Author’s note: Many, many thanks to Aimee who was patient with me even though I promised “it’ll be done in a few more days, really it will” for three weeks straight. Thanks for the support and understanding!;-) Also, there are some scenes of violence that may be offensive to some folks, so proceed at your own risk. There is also one teeny, tiny love scene, but it is merely implied and not described in great detail!

The young man pulled his slightly-worn coat tightly around his slim body as the frosty morning air seeped through the thin fabric. Dawn was just beginning to break, but he could still see the thick cloud that formed whenever he opened his mouth. He had been up for over three hours; the nightmare he thought had finally left him had returned once again, making sleep impossible. It hadn’t yet been a year since his brother’s death, but he felt he had finally come to terms with the circumstances surrounding Jed’s tragic demise. He had forgiven Jimmy long ago, after all, his friend had saved his life. It had taken longer to forgive himself, but eventually, that had happened too.

It wasn’t until a few weeks ago when Jimmy brought in Jesse’s brother Frank for robbery that Kid had started thinking about Jed again, and how he could have prevented things from turning out they way they had. Sighing loudly, Kid walked over to the corral and leaned his forehead against the cool wood slats, letting the warm tears come freely. He missed his brother terribly and would have given anything to have him back.

To compound matters even further, an old childhood friend had appeared a week ago. He had been so happy to see her then, and was surprised to see just how beautiful she had become. Though his heart still belonged to Lou, he couldn’t help but admire how much she’d grown. He had been filled with delight to see her, if not a bit guilty. After all, he had promised to come back for her, and she had believed him. Now though, she was gone too. Another link to his past dead, leaving him completely and utterly alone. Not completely alone. You still have the boys…and LouHe reminded himself.

“Kid, you all right?” A husky, sleep-filled voice asked from behind him. Knowing it was Lou who had sneaked up on him, Kid didn’t bother to wipe the tears from his face, but instead turned to face her and shake his head sadly. Lou didn’t hesitate as she wrapped her arms around his tall frame and squeezed tightly.

“I’m so sorry Kid.” Lou whispered as she placed a gentle kiss on his neck. She rocked him back and forth for a while, neither one saying a word. When she felt his body finally relax, she pulled back and placed her hands on either side of his face. “Do you want to talk about it Kid?”

Kid almost jumped at her contact. Her hands were freezing, and as he looked at her, he knew why. She was clad only in her long johns, and he could tell she was desperately trying to hide the fact that she was cold. He took both of her hands in his and blew on them as he rubbed them together. “God Lou, you’re so cold. You shouldn’t be out here.” He said softly, avoiding her eyes.

Lou smiled slightly as she pried her hands loose and placed them on his chest. “I ain’t gonna argue with you Kid. How ‘bout we go back inside where it’s warm?”

“You go on…I’ll be in soon.” When he could see she was going to argue, he placed his large finger on her lips to silence her. “I’m fine Lou, really. I just need to get Katy ready for my ride.”

Lou eyed him skeptically for a moment before nodding. Placing a quick kiss on his cheek, she whispered, “Don’t leave without sayin’ goodbye.”

“I won’t.” Kid promised as she turned to walk back to the bunkhouse. He waited until she shut the door behind her before walking towards the barn.

Lou walked aimlessly through the deserted streets of Rock Creek. It was late and, fittingly so, most of the town was asleep, leaving a quiet peace to settle around the usually bustling town. It had become a ritual for her since their arrival in the large town; taking long late night walks to gather and collect her thoughts. She usually sneaked out of the bunkhouse once the boys had fallen asleep. She enjoyed the solitude of the velvet night and looked forward to these strolls.

She had been walking for quite a while this night, thinking about the Kid. It frustrated her that the young man was in pain, and there was nothing she could do to help him. She smiled then as she remembered their talk by the creek the day of Doritha’s funeral. They had both opened up and confessed their feelings to each other. They hadn’t promised anything, but it was a start. Now though, she wondered if Kid would ever return to the man she had fallen in love with.

Her thoughts were interrupted as she turned the corner and found a man hovering over something. Something inside told her to run away then and there since she didn’t have her gun, but she stood rooted to the ground, unable to lift her feet. The man turned at that instant, and it was then that she saw the body of Nellie Gardiner, the daughter of Rock Creek’s bank president, lying in a pool of her own blood. Lou tried to scream, but nothing would come out. Before she knew what was happening, the large man approached her rapidly and wrapped his large hands completely around her slim throat and squeezed with all his might.

Lou began to struggle, but knew it would be futile. In only a few more seconds, she would be dead. Thoughts of Jeremiah and Teresa ran through her head. She saw the images of Kid and the others and was saddened beyond all belief that she wouldn’t get to say goodbye. Just as she felt the world beginning to go dark, the pressure eased and she was cast aside like a rag doll. She was trying to gain her bearings when a strong grip encased her small arm.

