Secrets of the Night
by Lisa R.

Chapter 11

A gentle hand on her shoulder shook Lou awake. Not daring to open her eyes she whispered, “Kid?”

“No, Lou. It’s me, Jimmy.” His voice low, he was sorry he couldn’t be who she wanted.

Carefully sitting up so as not to disturb the Kid, Lou balled her fists and rubbed the sleep from her eyes looking very much like her young daughters when they first woke. “I was hoping this was all a bad dream.”

“We can’t be that lucky. He looks better than when I left,” Jimmy noted. His hands stuffed into his pockets, he nodded his head towards Kid on the bed.

“If you say so,” Lou snapped.

“Hey, there’s no need to turn on me.” Jimmy backed away to perch on the windowsill. I was just makin’ an observation.”

Lou felt properly chastised. “I’m sorry, you’re right.”

“I’m right?” Jimmy gave her a quick, satisfied smile. “Not something I hear you say very often.”

“That’s twice in one day,” she muttered under her breath.

“What’d you say?”

“Never mind. How long was I asleep?”

“A few hours. It’s almost suppertime and I heard Maddy fussin’. Guess the little one’s hungry.”

“It has been a while since she last ate. I didn’t mean to fall asleep, but I was talking to Kid and my mind was moving so fast it just made me tired.”

“Lou, you need your rest. It’s nothing’ to feel badly about.” Looking past Lou, Jimmy watched his best friend slumber on. “He really does look better. I wasn’t just saying that. He’s even got some of the color back in his face.”

“I just wish he would wake up. The longer he’s out, the worse it’ll be for him when he wakes. What I’m really scared about is that he’ll have no memories. What if he doesn’t remember who me or the children are?”

“Aw, Lou. Nobody could forget you.”

Lou couldn’t help but smile at Jimmy’s kind words. She knew about his old feelings for her, but they had never let them mar their friendship. Lou reached for his hand and squeezed it. “Thank you. I needed that.”

Hearing Maddy start to cry in earnest, they both looked towards the door.

“You should go to her. I’ll stay with him.”

Standing and looking down at Kid, she nodded in agreement. Leaning forward, she touched her lips to his. “Rest peacefully, my love. I’ll be back soon.”


The night passed uneventfully and Lou slept in the same spot by Kid’s side. She woke several times during the night convinced she had felt him move, but sadly, he was in the same position when the sun broke through the curtains.

Stepping in front of the mirror on her dresser, Lou frightened herself with how haggard she looked. The stress of the past few weeks showed on her face and she believed she looked like the Kid probably felt.

I can’t let him see me like this, she said to herself. Glancing back quickly at Kid’s unmoving figure she decided to risk leaving him to run outside and wash in the outdoor shower. She would have preferred to soak in the tub Kid had given her for their fifth anniversary, but that was a luxury that would have to wait.

The cool water and fresh change of clothes did wonders for her spirit and Lou decided it was time to start the children back on a normal routine. When the Kid woke up - and it was when, not if - she wanted everything to be perfect.


Lou pulled the buckboard to a stop in front of the school and looked at the two down turned faces beside her. “Now, it’s time to stop pouting Mary Emma. You’ve missed enough school and it will be over for the summer months soon enough anyway.”

“But what if Daddy wakes up and I’m not home. Why does Sarah get to stay home?”

“You know Sarah doesn’t start school until next fall. And if Daddy wakes up, I’ll have someone come for you right away. Okay?”

Mary Emma reluctantly agreed and climbed down from the buckboard. Lou followed her down and kept to Jackson’s side as they entered the one room schoolhouse.

As a teacher, Grace Truman was a well-respected woman in Sweetwater and although she and Lou were friendly at town and church functions, they weren’t close. Grace was one of the many new young people in Sweetwater and she was often caught up in the social aspects of the town, including the often-vicious gossip that circulated.

Lou had no doubt that Grace had already heard about Jackson and the events of the last couple of weeks at the PX Ranch, but seeing the look on her face as Lou introduced the new student confirmed her suspicions.

“Grace, I have a new student for you. This is Jackson…” Lou stopped midsentence when she realized she didn’t know his family name.

“Simmons,” finished Jackson, his eyes on the floor.

