Chapter Four

Louise spent the next few days in secret bliss. She left her father’s house every morning with her bag full of books, not that anyone would ever look in her bag; and on the off chance anyone was watching, Louise always walked three blocks in the direction of school before ducking into a back alley.

She was working for Rachelle, helping the boys clean and giving them the chance to concentrate on ... well, whatever it was that they did. Louise was never allowed in the back rooms and no one was volunteering the information.

Today, Louise was headin’ toward school, just another block until her usual escape. “Louise!”

She froze in place, waiting.

“Louise?” A young woman, the same one that had been so kind to her in school, ran up beside her. “Where have you been?” Her English was clear and very welcome.

“I’ve... I’ve been sick.”

A knowing nod, “Really? Well, I’m glad you are feeling better. We will walk to school together?”

Louise didn’t say a thing, instead she choose to walk silently by the young woman’s side. The next street loomed closer and closer. Suddenly, Louise stopped and faced her companion, “You know I never did get your name-”

“Aimee, Aimee Severin.”

Louise rocked back and forth on her heels, “You see... well, I’m not goin’ to school today-”

“Just today?” There was a smile in her eyes and Louise struggled to keep a straight face.

“Not, today, not any day... I don’t speak French, well at least not well enough to finish school here. Besides, I’ve got a job.”

“A job? Where?”

Louise could barely contain her excitement, “A swing club!”

“Louise! Comment shocking!”

Her eyes went wide, “Shocking? Why?”

“Do you know what goes on in those clubs?”

Louise felt like laughing, “No! What?”

Aimee motioned for Louise to follow her to the side of the road. Leaning closer, Aimee whispered, “Wild dancing and.... and... “

“And?” Louise goaded her to continue.

Aimee’s complexion was turning green, “.....and, d'autres genres de danser - other kinds of ’dancing’.”

Louise clapped a hand on her shoulder while she barely contained her laughter, “Well, the club will be opening in a few days.... you should come by.”

Making the sign of the cross over her chest, Aimee shook her head, “I don’t think so... I need to get to school now.” The young woman fairly ran down the street.

Doubling over with laughter, Louise sank down to the ground, grabbing her sides when they started to hurt.


Louise entered the club, blinking as she went. It was a quite a bit darker inside the club than on the street. “Hello? Rachelle?”

There was no one to be seen. Louise moved over to the bar and set her bag down on the wooden counter. She pulled herself up onto one of the stools and kicked her feet back and forth, all the while humming a tune. Several minutes later Louise was still alone and her curiosity was getting the better of her. She drew her legs up underneath her body and leaned over the bar. A couple of bottles were left out behind the counter.

Taking one in hand she fished around for a corkscrew in the drawer.

“Are you old enough to be drinking that?”

Louise froze for the second time that day... but this time, she wished she could melt into the ground.


From his vantage point, he didn’t feel much like a gentleman. Louise was bent over the bar, showing a tantalizing glimpse of her legs. Her skirt was just a few inches too short to reach the backs of her knees. A part of him wished that he’d have kept his mouth shut, a moment later and he would’ve been treated to a much better view.

“Really Louise, if you want a drink, I’ll get you one.”


Louise turned on the stool, setting the bottle down with a quiet ‘thunk‘. She leaned against the bar, trying hard to keep the blood out of her cheeks. “A drink, well now that sounds like a good idea.”

He walked around the bar, his eyes never leaving her face. “Is that your school outfit?”

Something about the way he said it made her heart race. ‘Silly schoolgirl,’ Louise chided herself. “Yes.. Rachelle said I could borrow one of her dresses when I‘m here, I‘m just waiting for her.”

“I don’t know.. I kind of like the one you’re wearing.”

That hot blush was threatening to creep up into her cheeks again, “Really?”

“Yeah, Lou-ise.” He drew out her name as he leaned closer.

She leaned toward him, “Ja-mes. You about done pouring that drink?”

“Yep-” James set a glass in front of her, some of its contents spilled out over the edge and onto the counter.

Louise sat bolt upright on the stool. “Milk?”

James laughed, her cheeks were soooooo red.