“You all right Lou?” Teaspoon asked as he peered into her eyes in concern. Lou tried to speak, but only a strangled rasp emerged from her dry lips. Instead she nodded and looked beyond him where Tommy Bennett, Teaspoon's young deputy, had her would-be murderer pinned on the ground. She could feel the tears pool behind her eyes, but refused to let the Marshal see them. Instead, she pulled herself to her feet, using the wall for support.

“Lou, everything’s gonna be all right, you hear? We’re goin’ to get him into a cell, and then, we’re gonna take care of Nellie.” Lou nodded her head again, taking comfort in the familiar voice.

Teaspoon nodded to Tommy, and he dragged the man to his feet, pushing him towards Teaspoon’s office. The Marshal put his arm around Lou’s shoulders and led her away from the young woman’s lifeless body, but she couldn’t help but stare down at Nellie’s features, twisted gruesomely in her last moments.

Lou closed her eyes as the cold water trickled down her throat. Water never tasted so sweet as it did to her at that moment. Not only did it soothe her sore throat, but it also reminded her she was still alive. She accepted another glass from Teaspoon and gulped it down as fast as she had the first one. The older man put his hands on her shoulders and knelt in front of her. “Lou honey, I know this will be difficult, but you have to tell me what happened.” He whispered, mindful of the man staring at her from behind the iron bars.

“I was out walking.” Lou began startled by the sound of her own voice. She tried to clear her throat, but winced in pain. “I…I usually go out walking at night. It helps to clear my head. I just kinda stumbled on him Teaspoon. I saw him kneeling beside something, and when he turned around, I saw Nellie.” Lou closed her eyes as she tried to fight off the image. “And then he tried to kill me…I couldn’t move Teaspoon.” She finished, her voice shaking wildly.

Teaspoon patted her knee reassuringly as he stood up and walked towards the cell. He stared at the man for a moment before speaking. “Is all that true?”

“You don’t understand Marshal…I didn’t murder that girl. I stumbled on her too. I was just checking to see if she was still alive when that boy walked up.” The man explained in a soft, cultured voice.

“Then why in the hell did you try to kill my rider here?” Teaspoon demanded.

“I panicked. I thought that maybe he was the one who murdered that poor girl. I’m innocent Marshal, I swear to you.”

Lou didn’t hear Teaspoon’s reply because she sat observing the prisoner. He was a large man, though most of his bulk was muscle, not fat. His hands were callused and Lou guessed him to be a farmer, or some other hard-laborer. Although he his golden curly hair was disheveled, and his cheeks covered by shadow, Lou thought him handsome. When his blue eyes turned to her, she looked down, unable to meet his gaze head-on.

“I’m sorry son. I didn’t mean to hurt you, I just thought-“

“What you thought was wrong, and it almost cost him his life. Look at those bruises around his neck, if I wouldn’t have been making my rounds, you would’ve killed him just like Nellie.” Teaspoon spat.

“I already told you, I didn’t kill her. I don’t even know who she is.” The man said a bit more loudly.

“If you didn’t kill her, then explain what you were doin’ out at this time of night.”

“I was walking back to my hotel room. I had a bad streak of cards and decided to call it a night. You can check over at the Gold Rush if you don’t believe me. I’m sure there are many scoundrels there who’ll admit to taking my money. As I said, I was walking back to my hotel room when I saw that girl’s body. I was simply checking to see if there were any signs of life. I swear on my honor.”

“Your honor means nothing to me. If you didn’t kill Nellie, then you have nothing to worry about. But God help you if you did. She was the daughter of a very important man, and this town will see that you pay for your crimes.”

The man sighed in resignation and sat down on the cot in his cell. “I would expect nothing less Marshal.”

Just then, the door to Teaspoon’s office burst open, admitting Doc Barnes and Percy Gardiner. Teaspoon had never seen the prominent man look so old, but he guessed that if his daughter had just been murdered, he’d look the same. “Mister Gardiner, perhaps it’d be better if-“ Teaspoon began.

“If you’re about to tell me to leave, you can save your breath Marshal. I wanted to see the bastard who’s goin’ to hang for killin’ my baby.” The old man shouted as he walked to the cell. He was clad only in his nightshirt and robe, but he looked like a force to be reckoned with, so he allowed him to stay.

“What could she have ever done to you? She was a sweet girl…only seventeen years old! How could you?” Percy asked as he broke into tears.

“I’m sorry for your loss Sir, but I had nothing to do with her…death.” The prisoner spoke from his cell.

“How can you lie to my face?? We have evidence!” Percy shouted as he made his way to the cell.

“What the hell is he talking about Barnes?” Teaspoon asked the old doctor.

“When I was…examining Nellie, I found this clutched in her hand.” Barnes said as he extended the blue cloth. Teaspoon looked at it closely, and then walked over to the cell. He closed his eyes for a moment as he noticed the tear in the man’s shirt, his blue shirt.

“How do you explain this…Mister--?” Teaspoon asked as he thrust the fabric into the cell.

