Chapter Seventeen

As the weeks went by, both Noah’s and Kid’s strength and stamina slowly returned. The way station was a hub of activity - almost as much as it had been when the Express was running full-speed.

Teaspoon, Buck, and Jimmy never had rigged up the bunkhouse to be suitable for female habitation. It had taken some figuring, but Rachel had finally got the sleeping arrangements worked out. Kid and Louise remained in her room, while Noah moved into the guest room. Rachel and Cassie took turns sleeping on the settee in the parlor; when one slept at the station, the other was in Lou and Kid’s room at the hotel. Quinn, Buck, and Jimmy stayed in the bunkhouse, while Teaspoon slept mostly at the jail during the day and the tack room at night.

Doc Barnes was out once or twice a week to check on Noah and Kid. He knew they were getting excellent care from Rachel, Louise, and Cassie. Noah still tired easily and couldn’t lift anything heavy, but the doctor assured him he’d heal up soon enough and reminded him to take it easy while he had the chance. Kid, meanwhile, struggled with the cane Buck had fashioned for him. It frustrated him that he wasn’t able to get places as fast as he wanted, and that he needed help mounting Katy. The doctor assured him that he’d be able to eventually, he just had to give it time.

The Express rides dwindled until finally Russell, Majors & Waddell canceled the rides for good. The telegraph had made the riders’ jobs obsolete. It was stressful on each former rider as they wondered where they’d find work.

Fortunately, Rachel was able to buy the station from the company for a good deal less than it was worth, so no one needed to worry about having a roof over their head.

But without work, boredom often took over, emotions ran high and tempers flared over small issues, usually leaving one or more of the former riders irritated, if not downright irate. Jimmy and Buck, in particular, seemed to get on one another’s nerves, since they were the only able-bodied men to man the station while Teaspoon was in town. Jimmy eventually decided to take a break and ride down to his sister’s in Kansas for a visit.

As Noah’s strength improved, he and Cassie began taking long walks on the prairie outside of town. It was difficult for them to dodge Quinn, who always wanted to tag along, but both Buck and Teaspoon were good about trying to rope him into some activity or another so the couple could have some time alone. It was plain to see their relationship was advancing to the next level, and everyone hoped they’d soon hear wedding bells for the pair.

Kid and Louise took Katy and Lightning out for runs as often as they could. The horses were getting fat and sassy, since they too were out of regular work. On Katy, Kid was his old self, forgetting his knee injury and his bothersome limp. Louise especially enjoyed the time alone with him as they discussed the various options for their future. Kid had his heart set on a horse ranch, but Lou secretly feared his injuries would hamper his ability to run it like he wanted to. They’d need hired hands, which was something they didn’t have the money for yet. But she didn’t have any better ideas. Kid was so good with horses and he loved being around them, she couldn’t imagine him doing anything else.

As Kid continued to improve, Buck and Lou began helping him to walk without his cane. The idea of giving up the unwanted device excited Kid, but when it came to the actual rehabilitation, the usually cheerful Kid became angry easily. He hated being hampered by the injury, but Doc Barnes said the workouts would do him good. So Buck and Louise continued to work with and encourage him, despite his occasional outbursts of frustration.

Their biggest hurdle was when it came to mounting Katy. Kid did well if he could get on her from the porch, but he had a hard time putting his injured leg in the stirrup and pulling himself up into the saddle. He felt like a child whenever someone had to help him onto his own horse.

“Dammit, Buck! Let me try myself!” he yelled after falling down yet again. Louise sat on the fence post watching the two work.

“Kid, maybe you’re takin’ this too fast,” Buck told him. “You don’t wanna hurt yourself worse.”

“I won’t,” Kid retorted. “Lemme try again.”

Buck said nothing. He just held Katy’s reigns as Kid placed his foot in the stirrup yet again and tried pulling himself into the saddle. His knee was still too weak, and it gave out and he fell into the dirt yet again.

Lou jumped down off the fence and went over to help Kid up. “How ‘bout that stool you made, Buck?” she asked.

“I ain’t a kid. I’m not usin’ a stool,” Kid told her harshly.

“No, you’re not a child, but you are a ‘Kid’,” Buck said, trying to make a joke. Unfortunately, neither Kid or Louise laughed.

“Kid, honey, he’s only tryin’ to help,” Lou told him.

“No kiddin’, Lou,” he shot back at her. “I’m sick of everyone helpin’ me. I oughtta be able to do this myself!”

“Fine then, Kid,” Louise retorted. “Do it yourself. You can stay out here and keep fallin’ on the ground ‘til you break your damn neck for all I care! People try and help you and you just push ‘em away. I know you’re frustrated, Kid, but like the doc says, this takes time!”

“Help?” Kid snapped back. “How ‘bout Teaspoon or Buck shootin’ Rosemary in the first place? Then I wouldn’t have this problem with my damn knee!”

This wasn’t the first time Kid had lashed out at Buck and the marshal for his injury, so Buck didn’t think much of it. Louise was continually horrified each time he brought it up, but she had never said anything, figuring it was something he’d work through in his own time. Apparently, that wasn’t happening.

“Dammit, Kid!” she yelled back. “It ain’t their fault! Stop blamin’ your friends, the people tryin’ to help you! This was the work of a crazy woman and they did the best they knew how in the heat of the moment!”

“Why’re you takin’ their side, Lou?” Kid demanded.

Louise stomped her foot in irritation. “This ain’t about sides, Kid. Good grief, you ain’t even bein’ sensible.” She turned and walked away.

“Lou!” he called after her. “I was talkin’ to you! Get over here!”

Louise turned around, infuriated. “Don’t you dare order me around, Kid! You weren’t talkin’ to me, you were arguing with me. I got a headache and I’m not in the mood to argue, so until you can speak civil to me, I’m walkin’ away!” She headed for the barn, saddled Lightning, and took off away from the station at full speed.

Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6

Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12

Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18

Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Epilogue


Title Page

The Storybook

The Kidnation