Chapter Seven

The first ride of the Pony Express began on April 3rd, 1860. That fateful ride began the mail service that could span half the country in 7-10 days, making it the fastest way to get a message....

Louise stood and walked to the bar. Humming to herself, she checked the glasses... again. Don't get me wrong, she was an excellent student - when she put her mind to it, but she felt as if she were missing out on the big adventure. The boys didn't tell her what went on behind the backstage doors of the club, but she knew it was BIG.

'Bigger than the Pony Express,' she thought. Rachelle had left her some snacks behind the bar and for some reason she couldn't find them. 'Adrian!' She looked up to the stage and there at the young man's feet, an empty candy bar wrapper. 'Dang it!'

"Okay boys, let's take it from the top again."



"I need a 'break'."

"Fine, fine... just bloody fine. Anyone else need to go to the little boys' room?" The others sat in their chairs, afraid to move. Elias was in a fine mood today and no one wanted to prick his anger.

Adrian scuttled off his chair, leaving his trumpet on it's stand. As he passed Louise he waved and winked. She made a move to grab him over the bar, but he dodged her hands. He disappeared into the men's bathroom.

Louise decided to wait for him to return.

Elias sank back against his chair, "Has anyone seen that singer we hired?" They all shook their heads. His shoulders slumped as he took it in, "Well, we'll just have to play it like someone's singing." She leaned against the bar and watched Elias, he had such wonderful hands. The band always followed his movements with such ease. She didn't know much about sheet music or how to play an instrument, but she could easily follow those hands. He raised up the baton and the men sat up in their chairs, instruments poised to their lips.

It was a song she knew well, an upbeat jazzy tune that usually had the joint jumpin' back home. The lyrics were playful, but Louise always put her heart behind it.

"You Will Be My Music"

When all the songs are out of tune
And all the rhythms ring so untrue
When I don't find the words to say
The thoughts I bring to you

Louise could feel her feet come alive behind the music, slowly moving under the gentle sway of her hips.

When I hear lonely singers
Who are just as lost as me
Making noise, not melody

You will be my music
You will be my song

"Louise! You've been holding out on us!" Adrian grabbed her arm and pulled her around behind the bar, "Elias! Hold on a minute..."

"Adrian," she hissed, "what are you doing?"

"Helping us both out," he whispered back, "Elias?"

Elias stopped the band and set his baton down. "What is it Adrian, not enough towels in the wash room?"

Adrian cringed at the tone, but continued to drag Louise to the stage. She tried one more time to pull away, but he wrapped an arm around her waist and held her tight against his side. "We've got ourselves a singer."

Louise gaped at him, "You've got to be joking!"

Adrian ignored her protest, "She was singing just now.. you should hear her... "

She waved her hands in desperation, "NO... no... I've never..."

Elias leaned closer, his expression softening, "It can't hurt to try."

"I've never, not in front of people."

Winking at her, Elias reached out his hand, "Come on Louise, consider it a favor. That microphone looks very lonely."

Louise looked up on the stage, the regular house lights threw all sorts of distorting shadows over the band. The microphone. It looked so cold, the metal flat and hard with holes cut through that looked sharp enough to cut. 'Silly girl' she thought. It's not alive... it's just.... it's just... "Okay."

Adrian ruffled her hair, "You'll do it?"

"I'll try." She took Elias's hand and set a foot on the edge of the stage.

She laughed as she felt hands circle her waist and lift her up. She suddenly felt a few inches taller and when she looked around at the band, she only saw smiles of encouragement. Louise took a moment to turn around, taking in the whole room as she stepped quietly to the microphone, her square heels sounding like deep resounding echoes in her ears.

Elias's voice broke through her thoughts, "What would you like to try?"

"Huh?" Louise turned to him and saw the laughter in his eyes, "I didn't hear you."

"What would you like to sing?"

" 'You'll be my Music' is fine. I think I know that one fairly well."

Louise watched as Adrian took his chair and she stepped up to the microphone. She set two fingers against it and nearly jumped as she heard the hollow thump in the speakers across the room. "Sorry!" she laughed.

Tony, the drummer, let out a guffaw and provided a 'rim shot' for punctuation.

Elias waved his arms for calm and the band settled. "One..Two.. a One, a Two-" Tony started the beat, bobbing his head for emphasis. The trombones warmed into the song, slurring into the upbeat for a brassy intro. Louise couldn't help but find her toe tapping. There was an unexplainable magnetic pull to this music, the same pull she felt toward-

When all the songs are out of tune
And all the rhythms ring so untrue
When I don't find the words to say
The thoughts I bring to you

All thoughts of a certain RAF pilot had flown out the window. Louise could feel her voice catch on her nerves. She grimaced and looked around. The band was concentrating on their sheet music.