For the first time, the man’s face faltered. “I can explain that too. When I came across Nellie, she was still alive, but just barely. She clutched my shirt…I guess it tore when I stood up.”

“That’s funny…you didn’t mention that she was still alive when you first spun your tale.” Teaspoon said.

“That’s because I was distraught. To see a crime so horrible…and then to be accused of doing it, well naturally I was in shock.”

“I don’t believe you, but lucky for you, it’s not up to me. The circuit judge will be here in a week. You can explain yourself to him Mister??”

“Franklin, Caleb Franklin.” The man answered. “And I’ll prove myself innocent.”

“And just how will you do that?” The doctor spoke to him directly for the first time.

“Because I didn’t do it, plain and simple.” The man said stubbornly as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Teaspoon shook his head and placed his hand on Percy’s shoulder. “We’ll see that he pays for what he’s done Percy. But right now, you have to get home to Miranda. You have to be strong for each other now.”

Percy nodded his head and walked to the door. Before he walked through it, he turned once more to glare at Caleb. Raising his thin finger he said quietly, “I’ll see you burn in hell before I’m done.”

“Are you gonna be all right Lou honey?” Maybe we should get Doc to look at your neck.” Teaspoon whispered as he sat down beside her.

“I’m fine Teaspoon.” Lou returned evenly, although she brought her hands up to gingerly touch the dark bruises. She could see the doubt in the older man’s eyes, but he just smiled and stood up.

“I have to go check on Percy and see that he’s not plannin’ to do anything rash. When I get back, I’ll walk you back to the bunkhouse. Think you can sit in here with him by yourself?”

“I’ll be okay. You go on.” Lou said, even though she cast a look of fear over to Caleb’s cell, where he was sleeping soundly.

“Are you sure?”

“Go!” Lou said louder as she gently prodded the Marshal out of the office. She watched him walk away towards the stately house on the edge of town until she could see him no more. She wasn’t looking forward to returning to the bunkhouse, not yet. She knew that sleep would not come to her this night, and even if it did, it would be plagued with nightmares. Sighing loudly, she turned around to walk back to her chair, but stopped dead in her tracks as she found herself under Caleb’s unwavering gaze.

“You know, if I would’ve known you were a lady, I never would have handled you so roughly.” He finally said to break the silence. “I am truly sorry for what I did.”

“How did you know?” Was all Lou could ask as she walked a little closer to the cell, her arms crossed protectively over her chest.

Caleb laughed then and Lou was surprised to hear how pleasant it was. “As soon as I got a good look at you, there was no mistaking. Exactly why are you dressed as a boy?”

Lou didn’t know why she felt the need to explain herself to the man. She just hoped she could persuade him to keep her secret. “The Pony Express doesn’t hire women. I had no other choice.”

“You ride for the Pony Express? Isn’t that a bit dangerous?”

“Not when I have a brother and sister to support. The boys back at the station know, but no one else does-“

“I know it’s not worth much to you, but I give my word that I won’t tell anyone else.” Caleb reassured her sincerely.

Lou looked into his eyes for a moment before nodding. She knew it was crazy, but for some reason, she trusted this man. She leaned back on Teaspoon’s desk and looked down at the floor. “Can I ask you a question?”

“I already told you, I didn’t kill Nellie Gardiner-“

“No, I was just wondering why you’re here, in Rock Creek. I’ve never seen you before.” Lou interrupted as she straightened her back.

Caleb stared at his hands for a long moment before answering. “I’m looking for my boys.”

“You’re sons, they live in Rock Creek?” Lou asked curiously.

“I don’t know exactly. I haven’t seen them in over ten years.” The man said guiltily as he sat down on his cot.

Before Lou could ask another question, the door to Teaspoon’s office opened and Jimmy rushed through the door. She could tell that he had just been roused from bed because he hadn’t bothered to pull a shirt on, and was now clad only in a pair of black trousers and his mustard-colored coat. His chest was heaving and Lou knew he had run all the way through town.

“Jimmy-what’s wrong?” Lou asked as she walked towards him in concern.

Jimmy looked at her neck in horror and reached out tentatively to caress the blue and purple splotches. His face then twisted with disgust as he spied the man sitting on the cot. He strode over to the cell and glared at the Caleb. “He do that to you Lou?” Jimmy whispered furiously.

“Yes Jimmy, but-“

“Where’s Teaspoon?”

“He went over to the Gardiners, but Jimmy-“

Jimmy walked over to the Marshal’s desk and begun rummaging in Teaspoon’s drawers. Papers flew about the room carelessly, but he took no notice. Lou was about to ask him what he was doing when he finally pulled up a set of keys triumphantly. He started to walk over to the cell again, but Lou stepped in his path and placed her hands pleadingly on his chest.

“Jimmy, what are you doing?”

“I’m going to make him pay for what he tried to do to you Lou.” Jimmy spat in anger.

“You can’t do that Jimmy and you know it. Put the keys back and go home. There’s nothing you can do, just let him be.”

