Chapter Four

November 23, 1871

Dearest Louise,

Where do I start? Oh, honey, I wish I could be there for you right now. I had no idea about what happened until Clark and I got home from Sacramento earlier today. We've been in Sacramento for the past two months. Clark was elected to the state legislature, so we were living there while it was in session. The story of the shooting was in all the papers, of course, but, oh Louise, I had no idea it was Kid.

Louise, I know you probably do not want to hear this right now, but it does get easier with time, honey, it really does. You will never stop missing Kid, but the pain becomes more bearable. The memories you have of your life with him will fill up that emptiness you are feeling right now, and those memories are what will get you through.

I wish I could tell you that I have heard from Jimmy and that he is fine, but I have not heard from him at all. You know how he is, Louise. He will avoid us all until he forgives himself.

Louise, come to California. Come stay at the ranch with Clark and me for a while. It will do you good to be around your family right now. Consider it, honey.



Chapter Five

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