The storeroom door opened and Ike stepped into the room. In one quick look he surveyed the scene, from the spilled milk on the counter to the howls of laughter from James to the embarrassed blaze on Louise’s face. “James, we need to make a delivery, you’re up.” He fixed a look on the other man, watching as he walked to the back door, his laughter following him.

Ike felt his heart go out to the young woman. He watched as Louise grabbed her bag and headed for the door. He ran after her, “Wait.”

Louise yanked open the door and stepped into the street.

Ike caught one of her arms, trying not to hurt her as she tried to wrestle away from him. “Louise-”

“Leave me alone-”

“Rachelle will be back any minute, why don’t you wait for her. Please.”

The fight went out of her. She let Ike walk her back inside, closing the door behind them as they went. He sat her down at a table and brought her a glass of water. Ike set his glasses down on the table and rubbed at his eyes.

“Tired?” Louise forgot her own frustrations when she saw the dark circles under his eyes.

He nodded, sweeping his hair from his forehead, he sat back against the chair. “Long nights.”

“Doing what?” Louise looked calm, but the question had a point to it.

Ike smiled and shook his head, “No dice. You know I can’t tell you.”

“A girl can try can’t she?”

“I’ve got a feeling that if you set your mind to doing something, you’ll always get your way.”

A sour look crossed her face, “Not everything.”

Rachelle breezed in through the door, arms laden with full bags. Both Louise and Ike jumped up to help her. “Ah... ma chere! So glad you came today.” Ike reached for a package, “No no Ike, I need you outside. The band is coming in today, I need someone outside to hold the door.”

Ike nodded and headed out into the street. Louise busied herself in the makeshift kitchen, putting away the groceries Rachelle had bought. She heard footsteps behind her and started in, “I can’t believe you found all of this around here. The vendors I’ve seen are laughable.”

Rachelle pushed Louise’s hair back over her ear. “Are those tears ma petit?”

“It’s nothing.”


“It’s nothing.” Louise ended her answer with a tone and look that ended the subject entirely.

“Fine. I am here, if you ever want to talk.” Rachelle took the fresh bread from her bags and put it away. They finished their task in silence, Rachelle using every opportunity to study her young friend. She had a good idea who was responsible for the tears staining Louise’s cheeks, but until the girl was ready to talk she couldn’t do more than wait.


The band arrived in pairs or by themselves. They set their instrument cases on chairs and tables, taking their places with a bit of instruction from the conductor.

Rachelle greeted the man with kisses on both cheeks, his bushy mustache tickling her face, “Elias! I’m so glad you could join us.”

“I wouldn’t miss this.... what an opportunity!” The older man looked around the room. “I was beginning to feel like a piece of antiquity.”

“Old? Not you Elias... definitely not you.” Rachelle voice held a certain wistful quality as she left his side.

Louise watched the band set up, the assortment of trumpets, trombones, saxophones, drums, and brass found their way out of their padded cases and onto stands. Louise picked up a white plastic contraption that looked like a plunger. She turned it over and over in her hands.

“Never seen anything like it, have you?”

Louise dropped it back into the case, “Sorry, I didn’t mean anything by it.”

His smile was ready and it was set at a crooked angle in his baby face. He held out his hand and she took it, “Adrian... Adrian Dawkins.... and you?”

“Louise, Louise McCloud.”

“Well Louise, it’s nice to meet you. I’ve only been in Paris a little under a year, the girls here aren’t as friendly as you are........or as pretty.” Louise blushed under the compliment. “So, you wanna know what this does?”

She nodded and sat down in the chair he pulled out for her, Adrian picked up his trumpet and the white ‘stopper’. He licked his lips and set them against the mouthpiece. He took a moment to wink at Louise before beginning the tune to “Goodnight my Love.”

After a few bars he used the ‘stopper’ to mute the sound, turning into a ‘haunting’ tune, full of lonely notes and weepy stanzas.

Ike came in with the last of the musicians and stood at the door. He raised a disapproving eyebrow at the young trumpet player serenading Louise. ‘Looks like trouble, for Jimmy that is.’


Chapter Five

Title Page The Storybook The Kidnation