“Jesus Christ Lou, have you looked in the mirror yet? He’s not going to get away with this.” Jimmy responded, his eyes full of ire.

“That’s not up to you Jimmy. You can’t take the law into your own hands. No go home before Teaspoon finds you here.”

“Too late.” A voice boomed from the doorway. “Hickok, what in the hell are you doing here?”

Jimmy didn’t even turn around as he answered the stationmaster. “Tommy came to the bunkhouse and told us what happened. I came to get Lou.”

“Mmm Hmm, and kick a whole in Mister Franklin’s head while you were at it. Now you listen here Jimmy, I’m goin’ to have enough trouble on my hands with this town, I don’t need it from you too. This man is innocent until proven guilty, and I intend for him to be alive when his trial comes.”

Jimmy closed his eyes and shook his head. However, he turned around and placed the keys on Teaspoon’s desk. He glared at both Lou and Teaspoon, but offered no further resistance. Taking a deep breath, he placed his hand on Lou’s shoulder and guided her to the door. “You know Teaspoon, you may have gotten me to back down, but Kid’s goin’ to be another story.” The three people exchanged worried glances, and therefore didn’t see the look of shock that passed over Caleb’s face.

Lou and Jimmy walked back to the bunkhouse in silence. She could feel the anger emanating from Jimmy, and knew it was directed partly at her. Jimmy cleared his throat and reached out to place a hand on Lou’s arm, effectively halting her.

“Lou, what were you doin’ out so late?”

“Not that I owe you any explanation Jimmy Hickok, but I always go out walkin’ when you boys are asleep. It’s the only time I can get any peace and quiet.” Lou responded as she yanked her arm free.

“Well, it ain’t safe. If Teaspoon wouldn’t have walked up, you’d be dead by now.” Jimmy returned.

“Gee, I almost forgot. Thanks for reminding me Jimmy. What would I do without you?” Lou asked sarcastically.

“Why are you so mad at me? All I’m tryin’ to do is help!”

“Why am I so mad at you? Why are you so mad at me?” Lou answered in exasperation.

Jimmy stopped for a moment and furrowed his brow. He wanted to tell her that he wasn’t angry, but as he looked within himself, he discovered that he truly was. Sighing loudly, he placed his hand on her arm again. “Look Lou, I’m sorry, all right? It’s just that when Tommy came and woke us up, tellin’ us you’d almost been killed, I went crazy. We didn’t even know you were gone.”

“I appreciate it Jimmy, I really do, but flyin’ off the handle ain’t goin’ to help matters. And yellin’ at me ain’t goin’ to neither.”

“You’re right Lou…I was just scared, that’s all.”

Lou nodded her head and smiled at him warmly. They continued the rest of their short journey in silence. Before they even had a chance to step onto the porch, the door flew open and Noah, Buck, Cody and Rachel stood before her. As Rachel pulled the small girl into her embrace, the boys began asking questions. It’s gonna be a long night Lou thought to herself as Rachel led her into the bunkhouse.

Kid sighed in relief as the weigh station came into view. He was tired and dirty and wanted nothing more than a hot meal, and a warm bed. Instead of making camp, he had decided to ride straight through the night so that he could be home before morning. He was still blanketed in the velvety darkness, but he could see the beginnings of what he knew would be a beautiful sunrise. He hurried off to take care of Katy so that he would be back in time to watch the sun make its way into the sky.

Kid rubbed at his bleary eyes as he emerged from the barn. He walked slowly across the yard, oblivious to his surroundings until he found himself at the foot of the porch steps. Just before he sat down, the bunkhouse door opened, and he found himself staring into Jimmy’s eyes. Kid smiled a greeting and then sat down, not surprised when Jimmy sat beside him.

“How was your ride Kid?” Jimmy asked in a sleepy voice.

“It was all right. What are you doin’ up so early?”

“I uh…I wanted to talk to you about somethin’.”

Kid looked at Jimmy then, rattled by the tone of his voice. He knew his friend well enough to know that whatever he was about to tell him wasn’t good. “What is it?”

“Last night, Nellie Gardiner was murdered.” Jimmy said quietly.

Kid pictured the young blonde woman in his mind and shook his head. He hadn’t known her very well, but their few conversations had been amiable and pleasant. “Who would do something like that? Did Teaspoon find anyone?”

“It gets a bit complicated there. You see Kid, Lou was out walking last night, and -“

“Lou, where is she?” Kid asked as he gripped Jimmy’s arm painfully.

“She’s over at Rachel’s Kid, she’s fine. But well, like I said, she was out walking and came across this man, and he was standing over Nellie’s body. When he noticed Lou, he attacked her. Teaspoon found them just in time though, and -“ But Jimmy got no further as Kid sprang to his feet and rushed to Rachel’s house.

Kid flung the door open and almost cried tears of relief as he spotted Lou at the table, poised over a cup of tea. She looked at the door fearfully, but smiled warmly as she discovered who it was. She stood up and was immediately wrapped in Kid’s strong arms. After answering everyone’s questions the night before, Rachel had insisted Lou sleep in the house, and she hadn’t argued. She knew that her tossing and turning would only keep the boys awake, however, she knew she wouldn’t disturb anyone in the guestroom of Rachel’s room.