Recognition registered in Lou’s brain, but she tried to keep her shock from Grace’s curious eyes. “This is Jackson Simmons. I’d like for him to get started now so he can meet some of the children his own age before the next school year.”

Grace smiled kindly. She had always admired Lou and was amazed at how calmly she was handling the situation. “That’s fine Mrs. McCloud. Jackson, why don’t you go take a seat with Avery and I’ll introduce you to the rest of the class in a minute.”

Both women watched the young boy move through the classroom. Looking around the room and seeing Rachel’s boys as well as Jenny & Caroline’s oldest kids, Lou felt better knowing there were children in the room he already knew.

“He’ll be fine, Mrs. McCloud.”

“Yes, I think he will be, Grace. He’s very smart, but I don’t know how much book learnin’ he’s had. I imagine he’ll catch on fast.” Turning to start for the door, Lou added, “Please see to it that he comes home with Mary Emma, Noah, Ike, Avery and Charlie.”

“I’ll see to it. My best to your husband, ma’am. We’re all hoping for a quick recovery.”

“Thank you,” was all Lou could muster.

Leaving the school quickly, Lou rode out of town. She had to pull over to calm herself once she was outside the city limits and away from the view of curious eyes. Had he really said Simmons? Pieces were beginning to fall into place for her and she wasn’t sure that knowing the truth made her feel any better.

Lou spent the majority of the day tending to Maddy and Sarah as well as spooning Kid some broth and water. By afternoon she had cleared the downstairs of any fire remnants and aired out the rugs and cushions.

Settling in for an afternoon of reading to the Kid, Lou decided to give him a bath and shave his scruffy face. Six days of growth was too much on his boyish chin. She hoped that if he felt clean, he might feel better.

After warming some water on the stove, Lou returned and gently turned back the quilt. She couldn’t help but look at his left leg. Seeing nothing, she hoped he felt no pain and had no limp when he started walking again. His chest and head were no longer bandaged, Doc Keating and Doc Satterwhite having been there only hours earlier to examine him.

The doctors were pleased with his breathing, the lungs and ribs having a good chance to heal through with Kid unable to move around. Both doctors were mostly concerned with the fact that he hadn’t regained consciousness yet.

“Let’s get you cleaned up, Kid.” Lou spoke softly and tried to force lightness into her voice that she didn’t feel. “I know it will make you feel better once you’ve had a shave.”

Paused in the open doorway, Jimmy watched Lou place a clean towel under Kid’s chin. “You want me to do that?”

Intent on her purpose, Lou didn’t bother to look at Jimmy when she replied. “No, I’ll be just fine. He just needs to be cleaned up a little. This scruffy look doesn’t suit him.”

Moving into the room he rested his hand on her shoulder lightly. He knew it was taking everything she had to hold herself together and this task would be just another way to keep her mind occupied. “You know, it’s not gonna help matters any when we have to call the docs back to stitch his face up.” He gave a quick squeeze to show he was just teasing her.

Looking back over her shoulder, Lou smiled at him while lathering the shaving brush. “I’ve never cut him once,” she said proudly.

Surprise registered on Jimmy’s face as he watched Lou expertly apply the shave cream. “You’ve done this before? When?”

This time Lou couldn’t turn to face him. She felt a warm blush begin to color her cheeks. “You don’t want to know, Jimmy.”

“You’re probably right.” Jimmy felt himself blush as well. “I’ve gotta get back over to Buck and Jenny’s, so I’ll let you be.” With one last squeeze of her shoulder Jimmy headed for the door. He looked back and continued to watch Lou lather Kid’s chin, his heart tearing to pieces as he saw the tears roll down her cheeks.

“Okay, sweetheart. Let’s make a deal. I’ll promise not to cut you, if you promise to open your eyes.” Lou paused for a second as if she really expected an answer.

Gently running the blade over his rough face she found the routine relaxed her. Concentrating on holding his skin on his neck taut, she didn’t notice the slight movements behind his downed eyelids nor the stirring of his hands tucked beside him.

“Just a few minutes more and I’ll have you good as new.” She moved the blade carefully down his throat and stopped mid-stroke when she saw his neck muscles tense and make an exaggerated swallowing motion.

Dropping the blade into the dirty bowl, Lou hurried to wipe the remnants of shave cream from Kid’s face, while still watching him closely. Her face just inches from his, this time she didn’t miss the twitching of his eyes as he struggled to open them. She felt his chest begin to rise and fall quickly, his breaths becoming deeper, more rapid.

