Chapter three

In the early morning hours, Rachelle returned home from the market. For the last few blocks she had a sinking feeling that someone was just a few steps behind her, just out of sight. She ducked into the club and locked the door behind her. Noah put down the rag in his hand and called out, “Something wrong?”

She gasped in a breath and shook her head, “I’m fine, it’s just cold.” She pulled her coat around her body and moved past him into the back room.

Noah watched her disappear into the darkness and he walked over to the door. Sliding aside the hidden panel to the left of the entrance he was assaulted with the sounds of angry words, the only thing that startled him more was the heavy accent in their voices. “Germans,” he whispered.

His heart pounding, he slid the metal plate back into place and leaned against the wall. “It might be nothing. Just people passing by.” He thought back and remembered the map in his hands, “Tourists? Or are they lookin’ for us?”


Louise wandered the streets, feeling a bit like Dorothy in the Land of Oz. Except this wasn’t the same technicolor world that she fell into. “Everything here is so dark. Too many shadows for me.” She walked along the cobblestones, careful to avoid the puddles in the street. These were her last good pair of shoes and she’d sooner die than ruin them.

She readjusted the bag on her shoulder, her school books weighing it down. She’d gone to school this morning. Well, she’d gone to the steps of school, before she’d turned away and started walking. That’s all she’d done, walk. The streets all blended into one another, the same black skyline crossing gray skies and clouds. Turning another corner, Louise found her legs quaking with exhaustion.

There was no bench or chair in sight, but the area was starting to look familiar, “Of course it is you ninny! You’ve probably been down this same street three times to day!” She stopped for a moment and worked on her ankles, flexing and bending each ankle as she waited for the pain in her back to stop.

In the distance, around the corner, she heard the distinct sound of a motorcycle. Suddenly realizing she hadn’t seen or heard anyone in the last hour or so, she looked upon this as a great opportunity. “Excuse me?” Louise spurred her feet into action, slipping through puddles and dirt patches she followed the sound.

Her bag weighed her down, as if it was keeping her back. She struggled against it, knowing that she was hopelessly lost at this point. “Excuse me?!” She raised her voice, but the sound of the motorbike drowned out her cries.

Still, she struggled on.

Turning around the corner, she let out a ragged breath. She remembered this place from the first day she arrived in France. The wrought iron tables and chairs had been repainted to a shiny black and the walk was swept clean. A new poster was plastered to the wall beside the door and Louise walked closer, hoping beyond hope she’d be able to read something on the colorful paper.

She was halfway across the street when she felt a tug on the shoulder. Louise turned and looked into the hollow eyes of a man dressed in black from head to toe. “Who---” she asked.

He ignored her question and reached out to her. Louise gasped and leaned away from him, but he was too quick. His left hand grabbed the strap of her bag while the other tightened around her upper arm.

“Get your hand off me!” She struggled with him, trying to pry his right hand off of her arm. “Please... leave me alone!” Her voice had acquired a tin-like ring to it. Her heart was pounding, fear giving her strength.

She could hear him cursing under his breath and she renewed her struggles, knowing that the few coins she had in her bag were the last she had. “You can’t have it!” She shifted, pulling him with her. His right hand released her arm and dove into one of his jacket pockets.

Seeing victory, Louise tried again to pry his hand away. A glint of silver caught her eye, a sharp little knife pulled free of his jacket.

“Donnez-le moi!” (Give it to me!) He hissed at her through clenched teeth.

“Stop! Somebody... HELP!” Her heart sunk, the street was empty, the windows in the surrounding buildings locked tight. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she heard something metal sliding against more metal, “Please.... I need-”

He slugged her on the cheek and her head snapped back. The thin soles of her shoes slipped on the wet stones beneath her feet.

“What are you doing?” The voice came from behind her, “Let her go!”

Louise saw the blade flash before her eyes and thought she was going to die. The weight on her shoulder lifted and she realized, through the fear in her mind, that he’d cut the strap.

She lunged for him, but only managed to catch the heel of her shoe on some stones beneath her feet. As the sounds of footsteps came up behind her, she fell to the ground, her hands flying out in front of her while her feet lost their hold. Tears mixed with curses spilled onto her cheeks. “It’s gone!”

The footsteps she heard slid to halt at her side, “Miss? Miss? Are you hurt?”

“Damn him!” Louise tried to pull her legs underneath her body, but the slippery stones beneath her wouldn’t hold her and she would have sprawled on the street for a second time had it not been for the strong hands that held her up a scant inch from the ground.

“Can you stand?”

“Of course I can! I’m not a baby-” She looked up, startled, “You speak English!” Louise promptly stared down at her knees, “I’m starting to sound like a broken record.”

“Miss?” His voice was warm and full of concern.

“Ike? Ike... bring her inside.” Louise looked up at the sound of the familiar voice. It was the same woman who’d given her directions and breakfast that first day in Paris.

