Chapter Eight

Kid and Louise lazed away the morning in bed, trying to ignore the bright sun peeking through the drawn curtains. Realizing today would be their last full day in Rock Creek, they decided they’d spend it together, since they’d never had a honeymoon. After the week they’d had, they both needed a break, especially since they were about to embark on a long and arduous journey to Virginia.

After hearing of Noah’s recovering and the celebration supper Rachel had planned, Lou had a hard time getting her family out of her mind. It wouldn’t exactly be a bombshell Kid would be dropping when he announced his decision, but Lou knew it wasn’t going to go over smoothly either. She imagined Noah and Jimmy would be hurt, Rachel and Teaspoon would be worried, and Buck would be caught in the middle. And everyone would try to talk them out of it. Lou herself didn’t exactly understand the pull Virginia had on Kid, possibly because she didn’t have too many fond memories of her childhood and had never really put down roots anywhere. All she knew was that she was going with him, come hell or high water. Nothing anyone could say would convince her otherwise.

After packing the few belongings they had in preparation for their journey, Kid and Louise decided to take one last ride over the trails of Rock Creek. They saddled Katy and Lightning and rode out of town, the cool fall air making their breathing almost painful.

The day was overcast, and Louise couldn’t help but feel the weather somehow embodied her mood. She wished they weren’t leaving, traveling thousands of miles on horseback with winter just around the corner. She felt as if they’d be deserting their family, the people who truly loved them. And she didn’t want to be a war bride. But she didn’t have a choice. She loved Kid too much to let him leave without her. Somehow everything would work out. It had to.

The horses and their riders ended up at the little clearing near the creek where Kid had often gone to think. He dismounted and helped Lou off of Lightning. She was still having a hard time riding in skirts, even if they were split skirts.

“Guess I’ll have to go back to wearin’ trousers for a while,” Lou commented.

Kid was quiet for a moment before uttering, “Yeah. It’s prob’ly not a bad idea. You ain’t gonna cut your hair though, are you?”

Lou couldn’t help but giggle at his concern over her hair. It was the longest it had been in years, and it certainly accentuated her femininity. “I won’t if you will,” she joked. Kid’s hair was so unruly when it was long.

Not understanding her joke, Kid answered, “I s’pose I could have Rachel do it for me tonight.”

Louise sighed. Tonight. “Kid, I don’t think cuttin’ hair is gonna be on her mind tonight, if you know what I mean.”

“Lou, stop worrin’ so much. You’re gettin’ just as bad as me! They’re are family and they love us. They’ll support us whatever we do,” Kid replied.

“Kid, I hate to break it to you, but Noah and Jimmy ain’t exactly gonna be thrilled to hear it,” Lou told him.

“We can’t live our lives worrin’ about what Noah and Jimmy think, Lou. We have to do what we think’s right,” Kid answered.

Louise wasn’t at all sure at the moment what was right. She felt torn, stuck in the middle. She loved Kid and tried to understand his reasoning for wanting to fight, but she couldn’t help feeling that Noah and Jimmy had a point, too. She imagined that this torn feeling was how Buck felt, too. Not just about slavery, but his whole life in general; two worlds but only one decision. But as Kid said, when people love each other, they support one another, no matter what. That was what she’d do.

Kid awoke first, noticing the redness of the sunset in the sky. They better get going to make to the station in time for Rachel’s supper.

He and Lou had talked for hours, about the past week and how it affected them both. Then they’d talked of their trip, of Virginia and finally the war. Eventually, both drifted off to sleep, content in each other’s arms. It wouldn’t be long until they’d be deprived of this luxury, and they realized the true gravity of Kid’s decision. Still, he was intent on returning, just as he’d promised himself months before.

“Looks like Jimmy found his way back to town,” Lou commented upon seeing Hickock’s golden horse in front of the way station.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if Cody showed up, being Rachel’s makin’ such a big meal. You’d think his nose would lead him here like an old bloodhound,” Kid remarked.

Lou chuckled as she carefully dismounted into Kid’s arms. Both were suddenly nervous about facing everyone with their news. Kid wrapped his arms around Louise and breathed in the scent of her hair. At that moment, he was struck with how much he loved this beautiful, headstrong, independent woman. How could he have ever considered leaving her behind? He knew the months ahead would be difficult ones, especially for Lou, living somewhere where she knew no one, where the culture was completely different. But if anyone could handle it, it was Louise. That Kid was sure of.

Looking up at Kid, Lou sighed deeply. “Well, here goes nothin’.”

Kid and Louise walked up the stairs to Rachel’s house hand in hand, both terribly apprehensive, but ready to face the world together.

Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6

Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12

Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18

Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Epilogue


Title Page

The Storybook

The Kidnation