Chapter Five

"Lou honey, you need to eat. You have to keep your strength up for the sake of the baby," Rachel tried to coax her to take another spoonful of broth. They were all worried about Lou. It had been a month since she had been ordered to bed, and she seemed to be getting weaker and weaker everyday. She tried to eat, knowing she had to do so for the sake of the baby, but she couldn't keep much food down.

The doctor came out everyday, and they all knew the situation was grim. Kid spent as much time as he could with Lou. He hadn't slept much in the past month, preferring his time with his wife over concern for his own health. Rachel had made him go to the bunkhouse and try to get some sleep, but she knew he wouldn't stay very long.

"Hi there," the doctor poked his head around the door. "How's my favorite patient?"

"I'm about as well as I can be," Lou smiled. She knew what the chances were that both she and the baby would survive labor and the birth, but she was determined to keep a positive attitude, for Kid's sake if nothing else.

"Well, do you know what tomorrow is?" the doctor's eyes twinkled merrily.

"I can't believe it's Christmas already," Lou laughed.

"Rachel," Buck walked in. "Ruth is downstairs." Ruth was normally Rachel's assistant teacher at school, but she had taken over all the teaching so Rachel could stay with Lou.

"What's this, a party?" Kid walked in, looking like he hadn't really slept at all.

"It's starting to look that way," the doctor smiled good-naturedly. "But I need everyone to leave so I can examine my patient." He herded everyone out the door. "You too Kid. I'll let you back in when we're done."

"Buck, take this to Teaspoon please," Rachel handed him a plate of food. "Kid, you go on in the kitchen and eat something while you're waiting on Doc to get done." She gave him a gentle push towards the kitchen as she walked into the front room. "Hello Ruth. How are you today?"

Before Ruth could answer there was a terrifying scream from upstairs, followed by a crash from the kitchen as Kid dropped his plate and ran up the stairs.

The doctor came to the top of the stairs, his face grim. "Rachel, I need your help please."

"What's wrong?" Kid asked.

"This baby's coming right now, and there's nothing I can do about it," the doctor knew the situation was bad. "She's starting to have contractions. Kid, boil some water and bring us some rags. Rachel, come with me."

Rachel turned to Ruth. "Can you get Buck and Teaspoon? And have one of them telegraph Jimmy." Ruth quickly headed toward the Marshall's office.

Chapter Six

Chapter Four


Title Page

The Storybook

The Kidnation