Chapter Fifteen

At long last, the group gathered in Rachel’s parlor heard the guest room door open and footsteps descend the stairs. Louise reached for Cassie’s hand, while Teaspoon and the boys stood to hear the news from the doctor.

Rachel appeared by herself in the parlor. “Louise, Doc Barnes’d like to speak with you,” she said softly.

This can’t be good! Lou instantly worried. “Rachel?” she questioned hopefully.

“Just go on now,” Rachel prodded.

Louise felt ill again. She already knew what the doctor was going to say. It was something awful, she was sure of it. She shakily stood and crossed the room to join Rachel, but her fear overcame her. She knew then that she was about to be sick, and she ran past Rachel, out the front door and down the porch stairs before losing the little she had eaten that morning on the front walk. Embarrassed, Lou picked up the hem of her filthy skirt and wiped her mouth. Looking up, she couldn’t help but notice the blood stains in the yard not 30 feet from her, evidence of the morning’s nightmare. Overcome by feelings of fear and despair, she felt her legs give way and she passed out, crumpling to the ground.

Rachel had followed her out the door and saw what had happened. “Buck!” she hollered. “Buck, I need some help out here!”

Buck dashed through the front door and saw Louise lying on the front walk passed out. He walked to her, crouched down, and carefully picked up her tiny, limp body.

“Let’s take her to my room,” Rachel suggested, leading the way.

Louise’s eyes fluttered open and she sat upright quickly to push away the noxious smelling substance that was being held under her nose. Rachel and Buck were crouched beside the bed, Buck with a very satisfied look on his face, while Rachel looked surprised.

“Well I never, Buck!” Rachel exclaimed. “It did work!”

“Yeah, well, whatever it is, get it outta my face!” Lou snapped. “It’s enough to make me sick again!”

The look on Rachel’s face immediately went from one of amazement to one of concern. “Lou, honey, maybe we should have Doc Barnes take a look at you while he’s here,” she suggested.

“I’m fine, Rachel! My nerves are just shot to hell!” Lou retorted. “Where’s Kid? I wanna see him.”

“He’s restin’ in the guest room,” Rachel answered. “Do you need some help gettin’ in there?”

“Rachel, I appreciate it, but I just fainted. I ain’t a cripple.” Lou looked to Buck to back her up, but he gave her a look letting her know he didn’t want to be dragged into the middle of this conversation.

“Well, then, if you’ll both pardon me, I’m goin’ to see my husband,” Lou said briskly, getting up off the bed and heading towards the guest room.

Louise knocked softly on the door and heard Doc Barnes answer, “Come in.” She cautiously entered, afraid she might disturb Kid if he was sleeping.

“Oh, Mrs. Brookfield!” Doc Barnes exclaimed. “I’m glad you’re here. I have some things to discuss with Kid and seein’ as he’s been through so much, it’s prob’ly best that you’re here since he won’t remember most of it.”

But Louise wasn’t paying much attention to the doctor at the moment. All she saw was Kid, battered and bandaged, but all in one piece. And although he was pale and his breathing was shallow, he was there before her. Alive. She nearly threw herself across the room to his bed, grabbing his hand and kissing it.

Kid had been dozing and Lou’s actions awoke him. “Oh, Kid!” Lou said softly. “I didn’t mean to wake you. I just, I just...” Her voice trailed off as she looked into his eyes.

“Louise?” Kid said, sure he must be at the Pearly Gates seeing an angel.

“Yeah, baby, it’s me,” she answered. “You’re gonna be fine. Everything’s gonna be fine.”

Even in his drugged state, Kid noticed Lou’s blood-stained garments. “Lou? She shoot you, too?” he asked in confusion.

“No, baby. It’s nothin’. I’m fine,” she assured him.

Lou heard Doc Barnes clear his throat. “I’m sorry to rush you, but I got other sick and injured folks need tendin’.”

“Of course, Doc. I’m sorry,” Louise apologized. “You were sayin’?”

“Well, I wanted to update you on Kid’s condition,” the doctor told them.

“And?” Lou asked.

“Well you know about his shoulder wound. That should be sore for some time, but it’ll heal up good if you keep the dressing clean. It’s his knee that’s the problem,” the doctor said.

“Problem?” Kid was able to ask.

“Yessir. That bullet got in there pretty deep,” Doc Barnes said. “Now if you’d a been at one o’ them fancy hospitals in a big city, they prob’ly coulda got it out real easy. But I didn’t have the best instruments, so it’s gonna take a long time for it to heal up.”

“Okay,” Lou answered, thinking that was the extent of the doctor’s explanation.

“What I mean to tell you is, that knee’s never gonna be 100%. At first you’ll need a cane, but eventually you should be able to get around without it and have just a slight limp,” the doctor continued. “You’ll be able to ride fine though, so there’s no reason to worry about that.”

Kid didn’t need to be 100% mentally to understand what the doctor had just told him. The realization that he’d never fight for Virginia hit him like a ton of bricks. He’d agonized over the decision for so long, and now all that worry and angst were for nothing.

“He can’t fight?” Lou asked huskily.

“No,” Kid answered for the doctor. “I can’t. So now we’re back to square one. Where’re we gonna live? Where am I gonna work?”

“Kid!” Louise replied. “Kid, you’re alive!” She turned his face toward hers. “That’s all I need! Don’t you understand? If we live in a shack in the mountains or on a boat on the river, I don’t care, just as long as you’re with me. I thought I was gonna lose you today. I’ve never been so scared in my whole life, Kid. I’d die without you, Kid. I mean that. I would. If she’d killed you today, I’d be dead, too. We’d all be dead.”

“She’s dead?” Kid asked, surprised.

Lou nodded. “Jimmy killed her.”

“Jimmy?” Kid questioned. “Are you sure?”

Louise nodded again.

“Good Lord!” was all the comment Kid could muster. His head fell back on the pillow, a dazed look in his eyes.

Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6

Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12

Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18

Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Epilogue


Title Page

The Storybook

The Kidnation