Chapter Five

Louise slammed open the door of the hotel and turned to dash up the stairs, not hearing the desk clerk’s calls after her. Everything around her was a blur as she rushed towards the room she and Kid had shared since their wedding night.

“Mrs. Brookfield! Mrs. Brookfield!?” he called.

Two businessmen walked down the hall towards her, intently studying some seemingly important documents. Louise pushed passed them, falling to the floor in the process, their papers flying. She picked herself up and continued down the hall as one of the men shouted after her, “Watch where you’re runnin’, missy! You’re gonna kill someone tearin’ through here like that.”

But Lou didn’t care. She finally reached the door of their room and fumbled in the pockets of her split skirt, unable to find the key. Her panic about to turn to hysteria, silent tears poured down her face. It had been so much easier wearing trousers! She finally remembered she’d put the key on a chain around her neck, and she fumbled with her blouse in an effort to find it, finally ripping the chain off. She grasped the key as the broken chain fell to the floor.

Her hands shaking, Lou finally managed to insert the key into the lock, turn the knob and throw open the door. She closed her eyes, afraid of what she wouldn’t find, afraid she was too late.

Quinn plopped down at the table as Rachel continued preparing the evening meal. The boy breathed a sigh of boredom, one that reminded Rachel of Jesse.

“What’s up, Quinn?” she asked.

“Nuthin’,” he answered gloomily.

“How ‘bout you go find Teaspoon and find out how many I should be expectin’ for supper?” Rachel suggested. “He was gonna go tell all the boys about Noah wakin’ up, and I need to know if they’ll all be joinin’ us.”

“I don’t know Rock Creek,” Quinn protested. “I wouldn’t know where to look for ‘im.”

“No better way for you to learn,” Rachel answered watching the boy resignedly walk out the door to find the marshal.

Quinn didn’t have far to look. He found Teaspoon in the barn with Buck, who was brushing down his horse following his ride.

“You mean he woke up, just like that?” Buck asked.

“Just like that,” Teaspoon confirmed. “Doc Barnes came and looked ‘im over and said he’ll be good as new after a few weeks of rest.”

“It was Cassie,” Quinn piped up, making his presence known to the two men.

“Hey, there, Quinn,” Buck greeted the boy. “When’d you two get in?”

“This afternoon,” Quinn answered. “Cassie was sittin’ with Noah no more than an hour, and he just work up. I bet for sure he knew she was there. I’da woke up too, if I was him.”

“That coulda been the reason,” Teaspoon commented. “But coulda been that it was just time for his body to wake up.”

“Nah,” Quinn replied. “It was Cassie. You all sure are lucky we showed up!”

“Well then, son, I guess we are,” Teaspoon conceded.

Bullet-riddled cans fell from the fence as shots were fired. Kid chopped wood to think. Jimmy shot cans.

“You don’t miss much,” Rosemary commented from her perch on a dead tree truck.

“I don’t miss,” Jimmy said simply.

“How ‘bout you give me a chance?” she asked, smiling sweetly at him. “Isaiah never thought I should shoot, but I think I should be able to defend myself, ‘specially since I’m alone now.”

Jimmy thought for a moment. It couldn’t hurt. “Go down there and set the cans back up then,” he told her.

Rosemary jumped down from her seat. “Okay, but don’t shoot now.”

Jimmy chuckled. “Then hurry up. I got an itchy trigger finger today.”

Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6

Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12

Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18

Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Epilogue


Title Page

The Storybook

The Kidnation