Louise immediately relaxed into the help she was offered. When the young man at her side set his hands on her waist she didn’t shy away from it. Bracing her hand on his arm she felt the thick wool of his jacket under her hand. “Thank you.... thank you, you have no idea-”

“You’re very lucky, he could have cut you.”

The fear that she had avoided came flooding through her, “Cut me? Oh Good Lord, I hadn’t thought of that!” She felt her blood flood into her face, her heart pumping furiously in her chest. “I was so stupid!”

The door to the club opened as they neared it, a sympathetic smile graced the first face she saw. “Come in le petit.”


“Oui ma chere.” Rachelle’s slender hand reached out and smoothed her cheek, “What did he do to you?”

A nervous smile came as a surprise to Louise, “He took my bag. It had everything in it! What am I going to do?”

She fell into a chair, her legs and heart fresh out of strength. Louise leaned forward, trying balance her elbows on her legs, but her hands were shaking too much.

Rachelle knelt at her side, “Ike? Get me the box with medicines and bandages... and rapidement - hurry!”

Louise tried to wave her off with her hands, “I’m fine.. really... I don’t need-”

She heard footsteps echoing just out of her eyesight and wondered how many people would see her looking like a wet mongrel pup.

“Rachelle?” Kid called from down the hall.

Louise looked around her new friend and was shocked to see three men emerge from a hidden door.

Rachelle bobbed her head in laughter. “Boys?”

Buck was the first to recover, “Rachelle? We heard you calling for bandages.”

“For Louise... mon ami.” She looked back at the boys, all standing as if they’d been struck dumb. “Go on... introduce yourselves.”

Louise blushed from head to toe through all the introductions, knowing full well that she looked a sight. Her hair had come loose from its pins and her dress was wet and streaked with dirt.

She shook hands with Noah, a young man with a delightful British tone to his voice, and crossed her legs to hide the state of her shoes. “Oh hell!”

Ike set the bandages down next to Rachelle, who was trying to cover her shock, “Oh my!”

Louise looked at her friend, an embarrassed smile coloring her face, “My stockings... they’re ruined.” Louise tried to stretch her skirt to cover the gashes in her silk stockings, but the fabric wouldn’t cover them. She was sorry she’d said anything, the boys were all staring at her legs. There was just an insignificant scrape on her right knee but on her left, it looked like a nasty cut across the tender skin. Rachelle took the basin of water from Noah and knelt down to clean off her legs. “No.. really, I can do it.”

“Je n'entendrai pas parler de lui.” Louise looked at her quizzically and Rachelle smiled, “I won’t hear of it.”

Ike handed Louise a glass of water and she smiled at him, grateful for the thought. Louise tried to ignore the boys as she took a long sip of the water. She looked at the room over the rim of the glass, there were new table cloths on all the tables and the lanterns glowed from a good polishing. Even the bar had been polished, the brass rail glowed in - Louise choked on her drink. There, leaning against the bar, with a devil may care smile plastered on his face, was probably the most handsome man she’d ever seen in her life.

He straightened up a bit and bent his neck, “Doesn’t look too bad Louise.”

She bristled inside, something about the way he said her name... something about the way he looked at her, her legs... well it wasn’t at all respectable.


James had enjoyed his chance to watch from the shadows, the young woman, Louise, was quite a sight to behold. He’d heard the commotion outside and was about to head out himself when Ike brought her inside.

She had a dark blue dress, the fabric seemed a bit old and worn, but then again, not many people had a lot of new things these days. She was pale, it wasn’t a sickly pale, but more a porcelain doll pale. He had watched her from the moment she came in and had found her an absolute sweetheart.

He watched her dart her eyes around the room, sizing up the contents and the men surrounding her. She didn’t look down on anything, or anyone, just looked at them with these large brown eyes. There was something about those ‘doe’ eyes... she looked small and frail, but.... when she looked at you, you felt it - straight down to the soles of your feet.

“James?” Rachel shook her head and gave up, looking back up toward Louise, she saw the same faraway look. Louise sat in the chair, pressed up against the back as Rachelle cleaned her cuts, totally oblivious to the pebbles and dirt that were embedded in the wound. Instead, the young woman was covertly staring at James.

Louise’s hold on her cup gradually started to slip, tipping further and further until the rest of the water was in danger of spilling out onto her lap and the floor. Ike laughed to himself as he watched the looks between James and Louise, there was a slight comic tone to it. He reached forward and took the cup from her and she didn’t even notice that it was gone.

Her mind was definitely on other things. Every time she felt a light touch on her legs, Louise felt like squirming, as if everyone would be looking at her. Well, it wasn't ’everyone’ that she was worried about. ’Why does he have to look at me like that?’

Chapter Four

Title Page The Storybook The Kidnation