Chapter Six

“Dammit, Lou! You mind shuttin’ the door?” Kid yelled in frustration.

Louise had never heard such a beautiful sound in all her life. He was here. He hadn’t left! She opened her eyes and smiled softly, closing the door behind her.

Kid was chest-deep in a hot bath, his hair wet, which made it all the more curly and unruly. His skin was golden brown from the sun and Louise felt warm all over just to see him there in front of her.

Kid, however, was obviously still furious with her. He didn’t look at her, even when she crossed the room and knelt beside the steaming tub of water.

“Kid?” she said tentatively. When he didn’t respond, she continued, choosing her words carefully this time. “Kid, I’m so sorry. I know you’re mad. You got every right to be.”

He still refused to look at his doleful wife. His strong jaw clenched in anger.

Louise touched his arm and felt him flinch. Her hand jerked back and she felt her throat tighten in fear. It wasn’t going to matter if she apologized. Kid was hurt, and she was the one who’d inflicted the pain.

She stood up and turned away from him, sitting on the bed and gazing out the window. The silence was a chasm between them. She heard Kid get out of the bath, dry himself off and begin to get dressed.

Finally he said, “Rachel’ll be expectin’ us for dinner.”

Lou didn’t respond. How could they go and face everyone like nothing was wrong? Their friends, no, their family, would see right through it. Everyone would be in a rush to fix things between the couple, things that could very well be irreparable.

“You comin’?” Kid asked.

Still Louise didn’t respond. She just felt like curling up in a ball and dying. To have Kid recoil at her touch...what could be worse? And she knew she deserved it. Every bit of it. Some wife she was turning out to be. Had she lived in the world as a man so long she’d forgotten how to be a woman, a woman all the time?

“Louise?” Kid said again, irritation in his voice.

Lou hung her head and quietly answered, “I ain’t hungry. Tell Rachel I’m sorry.”

“Yeah,” Kid answered as he left.

Silence enveloped the room, overpowering Lou. She’d lost him, and this time it wasn’t to another woman, like Samantha or Doritha. This time she’d just lost him because of her own stubbornness and pride, and that was more powerful than any hold another woman would ever have. Dismayed at the realization, Lou felt bile rise to her throat and it was all she could do to make it to the basin in time before collapsing in a heap of sobs on the bed.

“Kid!” Rachel greeted warmly. “I didn’t hear you ride up. Where’s Lou?”

“She said she wasn’t hungry,” he answered. “I walked. It’s a nice night out.”

“That it is,” she agreed. “Noah’s awake,” she told him, beaming.

“No kidding?” Kid replied. “Can I go up an see ‘im?”

“He’s sleepin’ now. Doc Barnes said it’ll be a few weeks ‘til he’s his old self again,” Rachel explained. “But were havin’ a special dinner for him tomorrow night, so make sure both you and Louise show up hungry.”

Kid merely smiled and nodded, taking his seat at the table next to Buck. “How was your ride?”

“Long,” Buck answered. “Since they cut out the Warm Springs station, I had to ride all the way to Oak Grove and back.” Turning to Quinn, Buck asked, “So’d Teaspoon give you the grand tour of Rock Creek?”

“Nah,” Quinn answered. “We just played checkers at the jail.”

Teaspoon cleared his throat and tried to change the subject, but not before Quinn could add, “I won every game.”

Buck and Kid both laughed. “Aw, c’mon now Teaspoon,” Kid chided. “You know Jesse just let you win occasionally so you’d keep on playin’.”

“Maybe that’s why he’s always tryin’ to teach us one of his new-fangled games,” Buck added. “So we’ll all be bad at it!”

Teaspoon shook his head in self-pity and turned to Rachel. “You see what I put up with?”

“Never mind that,” she answered with a laugh. “You ever track down Jimmy to tell him ‘bout Noah?”

Kid tensed at the mention of the rider’s name. The others noticed, but ignored it, knowing it was something the two would have to work out in their own time.

“Nope. Never did,” Teaspoon replied. “I’m sure he’ll turn up soon enough to check on ‘im anyhow.”

After a brief discussion with an exhausted Noah, Kid headed back to town from the station. He hoped Louise had fallen asleep. He didn’t know if he could face her after their confrontation today. It wasn’t that he was angry with her, exactly. He just wished she understood. She thought his sullenness was due to Noah, Jimmy, and Rosemary, and to his impending unemployment. But it wasn’t that at all.

Kid was wrestling with returning to Virginia, the land of his childhood memories. He knew a war zone was no place for a bride, even one as strong as Louise. Plus, she’d be madder than hell if he left without her, since he’d promised he never would. He didn’t want to leave his new wife, but the best place for her was with family...Rachel and Teaspoon and the others. And how would Jimmy and Noah would treat her once he’d left? After all, she’d be the wife of a Confederate soldier. Would their frustration with him be heaped upon her? Kid longed to share his concerns with Louise, but he just didn’t know how to bring it up. He’d been anxious before, but after their argument today he was at a complete loss.

Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6

Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12

Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18

Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Epilogue


Title Page

The Storybook

The Kidnation