Chapter 4

"What do you plan to do today?" Kid asked as he watched Lou sit and brush her hair while staring blankly into the dressing table mirror. He loved watching her smooth out the tangles left behind by their lovemaking. Her hair was longer than he'd ever seen it and he couldn't wait for the day when it fell in waves down her back like a curtain of warm brown silk.

He waited patiently for a reply as he buttoned his shirt, but Lou just continued to brush away. "Lou, are you listening to me?"

Lou snapped her head quickly to shake herself into reality. Kid was watching her questioningly. "Did you ask me something?"

"Yeah," he laughed. "You looked like you were asleep sitting there. You okay?"

"Fine, just fine," Lou answered, trying to sound casual. She didn't have the heart to tell him that while he'd slept peacefully and soundly through the night, worn out by their passionate coupling, her sleep had been fitful and filled with flashes of her usual nightmares.

"You sure?" Kid eyed her, not positive if he believed her.

"Really, I was just makin' a list in my head of the things I need to get today," Lou lied. "Teresa and Jeremiah need all new things. They've out grown all those clothes and shoes I sent them last Christmas."

Kid smiled as he watched Lou rise and select a new blue dress of her own to wear around town for the day. "You know, the way you like to spend your time shoppin', it's hard to believe you ever passed for a boy, Louise."

Lou whipped around, her buttons only half done, when Kid called her by her full name. He didn't use it often and she normally liked it, but on this day, in this town that held so many more bad memories than the good ones they were trying to create, it made her skin crawl. "Why did you call me that?" she demanded.

"Call you what?" Lou's mood was growing more peculiar and after how close and happy they had been the night before he couldn't understand her change. Sitting on the bed to tug on his boots, he didn't even look over at her. "It's your name - Louise Elizabeth McCloud. I thought you liked it when I said it."

Lou could hear the hurt in Kid's voice and dropped her head. Letting an almost inaudible sigh escape her lips, she tried to let all the tension in her body ride out with the expelled air. She didn't want to pick a fight with the Kid. There was no reason for it. Moving across the room towards the bed, she stopped in front of Kid and stepped between his legs.

"I'm sorry, Kid. I shouldn't have snapped at you." The apology was heartfelt; she did feel badly about her reaction.

"Can you just tell me the truth, Lou? Is something wrong?" Kid looked up into his wife's eyes. "You just haven't been right since even before we left Rock Creek and no matter how many times you say you're fine, I'm beginning to not believe you. Is it something I did? Something I said?"

Lou's heart lurched at Kid's words and she nearly wept from the sad look in his eyes. Placing one hand on either side of his face, she lowered her lips to his to give him a soft, reassuring kiss.

"I promise you, it's nothing you said or did, Kid. The mood just comes and goes. I'm fine now. Please don't worry about me."

Kid pulled Lou closer until he had to strain his neck to look up at her. "I'll always worry about you, Lou. It's my job. Has been since the beginning."

Lou couldn't help but smile at the memories Kid's statement stirred up. Ever since they first started out together, Kid had spent many a day - and night - pacing the bunkhouse, chopping wood, mucking stalls, or doing some other tedious chore to keep his mind occupied while she was on a run. Even though it had annoyed her at the time, she was still touched by the loving gesture.

"I'll try to stop making you worry," she promised, and she meant it. Bending down, Lou placed another quick kiss on his lips as she slipped from his embrace. "What are your plans as I head out to buy up half the town?" They had decided to get many of the household goods and their new clothes while they were in St. Joe since they had the money to spare. Although Sweetwater had grown in their absence, they both knew St. Joe was a bigger city with more things to offer.

Kid rose from the bed and reached for his gun belt and hat that were draped over the bedpost. "I've got that appointment at the land office to have them check out the deed Sam and Emma sent and I also need to talk to the banker and do a few more things. Of course, I need to go to the livery and check on the horses. Will you be needin' my help?" He didn't relish the idea of being dragged from store to store all afternoon.

Lou could tell from the pinch of his face that Kid was praying she'd say no. "I think I'll be able to manage, but you do need some new stuff yourself. Should I just pick it out for you?"

As relieved as a child given a reprieve from daily chores, Kid nodded with a big grin on his face. "You always pick out nicer stuff anyways."

"What about new boots? You need to try 'em on."

"I'll just stop by the mercantile later and get those and you can do the rest."

"You'll do anything to avoid bein' in the stores all day, won't you?"

"Well, not anything," Kid winked at her. "But really, doin' it all day just wears a man out. Want to meet here for lunch?"

Lou looked at the clock on the mantle of the dormant fireplace. "We're gettin' an awfully late start today, why don't we make it an early supper? I think I'll be a while."

Kid agreed to the plan. "I think I can find a way to occupy my time."

"No doubt it will involve a lengthy visit with the other woman," Lou teased.

Kid chuckled and a sheepish grin lit up his face as he stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled out a few sugar cubes. "You found me out. Katy'll be mad I've left her this long."

"You know, Kid. People hear you talking about her like that and they're gonna wonder."

"About what? That I've left you for my horse?"


Kid crossed the room and pulled Lou into a crushing bear hug. "You can be such a jealous wife sometimes." He held her tight as she tried to squirm away from his tickling hands.

Breaking free, Lou raced to the other side of the bed. "Oh, that's me, jealous of a paint mare! Now get on with yourself or you'll be late."

One step out the door and Kid turned around. "If it makes you feel better, I'll give Lightning a cube too."

"Go, Kid!" Lou couldn't help but smile as he blew her a kiss. "I'll meet you here at five o'clock. Don't forget!" she added as he closed the door behind him.


The day had been long, but Lou felt accomplished. She'd managed to get everything on her list that was in stock and plenty more that wasn't even on her list. It amazed her how much having the money available to spend made a person want to spend it all right away. There were still some things she would have to order in Sweetwater to make the shipping easier.

Before she knew it, it was nearing four o'clock and she was desperate to get back to the hotel and rest for a few minutes before she and Kid met for dinner. Most of her packages were being delivered to the hotel or held for pickup, but she still carried several in her arms that needed special care.

Burdened by her packages and unbalanced, she was not surprised when she nearly fell into an alley as a businessman rushed past her on the walkway. However, she was surprised when the hands that reached to steady her pulled her deeper into the alley rather than setting her back on her feet.

Too startled to cry out, Lou struggled to break free of the grip that was pulling her further out of sight. Swinging her body she tried to use her packages to knock off her attacker, but he was too strong and his hold too tight. Digging her boot heels in, Lou hoped to slow their progress enough for someone on the main street to see them, but instead he picked her up by the waist and started to carry her.

Finding her voice, Lou started to scream, but a large hand clamped over her mouth. When she attempted to bite it, her attacker only laughed away the nip on his palm and continued to pull her farther away from the passing pedestrians.

Lou's mind was reeling. What could anyone want with her? Had someone been watching her make all her purchases and thought she came from money? She would gladly give him every dime if he'd just let her go.

Finally the dragging and pulling stopped as they rounded the corner of the building that now completely obscured them from the passing crowds. Set back on her feet, his hand still over her mouth, Lou was spun by her attacker and pinned to the wall so he could see her face as he introduced himself.

"It's been a long time, Louise."

There was instant recognition and Lou's eyes went wide with a mixture of both fear and shock. This couldn't be happening to her! Charlotte had promised he was dead and buried, but obviously it had been a lie. Ethan Wicks was alive and well, and he now held her life in his hands.

Chapter 5


Title Page

The Storybook

The Kidnation