“That’s it, Kid. Open your eyes for me. I’m right here.” Lou ran her hands over his now-smooth cheeks hoping to calm the fears she knew were behind his flickering eyes. “Please, baby. Please come back to me.”

The suddenness startled Lou to the point that she physically jumped back when Kid’s eyes flew open. She watched him search the room, looking for signs of familiarity and prayed he would focus his cloudy eyes on her, prayed he would recognize her and grace her with a smile of forgiveness.

Kid blinked slowly and concentrated on clearing the cobwebs that had apparently formed in his brain. He could see Lou right in front of him and he was afraid it was a cruel joke or another one of the dreams that had been playing in his mind since the day she left.

He tried to reach for her, to touch her and make sure she was real, but his arms felt like dead weight. He could only raise his hand inches before it fell back to his side. He tried to call her name, to speak and be spoken to, but his throat was on fire and felt as if someone had poured gravel down it as he slept. He could only mouth her name and hope she could read his lips.

“It’s me, Kid. Oh, God! I’ve been so worried about you. We’ve all been so worried about you, but you’re gonna be okay now. I’ll have you up and around in no time.” Lou was running her hands over his face, pushing back at his curls, feeling the heat rushing back into his skin when the dam broke. She’d clung desperately to her pride for too long, she’d caused so much pain. As the tears burst forth, she crumpled to his chest and let them flow freely.

The body shaking sobs scared Kid. He could feel her hot tears pooling on his chest and he wanted to reach for her and wrap his arms around her, but they still felt useless and he struggled to raise one hand high enough to place it on her knee and pat it once.

“Lou.” The spoken word was barely more than a croaked whisper.

Pulling her head up from his chest, Lou met Kid’s eyes. “It’s really me, sweetheart. You’re gonna be okay now.”

“Lou,” he tried again.

“Hush, try not to talk. Let me get you some water. Your throat must be so dry.”

Kid nodded and watched Lou wipe her tears dry on her sleeve as she poured the cup of water. Taking sips that were smaller than what his baby daughter swallowed, he reveled in the cool liquid as it slid down his throat. When he’d had enough, he clamped his lips shut.

Setting the cup aside, Lou used the towel still draped under Kid’s chin to wipe the droplets from his face. There was an awkward silence as husband and wife fully looked at each other for the first time in too many weeks. There were so many things to say, so many emotions that had been pent up for too long that neither knew where to begin.

“I should go tell everyone you’re awake. They’ve been so worried about you!” Lou rose from the bed and turned to leave. The feel of Kid’s hands on her skirt stopped her in her place. Looking down at his loose fist, her heart started to beat faster and she found her feet would not, nor could not, move forward. Her mind flashed back to a time, one too similar to this one when Flynn refused to let her leave and then died before her. Fear of losing Kid coursed through her veins and tried to take control of her, but she refused to allow that to happen. Again.

His strength still absent, Kid let go of the soft cloth and struggled to extend his hand to Lou. He needed to feel her, to hold her and make sure she was real. He felt like he had been dreaming of her and waiting for this moment when he would have her back in his arms. Forever.

Lou sensed that Kid was begging her to stay, felt his hand reaching for hers before she ever turned back to face him. As she did, she extended her own hand to meet his. As she laced her trembling fingers through Kid’s, her heart surged with love.

Their palms met and both curled their fingers tightly around the others hand. Lou reseated herself on the bed, pulled their entwined hands into her lap and stroked the back of Kid’s hand.

After what seemed like an eternity Kid broke the uneasy silence, his voice still hoarse. “The children?”

“Oh, Kid!” Lou was horrified that she hadn’t already told him. “They’re fine. Really. I should have told you first off. Jackson got the girls out of the house while Jimmy and Buck rescued you,”

Still running his hazy eyes around the room, Kid tried to put the puzzle pieces together. “The house?”

“Well, it’s still standing,” she tried to joke. “Only the porch is gone and Wally had the boys fix it the very next day. Well, we have new stairs at least. Then they moved you here, into our bed.”

“What day is it?” He knew he had been unconscious for a while, but he had no concept of exactly how long.

“It’s been nearly a week since the fire. You’ve been unconscious for almost five days.”

