Chapter Eleven

Louise and Kid rode up to the station on Lightning and Katy early the next morning. Teaspoon, Rachel, and Buck were standing outside, each waiting to bid the couple good-bye.

Louise’s eyes were swollen and red. She hadn’t slept a wink during the night. It broke her heart that not only would she be leaving Rock Creek and the best family she’d ever known, but that because she and Kid were leaving, the family was being torn apart. She was so torn up emotionally, she had a hard time riding Lighting the short distance from the livery to the station house.

Kid was equally emotional. He loved his fellow riders like brothers. Unfortunately, he’d already had the experience of being on different sides of an issue with his brother Jed. But that didn’t make it any easier. At least he had Lou. He could tell she was perilously close to losing it, and only that made him question his agreeing to her joining him on his journey home.

Kid dismounted Katy and went to help Lou off Lightning. Louise was shaking as she whispered to him, “I don’t think I can do this, Kid.”

“You’ll be fine, Lou. It’ll be tough, but you’re tougher,” he told her. “You can do this.”

Louise nodded and grabbed for Kid’s hand as they walked to where Teaspoon, Rachel, and Buck stood.

Teaspoon stuck out his hand to Kid, who grabbed it and then was pulled into a heartfelt embrace by the marshal. “You can’t fault a man who’s willin’ to fight for his home. You remember what I told you all ‘bout our kin bein’ patriots.”

Kid, overcome by emotion, merely nodded. “Teaspoon, I...” he began.

“I know, Kid,” Teaspoon cut him off. “If I’da had a son, I’da wished him to grow to be a man like you.”

Kid smiled at him as tears welled in his eyes.

Louise was next. No words were exchanged between her and the man she had come to view as her father. Her salty tears soaked his shirt as she clung to him.

“You’re the most remarkable woman I’ve ever met, Louise,” Teaspoon whispered to her. “Don’t you ever think any different.” Then to Kid he said, “You take care o’ her, you hear? Even if your off fightin’, you make sure she’s looked after proper like.”

“Course I will,” Kid confirmed.

Tears were pouring down Rachel’s face as Kid reached out to hug her. “We’ll be fine, Rachel. Everything’ll be fine,” he told her, echoing the words of encouragement she so often used to cheer up the riders.

Rachel laughed, realizing she was hearing her own advice. “Guess you were listenin’ after all, huh?”

“Course, Rachel,” he answered. “You take care of yourself.”

She nodded, then turned to Louise. The two women saw the tears in one another’s eyes and neither could hold back her own. In over a year, they had become as close as sisters, and both would miss confiding with each other, laughing with each other, as well as each other’s companionship.

“Lou, you sure you won’t reconsider?” Rachel pleaded.

“I wish I could, Rachel,” Lou answered. “I can’t. I love ‘im too much.”

Rachel nodded. “I know. I had to ask.”

Kid finally came to Buck and the two riders embraced. Buck had held his opinions to himself, whatever they were, and for that Kid was grateful. Buck simply was there to support them. It meant more to Kid than he could ever say. “It’s been a ride,” Kid told him.

Tears fell from Buck’s eyes as he answered, “It sure has. You ride safe, Kid.” He turned to Lou, who buried her face in his chest. “You be careful, Lou,” he whispered in her hair. “Don’t go tryin’ to join up with Kid,” he told her, attempting levity.

Their good-byes said, the couple stood back from the remainder of their crumbling family. Louise covered her face with her hands as sobs wracked her tiny frame. Kid placed his arm protectively around her.

“Thank you,” Kid told them. “Thank you for understanding this. We appreciate it more than you know.” He paused as emotion choked him up. “You all are our family. We love you and we’ll never forget you.”

“You just do your best to get back out here when the war’s over,” Teaspoon advised.

“That we’ll do,” Kid answered.

It was time to mount and ride away, but something just wouldn’t let Kid and Louise leave. The hold of the station and the people they’d loved for so long was so strong. Neither could bear to leave it behind.

Suddenly, Quinn came running across the yard. He was followed by Cassie helping Noah, slowly but surely.

“Noah’s gotta tell you somethin’ ‘fore you leave,” Quinn announced breathlessly.

Kid and Louise stood quietly, waiting for Cassie and Noah. It seemed it was taking forever for him to cross the yard, his body still weak from the damage the gunshot had inflicted.

Impulsively, Lou dropped Kid’s hand and rushed over to Noah, surprising the rider for the second time in twelve hours. She wrapped her arms around him.

“I’m so sorry if this hurts you, Noah. We didn’t ever want to hurt you,” she sobbed. “I was so relieved when I found out you’d be okay. Don’t hold this against us. We both love you, no matter what.”

Noah bowed his head and hugged Lou tightly. “I know, Lou. I know.”

Kid made his way towards the two. Noah looked up and told him, “You got courage, man. I don’t know if I could do what you’re doin’ if I was in your shoes, all issues aside. You take care, and we’ll be waiting for you when you come back.”

Noah’s words caught Kid by surprise. Tears fell down his cheeks as he wrapped his arms around both Lou and Noah. No matter their cultural differences and diverse backgrounds, they were family. This was what family was about. This was true, unconditional love.

Finally, it was time to go. Both Kid and Louise were disappointed that Jimmy hadn’t shown up, but then, they really hadn’t expected him to. They figured Jimmy’s pride was once again overpowering his emotions.

Kid checked Lightning’s girth and made sure Lou’s bags were secure before helping his wife mount her horse. He did the same with Katy before climbing on her back.

The emotional group was startled to hear Rosemary’s voice in the cool morning air. “You can’t do it, Kid. I’m sorry you don’t see that now. I just won’t let you do it.”

Louise screamed as she realized Rosemary was pointing a gun at Kid. She shrieked in terror as they all heard the gun fire, hitting Kid in the shoulder and throwing him backwards off of Katy.

Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6

Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12

Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18

Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Epilogue


Title Page

The Storybook

The Kidnation