The Kidnation