“Oh God Lou, are you all right?” Kid asked as he pulled away so he could peer into her face.

“I’m fine Kid.” Lou assured him as she rubbed his forearm. However, as Kid caught sight of the swollen bruises on Lou’s throat, he gasped in shock and alarm. He gently gathered her hair away from her neck so that he could get a better look.

“Kid, it’s nothin’ really. It was just a misunderstanding.”

“A misunderstanding? You call this a misunderstanding?” Kid asked as he forced her to face the mirror hanging in Rachel’s hallway. She winced slightly as she caught sight of herself. She had avoided her reflection thus far, but Kid wanted her to see just how much damage had been done. “Lou, what happened?”

Lou sighed and turned back to walk into the kitchen. She sat down at the table and smiled as Kid sat beside her, taking her small hand into his own. She could see the worry and anxiety in his eyes and knew he wouldn’t be satisfied until she told him everything. Before she began, she brushed a stray lock from his face and let her hand linger on his cheek.

“You have to promise me something first Kid.”

“What?” He asked in confusion.

“You have to promise to listen to everything I say, and not to get angry.” He let out a sound of exasperation and looked around the room. Finally after a few moments, he met her eyes and nodded. Taking a deep breath, she began, “I was out walking last night, just thinkin’ about some things.” Kid nodded his head. He was the only one in the bunkhouse to know of Lou’s night walks, and although he didn’t necessarily like the idea of her roaming the streets that late, he understood her need for space. “I was just about to go on home when I turned down one of the alleys…the one by the hotel. I saw this man and he was leaning over something…I couldn’t see what it was. But when he turned, I saw Nellie. I knew she was dead…there was so much blood Kid.” She closed her eyes for a moment trying to regain her composure. Kid squeezed her knee firmly, letting her know that he was still there, and she was safe.

“I tried running way, but I couldn’t move. That’s when he started choking me. I thought I was gonna die Kid, I thought I was never goin’ to see you again.” Lou cried as the tears she had been holding back began to flow freely. Kid pulled her into his arms and whispered soothing words. They sat that way for a few moments before Lou finally broke away. “Teaspoon, he saved me though…and they took him to a cell.”

“Oh God Lou, I’m so sorry.” Kid whispered as he kissed her temple. He was filled with extreme anger at that moment, but he knew Lou would only retreat from him if he displayed it. Instead he gathered her in his arms and thanked God that she was still alive. “Don’t worry Lou, he’ll pay for what he did to you, and Nellie.”

“I don’t think he murdered her Kid.” Lou murmured against his chest.

Kid’s hands, which had been stroking her back, stopped suddenly, and he pulled back so that he could look into her face. “What are you talkin’ about Lou? He tried to kill you for Pete’s sake!”

“He thought I was the murderer Kid…he panicked. I don’t think he-“

“Did you hit your head too, Lou? Because you surely are talkin’ crazy.” Kid said as he stood up.

Lou bristled at his comment, and stood up as well so that they stood toe-to-toe. “You know, maybe I am crazy. I was crazy to think that you’d have some sense.” Lou shouted.

“Oh, I don’t have any sense? Lou, you saw him with your own eyes!”

“That’s right Kid. I saw him, and he wasn’t killing her. Its like he said, he was checking to see if she were alive.” Lou said defensively.

“Oh, is that what he said?? Well, it must be true then!” Kid answered sarcastically.

“Why do you always do this Kid? You always have to turn everything into a fight!”

“I wouldn’t turn everything into a fight if you didn’t give me so much ammunition.” Kid spat back.

Lou stood there stunned for a moment before grabbing her coat off of the table and walking outside. She slammed the door behind her, but not before sending Kid a scathing glare. The young man sat down at the table and sighed in frustration.

“You sure handled that well.” Rachel chastised as she entered the kitchen. Before Kid could speak, the woman held up her hand to silence him. “You know Kid, Lou was the victim here.”

“I know that Rachel. I just don’t understand why she’s defendin’ that man.” Kid answered quietly.

“Well, I’m sure she has her reasons. Maybe you could try and be a little more understanding. You haven’t even talked to the man yet, and you’re already tyin’ the rope to hang him with.”

“I don’t need to talk to the man Rachel. He tried to kill Lou when she discovered him. If that ain’t guilty, then I don’t know what is.”

“Kid, I can sympathize with your situation. But things ain’t always what they seem.”

“Don’t tell me you believe in his innocence too?”

“Now calm down Kid. I didn’t say that. To be honest, I don’t know what to think. But Lou seems firm in her convictions. Maybe you should put a little stock into that. Now I have some breakfast to cook, and you have some feathers to unruffle, so you better get on now.”

As Kid opened the door to the bunkhouse, four pair of eyes turned to glare at him accusingly. “What?” He asked sharply.

