Chapter Four

Lou rode through the station on her way back towards town. She slowed Lightning to a walk and entered the barn, looking for Katie. She racked her brain, trying to remember of Kid’s beloved horse had been there when she left, or if she’d seen the animal at the livery. Try as she might, she couldn’t recall. What if she was here? Then he left! He left and I didn’t get to apologize!

Louise briskly turned Lightning around and rode out of the barn, racing towards Rock Creek. If he wasn’t at the livery, she’d have to go after him, and it could be a very long night.

Lou didn’t notice Rachel waving to her from the porch, a smile of relief on her face. While Louise had been gone, Noah had woken up, Cassie at his side. Doc Barnes had given the young man a clean bill of health, but warned him to take it easy for a while. The bullet had very likely hit some internal organs, and the rider was lucky to be alive. Rachel had gently explained to Noah the disappearance of Jesse, how Cody had left town with the army, and how Noah had surely saved Rosemary’s life.

“So I get to play Cody for a few weeks?” Noah had joked weakly. “I can just sit around and watch you all do my work?”

“Guess somebody’s got to, since he traipsed off with the army,” Teaspoon answered.

“Maybe Quinn could help out,” Cassie suggested.

Quinn’s face contorted in protest and he looked to Noah for help as Rachel re-entered the room.

“Now, Cassie,” Noah intervened, “The boy’s here on vacation. Maybe Teaspoon’ll let ‘im help out around the jail. He’ll be needin’ someone to lose to in checkers since Jesse’s gone.”

Quinn smiled in agreement, but Rachel and Teaspoon looked at one another with sorrow. The boy had been curious and had yearned to be “grown up.” No doubt now he was learning quickly that the adult world wasn’t as fun as he anticipated.

“Now, Noah,” Rachel decided aloud, “We’re just gonna have to celebrate you feelin’ better. I’ll cook all your favorites and we’ll make sure everyone’s here. Think tomorrow night will give you enough time to rest up?”

Noah smiled and nodded weakly, his eyes heavy with sleep. “More food to go around, too, Cody bein’ gone,” he managed to joke before drifting into a healing sleep.

“She musta been lookin’ for Kid,” Rachel told Teaspoon, after explaining that Louise had ridden out of the station without noticing her. “She was headin’ to town.”

“It ain’t like Lou to take news so hard,” Teaspoon commented. “She of all people should know we can’t keep Buck, Jimmy, and Kid busy with rides anymore.”

“I think she’s just worn out, Teaspoon,” Rachel answered, continuing to cut carrots into the evening’s stew. “What with the weddin’, takin’ care of Noah, missin’ Jesse, missin’ her job, and bein’ married. It’s a lot for a body to take in all at once.”

“The Kid’s just tryin’ to make ‘em some extra cash. Since she’s not ridin’ no more, I bet things’ll get tight for ‘em,” Teaspoon observed.

“I’m sure she knows that. I woulda told her, but he swore me to secrecy, like it was a big deal. He ought’ta be sharin’ that with her now that they’re married,” Rachel said disapprovingly.

“Them two’ll go through some rough times at first,” Teaspoon said distantly. “Marriage ain’t an easy thing.”

“You would know,” Rachel added dryly.

“Maybe I could find use for a decent deputy,” the Marshall said thoughtfully, picking a carrot out of the pot of stew to gnaw on.

Rachel swatted his hand away. “They’ll see right through your charity. They may be young, but they ain’t dumb.”

“It ain’t charity at all,” Teaspoon defended. “Rock Creek’s gettin’ rougher by the day. Could use me someone honorable and good with a gun, since the Express’ll be closin’ anyhow.”

“Yeah, Teaspoon, you work so hard playin’ checkers, you’re plumb worn out when a crisis comes up,” Rachel joked.

Teaspoon raised his eyebrows, surprised at Rachel’s audacity. “Them boys are rubbing off on you. I think I’ll just leave now and let ‘em know ‘bout Noah.”

“You do that, Marshall,” Rachel said, giggling as he left the kitchen.

Lightning skidded to a stop in front of the livery. Louise threw herself off the horse and raced inside, tripping and falling on to the muddy ground twice in her rush.

Disheveled, she desperately looked for any sign of Kid or Katy. There wasn’t any sign of either of them.

“Kid!” she hollered, almost in hysterics. “Kid!”

There was no reply to her calls.

The hotel. He’d have to stop there to pick up his things if he was leaving town. She secured Lightning to the fence and ran in the direction of their temporary home.

Please, God, she silently prayed. Let him be there.

Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6

Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12

Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18

Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Epilogue


Title Page

The Storybook

The Kidnation