Chapter Fourteen

Teaspoon, Jimmy, and Buck had joined Noah, Cassie, and Quinn in the parlor as the wait for news of Kid’s condition continued. It seemed like Doc Barnes had been upstairs with Kid forever. Rachel and Lou were with him; Rachel helping the doctor and Louise keeping vigil at her husband’s side. No one uttered a word about the morning’s circumstances that had led them to this point.

Everyone tried to keep busy to take their minds off what was happening upstairs. Teaspoon paced, which was very unlike the marshal, who was more inclined to relax, his legs up and his round hat covering his face. Buck stood gazing out the window, a stunned look on his face. He couldn’t fathom the fact that he could lose two of his closest friends in less than a year. Jimmy sat cleaning his guns, as if he could somehow undo the havoc that had be wreaked by making sure they were in top-notch shape. Quinn had enticed Noah into a game of cards, but the dark rider didn’t appear to be enjoying himself. His mind was on the previous night, wondering if his words had influenced Rosemary in some way to do what she’d done. Even Cassie seemed troubled. She sat near Noah mending clothes for Rachel, occasionally jamming the needle into a finger, which was not ordinary for the accomplished seamstress. Each could only imagine the pain Louise was enduring, seeing Kid in the condition he was.

“Now I know you all don’t keep whiskey ‘round,” Doc Barnes stated, “But it sure would make this a whole lot less painful for Kid here if he had some. Could you send someone to get a bit?” he asked Rachel.

“Oh,” Rachel answered, “We’ve still got some from when Noah was shot. It should be in the drawer there,” she told the doctor, pointing to the night stand next to the bed. She shook her head at the irony. First Noah, then Kid. How many more of her boys would she have to nurse back to health in this room? Would the violence that had erupted in Rock Creek lately continue?

Doc Barnes took the whiskey from the night stand and directed Rachel to help Kid drink it. Looking at Louise’s pale face he said, “Maybe the missus could use a drink, too.”

Lou’s brown eyes widened. She detested the nasty spirit. She shook her head and with sheer determination quietly answered, “No. I’ll be fine.”

“Rachel, I’m gonna need you to hold him if he starts jerking around,” the doctor instructed.

“Should I get one of the boys to help?” Rachel wondered out loud.

“It’s been my experience menfolk are more trouble than their worth in an instance like this,” Doc Barnes answered. “We all ready?”

Lou and Rachel locked eyes. Rachel gave Louise a confident and encouraging grin, then both women answered, “Uh-huh.”

Doc Barnes began digging the bullet out of Kid’s knee, a process that would be more difficult that tending his shoulder wound. The bullet to his shoulder had passed clean through, narrowly missing some major arteries, but the other shot had lodged in his knee, requiring the doctor to perform surgery on the young rider’s leg.

Kid, half unconscious from blood loss and shock and drugged with both laudanum and whiskey, still struggled and moaned as the doctor worked on his knee.

Louise tried closing her eyes to shut out the messy scene in front of her, but then all she could see was Rosemary, her gun firing at Kid. Lou breathing began to quicken and her color went from pale to green.

Rachel noticed the young woman’s condition and called loudly, “Cassie?!”

Moments later, Cassie carefully opened the door peeking her head in as though she was afraid of disturbing them. “You need anything, Rachel?” she asked.

“Cassie, would you mind takin’ Louise out for a breath of fresh air please?” Rachel asked.

“No, Rachel! Please! I’m bein’ good!” Lou pleaded like a child.

“Louise, you look like you’re ‘bout to pass out any second. Doc Barnes don’t need that,” Rachel counseled. “Kid don’t need that neither,” she added for extra effect.

Cassie walked around the bed and help Lou up from the chair. She led Louise away from the bed, and Lou finally dropped her death grip on Kid’s hand. The two young women left the room and walked downstairs in silence.

They were met by Teaspoon and the boys, who were all standing, with the exception of Noah, in anticipation of news about Kid. Cassie gave them a look that told them they better not ask and she led Louise out the back door. She didn’t want the petite former rider to see the front yard yet, where the ground was still soaked with blood from both Kid and Rosemary.

They sat quietly on the steps, watching the sun peek through the autumn clouds. Finally Louise softly said, “They took her away?”

Cassie nodded. “The undertaker came ‘bout an hour ago.”

“What’d Jimmy do?” Louise asked, surprising Cassie. The fresh air must be bringing clarity back to Lou’s thoughts.

“He doesn’t seem to want to have anything to do with it,” Cassie answered simply.

“He shot her?” Louise asked. Her memories of the morning were vague in some ways, crystal clear in others. She didn’t remember who’d shot Rosemary. She only remembered her utter relief at seeing the woman fall to the ground and knowing the shooting was over.

“Uh-huh,” Cassie replied.

“Oh Lord,” Louise declared after a moment of thought. “He’s never gonna get over this. He and Kid’ll never make up now. I thought there was some hope, somehow. But now...” her voice trailed off.

“What on earth do you mean?” Cassie questioned. “Jimmy saved Kid’s life, for goodness sake! Doesn’t that prove their friendship means more to him than she did?”

Lou fell silent as she pondered Cassie’s comment. “But he only came out after she shot at me,” she insisted. “Maybe he only did it to save me.”

“Lou, that’s ridiculous,” Cassie told her. “If Jimmy wanted you to himself, he woulda let Rosemary kill Kid.”

Lou cringed at the sound of Rosemary’s name. But what if it were true?

“‘Sides,” Cassie continued, “Jimmy didn’t ride up ‘til after the shootin’ started. We saw his horse from the window.”

“She came on her own?” Louise wondered out loud.

“Must have,” Cassie confirmed. Then she asked, “You wanna head back in?”

Lou looked at Cassie with fear in her eyes.

“You can stay in the parlor with us,” Cassie assured her.

“I’m afraid of that, too,” Lou whispered.

“They love you, Lou,” Cassie reassured her. “They won’t talk about it if you don’t want to. Heck, they haven’t said a word to each other in hours.”

Sighing deeply, Lou answered, “Okay.”

The two women entered the house to continue the silent vigil.

Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6

Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12

Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18

Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Epilogue


Title Page

The Storybook

The Kidnation