“What genius thing did you say to her now?” Cody asked sleepily as he threw the covers off his body. “She came in here making all kinds of noise. You’d think I could get some sleep around here on my day off.”

“She thinks that man is innocent.” Kid answered tiredly as he sat down heavily on his bunk.

“She what?” Noah and Buck chorused at the same time.

“Exactly…I called her crazy.”

“And you’re still alive to tell the tale?” Jimmy asked as he walked to stand before Kid. “Did she tell you why she thought he wasn’t guilty?”

“No, we just started arguing. I thought maybe she had come back here.”

Suddenly, the door opened and Lou walked in. Once she spotted Kid, she straightened her back and walked to her bunk. I don’t have the energy for this Kid thought to himself, even as he stood up and walked over to her. She didn’t acknowledge his presence until he laid a gentle hand on her shoulder.

“I’m sorry Lou. I over-reacted. I’m just scared for you that’s all.” Kid whispered.

Lou looked into his eyes and smiled. “I’m sorry too, Kid. I know I’m not making much sense to you, and I can’t really explain it. If you had talked to him, you’d know he was innocent too.”

“Well, maybe it’s time I talked to him.” Kid replied. At the fearful look in her eyes, he smiled and continued. “I’ll be on my best behavior. I promise. I just want to hear what he has to say.”

“You would do that?” Lou asked.

“If it’s that important to you, then yes, I would.” Kid felt his heart contract in his chest as her eyes lit up. She leapt into his arms and hugged him tightly. “Thank you, Kid.”

“Oh great, now you’ve both gone loco.” Cody said loudly. The others glared at him, but didn’t put forth any argument.

“Remember what you promised Kid!” Lou whispered as they stood before the door to Teaspoon’s office. It was still early morning and there weren’t many people stirring out of doors, which was why Kid leaned down and gave Lou a quick kiss on the lips.

“I remember, now come on.” Kid responded as he grabbed her hand and pulled her behind him.

“Look Kid, I already gave Jimmy this speech, and I’m not goin’ to give it to you too. If you came here to cause trouble, I’ll throw you in a cell next door to Mister Franklin’s here.” Teaspoon said as he looked up.

“I ain’t here to cause trouble Teaspoon. I just wanted to talk to him.” Kid answered sincerely.

Teaspoon nodded, and waved them in. Lou placed her hand on the small of Kid’s back and ushered him over to the cell. Caleb Franklin lay on the cot motionless, his hat dipped over his head and covering his face. Lou looked up at Kid for a moment and then back at the sleeping man.

Lou was about to call out the man’s name when he sat up suddenly and smiled. Kid gasped then and Lou felt him stiffen beside her. She looked at him in confusion and put her hand on his arm. “What is it Kid, do you know him?”

Kid continued to stare at the man, a hundred emotions crossing over his face in a matter of seconds. Neither Lou nor Teaspoon had any idea what was going on until Caleb spoke. “Hello son, it’s been a long time.”

Kid took a step back and sat down heavily in Teaspoon’s chair, covering his face with his hands. “This can’t be happening.” He murmured over and over, seemingly oblivious of his surroundings. Lou gazed at him worriedly and knelt beside him.

“Kid, is he your pa?” Lou asked as she tried to pry his hands away.

The young man pushed her away roughly and jumped to his feet. Without another word, he fled the small office, not bothering to close the door behind him. Teaspoon helped the dazed Lou to her feet, but when she tried to go after him, Teaspoon placed a restraining hand on her arm. “Let him be Lou. Seems to me like he’s got a lot of things to digest.”

Lou was about to argue, but instead turned to look at Caleb, who sat shamefully on the bunk. Lou walked closer to the cell and placed her hands around the bars. “You…you’re Kid’s father?” She asked shakily. But there was no mistaking it now. Both men had the same clear blue eyes and bone structure. She should have seen it sooner.

“Yes, though I’m sure he wishes I weren’t.” Caleb said quietly. “Look, I didn’t mean to upset him. I didn’t come back after all these years to shake up his life. I just wanted to make my peace.”

“Well you sure did a hell of a job.” Teaspoon said sarcastically from behind Lou.

“I just wanted to see my boys again. I ran off on their mother a long time ago-“

“It’s a good thing you did too. Seems to me Kid’s all the better for it.” Teaspoon interrupted.

“I’m not going to argue with you there. He seems to be a fine young man. Do…do you know where Jed is?” He asked timidly.

Lou and Teaspoon exchanged glances before the older man spoke. “I’m sorry Mister Franklin, but Jed died last year.”

Lou watched helplessly as Caleb broke into tears. She looked at Teaspoon, but his eyes were hardened and Lou knew he held no sympathy for the sobbing man. Kid didn’t talk about his father, ever, but Lou knew he had been abusive. She was torn between hating the man who had caused Kid such pain, and helping him prove his innocence. She walked away from the cell now, knowing that he’d want to be alone in his grief.

