Chapter Eight

"Kid, I'm sure glad to see you boy," Teaspoon clapped him on the back as he went to his seat at the head of the table.

"Yeah, we were gonna go look for you today," Buck piped up as he and Jimmy settled in their usual places across from Kid. They all fell silent for a moment as their eyes focused on the spot beside Kid. It was noticebly empty, reminding them of the lost members of their family.

"Son," Teaspoon adressed Kid, breaking the silence. "Are you going to tell us why you went off like that without letting anyone know where you were going, or when you'd be back?" They all knew what he didn't say. Or if you'd be back at all.

Kid shifted in his seat uncomfortably. There was no way he could tell them what he had gone through in the past couple of days. How he had ridden out, never planning to return. How he had decided a life without Lou wasn't worth living. Oh, he wasn't planning to do anything foolish, like ending his life, but he just couldn't stay in Rock Creek. Everything there reminded him of Lou, and it hurt too much to be there. Even Noelle, the comfort that she was, also made his heart ache even more. He found himself becoming so bitter the day of the funeral, so angry at everything; angry at God for taking Lou away, angry at the doctor for not being able to save her, angry at himself for not being able to protect her, even angry at Lou for leaving him. He didn't want his daughter to grow up with a father who was bitter and angry at everything -- his own father had been that way, and he still hated him for it -- and so he left, not looking back.

That first afternoon he just rode; not caring where he was going. He just wanted to get as far away from Rock Creek as he could. He rode far into the night, stopping only when Katy absolutely could not go on. It was bitter cold, but he didn't bother to build a fire. The cold made him numb, unable to feel anything, especially the pain that seemed to be tearing at his heart. He sat there all night, letting the pain and bitterness eat at him, until it had all but consumed him.

He didn't know what might have happened if the man hadn't tried to rob him. When he found himself staring down the barrel of a gun, facing his death, he suddenly realized he wanted to live. He wanted to be there to see his daughter grow up, to share the memories of Lou with her, to tell her what an incredible woman his mother had been.

He had managed to get hte gun from the man and tie him up, leaving him at the campsite. He stopped in some out of the way town on his way back, telling the sheriff there where to find the robber, anxious to get home and see his daughter.

"Kid, are you gonna sit there all day staring into space, or are you gonna tell us the story?" Teaspoon's voice broke through Kid's thoughts.

"I just needed some time to sort out everything," Kid said, his tone warning them not to intrude.

Teaspoon sighed. It was clear that was all they were going to get from him.

"We're just glad to have you back son."

"I'm glad to be back Teaspoon," Kid looked lovingly at Noelle as Rachel brought her in. "And I'm back to stay."

The epilogue

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The Kidnation