When I hear lonely singers
Who are just as lost as me
Making noise, not melody

You will be my music
You will be my song
You will be my music
I can't wait any longer if I'm wrong

The door swung open and Louise peered into the darkness. She recognized Rachelle from her hair and the talk lanky man behind her was easy to identify as well. Louise waved at Ike but kept the song going.

Ike set down the bag of groceries in his hands and stood next to a booth. He waved back and listened as Louise started to swing into the second verse.

I'll never find the song to tell me
All the things I need to say
And I'm afraid as time goes by
That someday soon you'll go away

And I'll be lost and trying
For songs I'll never sing
Wanting you is ev'rything

Louise noticed Rachelle's nod to the open school books and Louise shrugged her shoulders. She'd get back to them later... Trying out her growing confidence, she winked at Rachelle bringing out a smile.

The back door opened and two heads peaked out. Louise nearly burst out laughing at the quizzical expression on 'Kid's' face. He shook his head and moved over to stand near Ike. Noah was just behind him, wiping what looked like motor oil off of his face.

You will be my music
You will be my song

Louise felt the laughter build in her... like a growing tide on the beach, rolling over and over her. 'Please, oh please.... let this work.' She set her shoulders back and turned to Elias, pulled by the rhythm of the music. He caught her eye and drew the band into the rousing finale:

You will be my music
I can't wait any longer if I'm wrong
I can't wait any longer for my song

At the end of the song, Ike and Noah stepped forward and applauded loudly. Kid was a step behind him, his fist raised in the air and a triumphant whoop filling the rafters. Rachelle beat all three to the stage. She reached up both hands to Louise. The two women huddled for a moment.

"You never told us you could sing." There was a mild reproach in her voice, but her face was all smiles. "You looked beautiful up there!"

Elias knelt down beside them, "Well my dear? Would you care to perform with us?" "When?" Louise was positively glowing from all the excitement.

"Two days.. when the club opens."

Louise's jaw dropped, "That's so soon!" For the first moment since she began to sing, she felt fear creep back into her heart.

Ike pushed forward and took her hand in his, "You'll be fine."


Kid nodded, "Yeah... you'll be a hit!"


"Never knew you had it in you... what else've you been hiding from us?" Noah smiled broadly from the back of the group.

"Nothing, it's just that... oh my goodness." Louise trailed off as Elias lifted her back onto her feet.

"Come now dear girl, we have arrangements to work on. Adrian, bring her the sheet music."

Louise stared at Rachelle, helpless to stop the river that rolled over her, "I don't have a thing to wear!" Louise was desperate and no one seemed to understand.

"That's alright my dear, we will find you something... you practice with the band, I'll go look." Rachelle swept out of the room, the boys following her. The groceries were left on the tables, forgotten for the moment.

Louise let herself be pulled over to the microphone. She stared in amazement as Adrian shoved a stack of papers in her hand, "What-"

"Let's start with some Gershwin, that sounds okay to you Louise?"

She stared at Elias as if he'd grown an extra head, "Sure.. why not?"

The band laughed and cheered, turning their music to "Embraceable You."

Louise didn't even hear the front door open, she was staring at her music, fear running through her thoughts.

Adrian noticed the man in the door and took great pleasure in pricking his temper. He brushed the hair back from her face, hardly caring over the confused look on her face. "Adrian?"

"Yes dear?"

"What's going on?" She watched as Elias started the band.

"You my dear girl, are going to be a hit!" His hand was warm on her cheek.

"Adrian?" Louise turned to ask him what he was doing. She saw his eyes, warm and laughing a moment before his lips touched hers. She mumbled against his lips, "What?"

The front door slammed and Adrian pulled away, "That aught to make him think."

Louise was drawn into the song before she could ask him what he was talking about. Adrian went back to his chair... and sly little smirk on his face.


Outside the front door, James Butler balled his hands into fists. "What the hell!?"

The day was growing darker by the minute and so was his temper. "What difference does it make?" He wallowed in his own pride, "It's not like I care. It's not that ... I mean she can k- ... damn it!" James stalked around the walls of the club and through the narrow alley to the motor shed.

Ike looked up as he entered the hidden door, "James? Have you heard about our little friend?"

James swallowed his scowl, "What friend."


"I don't need to hear about it... I've seen it with my own eyes."

Ike sat back on his heels and pushed his glasses higher on his nose, "What does that mean?"

James nodded at the bike near the door, "Is that ready to go out?"

Shrugging his shoulders Ike studied his friend, "We don't have a run scheduled-"

"Is it ready?!"

"Yes, but-" James sat down on the bike and started the motor with a vicious kick. In a moment he was gone.

Chapter Eight

Title Page The Storybook The Kidnation