Kid closed his eyes and tried to make himself remember. He could visualize the house and the flaming porch, but nothing else and it certainly didn’t feel like it was almost a week ago that it had happened. “I guess I’m not dead then.”

Lou smiled weakly at his attempted sarcasm. “You probably feel like it though. You broke some ribs, hurt your lungs or so the docs said, and dislocated your hip.”

“I’m a regular mess.”

“I’ve seen worse, but then again I’ve seen better.” She reached up with her free hand and brushed a curl off his forehead. “To tell you the truth, you’re a sight for sore eyes, Kid McCloud. I was afraid I’d really lost you this time - in more ways than one.

“I told you I wasn’t gonna ever leave you, Lou. You should have believed me.”

Silence descended again and Lou continued to hold and stroke Kid’s hand.

“Lou,” Kid spoke first. “I’m sorry.”

The heartfelt apology was more than she could bear. “No!” This time she did drop his hand, but only long enough to lean forward so she could take his face in her hands. “Don’t you dare apologize to me. I’m so unworthy of your forgiveness. I reacted poorly to Jackson’s arrival, but I never should have run away from you. I should be saying I’m sorry, not you. It was never your fault.”

“But I should have told you sooner. Years ago.” He raised his jelly-like arms to hold her shoulders, pulling her closer to him. “I never meant to hurt you, never. It’s the last thing I would do to you.”

Still running her hands over his freshly-shaven cheeks, Lou nodded her head. “I know that, Kid. I wish you had told me earlier, but I’m guessin’ you didn’t because you knew how I would react - or over react. I do that too often. You really do know me better than I know myself.” Her tears began to flow again and she left them unchecked, refusing to break the contact between them.

Kid wiped at the tears with an unsteady hand. “Please don’t cry, sweetheart. You know I can’t stand it when you do.”

Sniffling and attempting to stop the flow, Lou knew it was too late. All of her pent up emotions rushed out and she collapsed again to his chest, full sobs escaping her small body as he wrapped his arms around her and softly rubbed her back until she was all cried out. As the weeping subsided Kid continued to stroke Lou’s hair, his limbs growing stronger just from her closeness.

“Are you done now?” he teased lightly when she shuddered from the exertion of crying.

Turning her head so her cheek rested on his bruised chest and her arms were carefully wrapped around his torso, she nodded. “Some reunion. I’m sniveling like a baby and you’re so tired again you’re ready to sleep for another week.”

“There’ll be time enough for a reunion later, we still got a bunch to talk about, but for right now I just want to know that we’re okay. Are we, Lou? Can you accept this?”

Lou knew what he was asking of her. He wanted to know if she was going to accept Jackson into their home and help raise him. “Yes, Kid. I can do this.” She spoke the words he wanted to hear and hoped that she would find a way to mean them.

A tired smile reached his lips and he mustered the strength for a hug of reassurance and a quick kiss to the top of her head for thanks. Lying in each other’s arms, the young couple knew it would somehow all work out. There was still so much to discuss, so much that Lou wanted and needed to know about, but for now she was content to just rest in Kid’s arms.

Their solitude was broken by the sounds of an approaching wagon.

“Is that the girls?”

“Just Mary Emma. And Jackson. I finally took her back to school today. I enrolled Jackson as well.” Lou sat up and began to pull herself together.

Kid gave his wife a curious look. “That introduction must have been interesting.”

“Let’s just say that Grace Truman will be able to keep the gossips happy for quite a while now. I’m going to get the children. Sarah is with Tessie and Maddy at Jenny’s and I need to let everyone else know you’re awake. I’ll have Wally send one of the men for the docs, but it’s gonna be hard to keep the family out of here. Are you up to it?” She could see he was yawning and starting to drift back to sleep, albeit a distinctly different sleep than he had been in before.

His eyes almost closed, Kid nodded his head. “I want to see everyone. I’ll just rest until they’re here. Okay?”

She kissed his lips gently and was overwhelmed with emotions when she felt him kiss her back. The firmness of his lips a sure sign that he was on the way to recovery. “That’s a good idea. You rest and I’ll be back very soon. I’ll even bring you some food.”

Kid’s final nod was barely noticeable, but the smile on his face could not be missed.

Chapter Twelve


Title Page

The Storybook

The Kidnation