Chapter One

Jimmy stood rooted to the ground, watching with horror as Kid fell. Kid. His best friend. Kid had been shot.

His brain was telling him to find the person that did it. But just as soon as he began to process that thought and look around the gathering crowd for the guilty part, reality hit him like a blow to the stomach. He shot Kid. He shot Kid. His best friend was lying on the ground, and it was his fault.

He moved toward Kid with determined steps. He had to make sure Kid was alright. Breaking through the crowd surrounding the fallen deputy, he was relieved to see the doctor was already there, kneeling next to Kid, checking his wound. The doctor looked up at him silently, but no words were needed. Jimmy knew then that Kid was dead.

“I’ll have him brought to the undertakers,” the doctor spoke quietly. “Somebody needs to go tell his wife.”

Jimmy looked at the doctor with a start. Lou. How was he going to tell her? There was no question in his mind that he would be the one to tell her; but he was not sure if he could do it. He imagined her, waiting for Kid in their little house on the edge of town. Kid usually went home about this time. The thought stopped Jimmy in his tracks. Kid probably had been on his way home when he heard the commotion and ran to help. Any other moment, and things would have been different.

Looking up, he realized he was standing in front of Lou and Kid’s house. Every muscle in his body resisted walking up the steps to their porch, but he forced himself to move. Lou met him at the door, and Jimmy vaguely remembered Kid inviting him to dinner that night. He could see behind her, into the kitchen, where the table was set for three.

“Hey there, stranger,” Lou smiled at him. “I’m glad you decided to come. Come on in. I figured you’d come with Kid, but he should probably be home any minute.” Jimmy found himself following her inside, as she continued talking. “Supper is ready. It’s not much, just stew and biscuits, but it’s every bit as good as Rachel’s used to be, if I do say so myself. We’ll eat as soon as Kid gets home.”

“Lou,” Jimmy finally found his voice. He knew he could not put off telling her any longer; but how was he going to tell her that he had just ruined her life?

Lou turned around to face him. She could tell by the way he said her name that it was serious, and the sorrow and misery in his eyes confirmed that something was indeed very, very wrong.

“Where’s Kid, Jimmy?” she asked, trying to keep the panic out of her voice. It was just her imagination. Jimmy was there for supper, not to bring her terrible news. Jimmy’s silence was all too real, however, and she knew. Something had happened to Kid.

“Jimmy, where is he?”

“There was some trouble in town,” Jimmy began, intent upon telling her the whole story.

“Jimmy,” Lou interrupted, forcing the words out. “Where is my husband?”

“Doc took him to...” Jimmy grabbed her arm to stop her as she started toward the door. He knew she would not find him at the doctor’s office. “Lou, Doc took him to the undertakers.” He said the words as gently as he could, but there was no way to make them any less cold and harsh.

Jimmy watched in misery as Lou processed his words. Her expression went from panic to shock, as the color drained from her face. She stood in front of him, pale and trembling.

“Lou, I’m so sorry,” Jimmy pulled her into his arms, and she broke down. Lou cried into his chest as he held her tightly and whispered the words again and again. “I’m so sorry, Lou. I didn’t mean to. I’m so sorry.”

Chapter Two

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