Chapter Nine

“Kid, Louise!” Rachel greeted them warmly. “I’m so glad you’re here! You feelin’ better, Lou?”

Lou merely nodded, then crossed the room to were Noah sat comfortably in the rocking chair, his legs propped up, and a blanket over his lap. Louise bent down and hugged Noah tightly, surprising the dark rider. Knowing this may be the last time she’d be able to speak freely to him, she knelt down and whispered, “Noah, I’m so glad you’re better. You had us all so worried.” Louise continued to cling to him until Kid came and gently placed his hands on her shoulders.

“You gotta let ‘im breathe, Lou,” Kid told her. “Remember the man’s still healin’.”

Noah looked at Louise quizzically, but her eyes averted his gaze. She stood up quickly and went to find Rachel.

Lou found her welcoming Jimmy, who had brought Rosemary along as a guest, to the surprise of both women.

“I hope I’m not intruding,” Rosemary apologized. “I just wanted to thank Noah for saving my life.”

“Well, of course you’re not intruding,” Rachel said graciously. “I’m sure Noah will be real happy to see you’re doin’ so well.”

Lou gave Jimmy a look of reproach. How could he bring Rosemary here when she was the one that had caused their family such heartache?

“What?” Jimmy challenged.

“Nothin’. I just thought you woulda had more sense is all,” Lou answered. “Did you bother askin’ Rachel if it was okay? Or even Noah for that matter? You ever think after all he’s been through he might not wanna see her?”

“Lou,” Jimmy said shortly, “Spare me the lectures. I don’t need ‘em.”

“No, Jimmy,” Lou shot back. “You don’t need anyone or anything. I forgot.” With that, she turned and headed back into the parlor where everyone was gathering.

Upon seeing Rosemary, Kid had moved away from Noah and was talking with Buck. He and Jimmy greeted each other with a mere nod. No friendly smiles or chatter passed between the two. Louise could tell her husband was doing his best not to burst with anger. She imagined he was just as incensed as she that Jimmy had the audacity to bring Rosemary with him to the gathering.

Louise sought out Cassie, who seemed a bit lost in the crowd, although she knew everyone, but not well.

“Cassie, about the other day...” Lou began.

“Louise, don’t worry. It was no big deal,” Cassie assured her.

“Well, it was rude at the very least. I’m sorry for that,” Louise answered. “Did Buck take the horse and buckboard back?”

“No. Actually, Teaspoon used it to give Quinn and I a little tour of Rock Creek. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he was trying to sell it to us,” Cassie said. “It’s a nice enough town, just a bit too close to the border skirmishes for my taste. I don’t want Quinn gettin’ himself involved in all that. He’s so impressionable.”

“Must be the age,” Lou said thoughtfully. Quinn reminded her of Jesse in a lot of ways. She wondered how Jesse was, what he was doing, where he was sleeping.

Meanwhile, Rosemary was speaking with Noah, who seemed uncomfortable with all the attention he was receiving.

“I just can’t thank you enough, Noah,” she gushed. “You saved my life!”

“Yeah, well, somethin’ just came over me,” he answered humbly.

“You’re a good man, Noah Dixon,” Rosemary told him.

Noah shook his head. “Now I don’t know about that...” he answered.

“He’s the best!” Quinn piped up. “Noah promised when he heals up he’ll teach me to ride like a real Express rider! Too bad the Express is closin’ or I’d join,” he said, looking hopefully at Teaspoon.

“I don’t know ‘bout that,” Teaspoon answered. “I think we’d have an awful time convincin’ your sister o’ that.”

“Pretty soon I’ll be old enough and Cassie won’t be able to tell me what to do!” Quinn answered.

“Remind you of anyone?” Buck quietly asked Kid.

Kid chuckled and answered, “Must be that age.”

“C’mon now, everyone. Supper’s on the table,” Rachel called.

Buck and Cassie helped Noah to the table while the rest of the guests took their seats. Jimmy and Rosemary sat on the opposite end of the table from Kid and Louise.

The dinner conversation was light enough, everyone asking how Noah was doing, how Buck’s few rides were, and how Cassie and Quinn’s trip was. Everyone complimented Rachel on her cooking. But lurking beneath the friendly chatter was a subject that was on everyone’s mind - the incident at Pierson’s ranch and Cody’s and Jesse’s departure from town. It seemed all were doing their best to avoid the subjects.

Kid grasped Louise’s leg under the table, and she turned to look at him. She could read his question in his eyes. Was now the time to say something? Lou gazed out the window thoughtfully. “There’s no time like the present,” she whispered to him.

Kid took a deep breath before beginning. “Lou and I got some news.”

Rachel’s face lit up. “Oh, wait, Kid. Let us guess.”

Kid’s brow furrowed, but he answered, “Well, okay.”

“Lou’s gonna have a baby,” Rachel stated.

Everyone fell silent for a moment before Teaspoon and Buck let out whistles and hollers. The rest of the guests smiled and began clapping.

Lou’s eyes grew as big as saucers and her nose scrunched up in confusion. “I am?”

Kid shook his head. “No. Not quite. You’ll never guess, so I’ll just tell ya. But first we just wanna tell you all that we love you, no matter what. We’re all family, and we hope nothin’ll ever change that.”

“Kid?” Buck questioned. “What is it?”

Kid took another deep breathe, and felt Louise squeeze his hand in support. “I’m goin’ back to Virginia. Well, we’re goin.”

The room fell silent as each guest took in the magnitude of his words.

Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6

Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12

Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18

Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Epilogue


Title Page

The Storybook

The Kidnation