
"Daddy, it's almost time," Kid looked lovingly at his daughter as Rachel arranged her veil around her wedding dress.

"I can't believe my little girl is getting married," he stood beside her as they waited for the church doors to open. "Matthew is a very lucky man." He took both her hands in his. "Noelle sweetheart, I am honored to give you to Matthew. You are everything I could have ever asked for in a daughter, and I know you are going to make Matthew a very happy man."

"Thank you daddy," Noelle lifted her veil to kiss him on the cheek. "My only regret is that Mama isn't here to share this with us."

"Oh, but she is sweetheart. She is always with us, because we hold her memory in our hearts."

The music started, and they began to walk down the aisle. Matthew stood at the altar, looking much like Kid had on the day he and Lou got married. Kid smiled, memories of his and Lou's wedding flooding his mind.

He saw his family sitting in the front row. It was much smaller now; Jimmy and Teaspoon were both gone. Buck and Rachel were there, as was Cody, who had felt so guilty for not being there when Lou died. He had spoiled his neice dreadfully; he even insisted on paying for the wedding, despite Kid's protests.

Kid spoke his lines, giving Noelle away, and moved to sit next to Rachel.

Louise, darling, just look at her. You would be so proud. Or daughter has grown up to be a strong, capable, confident woman. She is so much like you, she even looks just like you, except somehow she got my blue eyes. You would like Matthew too, he is so right for our Noelle.

Lou, you can never begin to imagine how much I still miss you, even after all these years. I know you didn't want me to spend my life alone, but I never found anyone else. I courted a few women, but they could never begin to compare to you. Don't worry though honey, I'm perfectly happy. And I was never alone. Noelle was my lifeline those first few months. And Rachel, Teaspoon, Jimmy, Cody and Buck -- I have a wonderful family.

The ache of not having you with me is still there, and always will be, but it is a pleasant ache now. It helps me remember you, and the wonderful life that we had, even if only for a short time. It's really only bad on special days, like today. Christmas is the worst, but Rachel and they boys know that, and they help me through.

Kid watched proudly as Noelle and Matthew were pronounced husband and wife. They turned to walk back down the aisle, and Noelle paused before him. She pulled a white daisy from her bouquet and handed it to him, kissing him on the cheek. Kid blinked back tears at the silent tribute to her mother. Daisies had always been Lou's favorite flowers.

You know Lou, he whispered deep in his heart. I think we did just fine.

The End


Title Page

The Storybook

The Kidnation