“Well now, this just complicates everything.” Teaspoon sighed as he sat down on the edge of his desk.

“Jed, now you listen to me. When your father comes in, you be nice to him. I want to have a nice family dinner, you hear?” The young woman pleaded with her fourteen year old son.

The young man didn’t answer her, but he did nod his head sullenly. The younger boy beside him stood up and approached his mother. “Mama, when is Pa comin’ home? I’m hungry.” Hunger wasn’t an unfamiliar feeling to him since their family didn’t have much money, but his mother had gone through a lot of trouble scrounging together a decent meal for their father’s homecoming and the fruits of her labor sat steaming on the table.

The woman smiled and bent down to smooth the boy’s soft hair. “I know you are baby, but I want this to be special for your daddy. He’s been gone for almost a month, and I want everything to be perfect.”

The young boy smiled then. “Do you think he brought us back anything from Richmond?”

Jed snorted in the corner, but the woman smiled at her youngest son and knelt down beside him. “I don’t know Kid. You know he was there on business…our farm depends on it. But maybe he brought you back a little something. Now, let’s sit down and wait for him.”

Kid followed his mother’s lead and sat down in the chair beside her, trying his best not to let the tempting smells from the small roast affect him. Jed sat down across from them, but he didn’t seem interested in the food. He stared in boredom at the door, waiting for his father’s return.

Kid’s head was just beginning to bob when his mother shook him excitedly. He looked at her through bleary eyes and wondered what the commotion was. He didn’t know what time it was, but he guessed it was late considering how dark the night was. “Wake up honey. Your daddy’s home.”

Kid jumped up excitedly beside his mother and watched as she tried to smooth her wrinkled dress. Jed sat where he was, glaring at his mother. Suddenly, the door flew open and an unshaven stranger walked in. Kid could smell the alcohol on him and knew that they were in trouble.

“Caleb, welcome home.” His mother said a bit unsurely. She wrung her hands in anticipation, not sure what to expect.

Kid’s father said nothing. Instead, he dumped his traveling bag on the floor and walked to the table, sitting down without ceremony. “Don’t you want to clean up before you eat honey? Besides, I’m goin’ to have to re-heat this food. We were expecting you home a lot sooner, and-“

Without warning, Caleb’s hand stretched out and slapped Katherine’s face forcibly. “I come home after a long trip, and I can’t even have a warm meal? What have I told you about that Kate?” The angry man asked as he stood up and walked towards the woman menacingly.

Kid backed up and stood before his mother as if to protect her. His father laughed and shoved him out of the way, grabbing his mother by her hair, he pulled her over to the soup that lay cold on the table, and shoved her face into it. Jed sprang into action then and jumped on his father’s back, gripping him around the neck. His mother screamed as Caleb flung Jed against the wall with a loud thud. Kid watched as his brother slid to the ground in an unconscious heap.

His father turned back to his mother, and before Kid knew what he was doing, he grabbed the skillet from the stove and flung it at his father’s back. Caleb yelped in pain and rubbed his back furiously as he turned around to face Kid. Even though he was only a lad of eight, Kid stared fearlessly back at his father, willing him to do his worst.

“Kid!” Katherine screamed as Caleb grabbed the boy by his scrawny arms and began to shake violently.


“Kid, wake up.”

The young man bolted upright as he was torn from the throes of his nightmare and found himself gazing into a familiar set of brown eyes. His chest was still heaving from his memories and he had to reach out and touch Lou’s face to assure himself that he was not eight years old anymore. She placed her hand atop his and squeezed.

“It’s all right Kid. You were just having a nightmare.” Lou whispered.

Kid looked in the distance and spotted Katy grazing carelessly, Lightning beside her. The sun was shining high in the sky and Kid guessed it to be mid-afternoon. Kid let his hand fall away from Lou’s face and sat up straight, his back against a fallen log.

“I must have fallen asleep.” He said sheepishly as he rubbed at his eyes.

“I didn’t want to bother you, I was just worried.” Lou said quietly as she stood up. “I can go now if you want me too.”

Kid thought for a long moment. He had never talked to anyone about his father; he even shirked the topic with his brother. But somehow, he knew he was ready to talk to Lou now as she stood before him, her eyes filled quiet understanding. Wordlessly, he reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling her into his lap. He hugged her tightly and buried his face into her hair, breathing the fresh scent in. Lou didn’t speak, but merely allowed him to hold her while he got his emotions under control.

“Lou, I don’t know what to do.” Kid finally spoke.

“I know.” Lou whispered quietly as she threaded her hands through his hair. Kid looked into her eyes then and smiled slightly, for if anyone knew what he was going through, it was Lou. It hadn’t been too long ago that she’d been confronted with the father she hadn’t seen in years. Kid swallowed painfully as he remembered how everything had turned out then.

“What is it?” Lou asked as she noticed his expression.

“I was just thinking about Boggs.” Kid admitted.

