Chapter Twenty

Teaspoon, Kid and Louise rode into the station in the wee morning hours, the wind still cutting like a knife through the air. They didn’t see Buck’s horse, but they figured he must have taken care of it already and put the gelding in the barn. Teaspoon dismounted his horse and helped Kid with Louise while he dismounted Katy.

“I got the horses,” Teaspoon said. “You get her inside and warmed up.”

Kid nodded, nearly frozen to the bone himself. Rachel met him at the door.

“Oh, Lord, Kid!” she said, worried. “Get in here before you catch your death! Let’s bring her into the kitchen. It’s warmest there and Cassie’s heatin’ some bricks for me.”

“Where’s Doc Barnes?” Kid asked.

“Buck rode out after him a while ago, but he’s not back yet,” Rachel told him. “He musta had to track him down at someone’s house.”

Kid carried Louise into the kitchen, where Rachel and Cassie had prepared a makeshift bed in front of the red hot cookstove. Kid’s stomach growled when he smelled Rachel’s chicken and dumpling soup, but his first priority was getting Louise to wake up and to make sure she was warm.

Cassie removed two heated bricks from within the stove and carefully wrapped them in burlap sacks. She placed them at Lou’s feet as Rachel piled blankets on the young woman and tried to spoon feed her the hot soup. Kid took Louise’s hands in his and rubbed them together to try to get her circulation going again.

“Kid, help yourself to some soup,” Rachel suggested.

“In a minute,” he answered.

“Kid, you’re gonna fall over from exhaustion,” Rachel told him. “Remember you’re still healin’ yourself. Cassie an’ me will take care of her just fine.”

“Rachel!” Kid protested.

“Kid!” she argued back. “You ain’t gonna win this one, so don’t even bother tryin’.”

Realizing she was right, Kid found a bowl and ladled himself some of the soup. He sat down at the table, watching Rachel and Cassie like a mother hen, his eyes never leaving Louise.

Early in the morning, Doc Barnes still had not arrived. Buck finally rode in and announced that the doctor was in the middle of delivering Mrs. Horton’s twins and he’d be out to the way station as soon as he could. Rachel silently wondered if they shouldn’t just invite the doctor to stay with them permanently, seeing how much he was there tending the riders.

Cassie went to bed only after much prodding from Rachel, and Kid had finally drifted off to sleep, covered in blankets himself, in the rocking chair next to Louise. Rachel rested her head on the table, and before she knew it, she too was fast asleep.

Just before the break of dawn Buck left the bunkhouse and headed for Rachel’s to get something to eat. He could see a rider coming from the direction of the Horton place and figured it was finally Doc Barnes. Buck met the doctor at the front porch.

“How’s she doin’? the doctor asked.

“I’m not sure. I was just headin’ in to get some breakfast and find out,” Buck answered.

“Rachel do all the things I told you?” Doc Barnes wanted to know.

“I’m sure she did. Rachel could prob’ly put you outta business,” Buck joked. “‘Specially since we can’t afford to have you keep comin’ out here.”

“She’s got a special touch all right,” the doctor agreed. “Now let’s go check on the patient.”

Buck had carried Louise up to the room she and Kid had been sharing, and shortly thereafter, she woke up. She was feeling terrible, and the doctor said she’d need a lot of rest, or risk coming down with bronchitis or worse. He left some cough syrup and laudanum with Rachel, to be used only if necessary.

Kid was still asleep in the rocking chair, but Rachel thought he and Doc Barnes should have a little talk before the doctor left to treat the next poor soul in Rock Creek that needed him. She smiled gently at the thought of the look on Kid’s face when he found out.

“Kid, honey,” Rachel lightly shook him. “Kid, wake up.”

Kid woke up and rubbed his eyes like a little boy. He appeared disoriented by his surroundings. “Is Lou okay?” he asked frantically once he got his bearings and noticed his wife was no longer in the kitchen. “Did she wake up?”

“She’s fine, Kid,” Rachel assured him. “But Doc Barnes wants to have a little talk with you before he leaves.”

“Is she gonna be okay?” he asked again.

“Kid, she’s fine,” Rachel said. “Now just go find the doctor so he can leave. Then you can spend some time with your wife.”

Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6

Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12

Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18

Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Epilogue


Title Page

The Storybook

The Kidnation