Lou’s face hardened for a moment, but was then replaced with tenderness. “Kid, this ain’t the same. Boggs was the same man I remembered as a child…mean, cold. I don’t know how your father treated you Kid, but he’s here now, trying to make up for it. Maybe you should give him a chance.”

Lou knew she had said something wrong by the way Kid’s eyes flashed like lightning. He stood up abruptly, causing Lou to tumble unceremoniously onto the soft grass. She looked on in confusion as Kid began to pace in front of her, running his hands through his hair. He finally came to stand in front of her, placing his hands on his hips.

“You want to know how my father treated me Lou? I mean, do you really want to know?”

Lou stood up and looked him square in the eye. “Yes Kid, I do.” She answered sincerely.

“How’s this, there wasn’t a day that went by when he didn’t hit my mother for something or other. Of course that’s when he was there, which he wasn’t half the time because he was drinking and gambling our money away. Do you know how hard it is to run a farm with two boys…only to watch the small profit you earn go into someone else’s pocket? My ma, Jed and I worked that land from sunrise to sun down, but we were the ones going hungry. God, I was so happy when he was gone for good. My mother lost that look of fear in her eyes. We did all right for a while…then Jed left too. He’d been in trouble with the law for a while by then, and he didn’t want to involve us…so he left.” Kid stopped then to collect himself and desperately trying to keep the tears at bay. Lou reached out to comfort him, but he jerked away. “Then my ma got sick and I had to work the farm by myself. All the money went to my mama’s medicine, but it didn’t help. She left me too, only difference was, she couldn’t come back, even if she wanted to. They took the farm from me and turned me out. Doritha…she gave me the money to pay off all my debts so that I could make a new life for myself.”

While Kid paused, Lou reached out again and placed her hand on his arm. “I’m so sorry Kid, I really am. Your father was terrible to you, but he’s sorry for all he did…he’d tell you that if you’d only give him a chance.”

Kid shook her hand off violently, surprising her. “I thought you’d understand Lou, but you don’t. Let me ask you this, if your father were still alive and asking for forgiveness, would you give it?”

Lou sat there deep in thought for a moment before answering. Her voice was quivering and Kid knew she was on the verge of tears. “Do you know how happy I’d be if my father were still alive? If he gave a damn about me? You’re blinded by your anger Kid, but your father is here, and he’s here to make a new start with you.”

“You don’t know him like I do Lou. He was always a good actor…why do you think my mother continued to forgive him?? It was because he lied to her, and made promises he never kept. He’s fooled you, but he won’t fool me, not again.”

“How can you be so sure Kid? You haven’t even talked to him?”

“I don’t need to talk to him Lou. I’ll never forgive him…never, do you hear me?”

“I can hear you just fine since your shouting.” Lou responded hotly as tears sprang to her eyes. Crossing her arms over her chest, she started to walk away. “No matter how much you hate him for what’s he done to you, you need to remember that he’s sitting in jail now charged with a crime he didn’t commit. You know they’ll hang him Kid…Percy Gardiner is a powerful man. If you don’t owe it to him, then you owe it to yourself to see that an innocent man isn’t hanged…no matter what he did in the past.”

Kid hesitated before walking into the darkened bunkhouse. He had spent hours in the clearing following Lou’s abrupt departure, mulling over her words. He had no doubt that the others had been informed of the events that had transpired early that morning, and he wasn’t sure he could stand to see the look of pity in their eyes. Shaking his head, he opened the door, positive they’d all be sleeping anyway.

The fire still burned brilliantly in the fireplace, casting shadows across the walls. Kid looked around the room quickly, taking note of the loud snores and steady breaths. Once he was satisfied the boys were asleep, he chanced a look over to the corner where Lou slept and was mildly surprised to find that her bed was empty. Walking closer, he ran his hands absently over the rough blanket, tucked perfectly under the corners of the mattress.

“She left after supper.” A groggy voice called from across the room.

Kid looked up and found Jimmy propped up on his elbows, staring intently at him. “She left after supper, and she ain’t back yet?” Kid asked in alarm. “Did she say where she was goin’?”

“No, my guess is she went looking for you. She was real worried…hardly ate a bite.” Jimmy continued. Kid knew his friend was trying to bait him, but he wasn’t going to fight, not tonight. He didn’t have the energy. Jimmy saw the resigned look pass over his friend’s face and was instantly sorry.

“Kid…I can’t say that I know what you’re goin’ through because I don’t. Now, I can understand if you don’t want to talk about it, but I’ll be here if you do. We all will.”

“Thanks Jimmy, but there’s nothing to talk about. I’m just really tired now, I’m goin’ to bed.” Kid replied as he sat on his bunk and began to pull off his shoes.

“Fair enough.” Jimmy whispered as he lay back down and slung his arm over his eyes. Kid proceeded to undress himself methodically and it wasn’t long before he was snuggled warmly under the covers. He closed his eyes, waiting for sleep to overtake him, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep until Lou returned.

It wasn’t rationale, but Kid could never sleep easily without her presence in the bunkhouse. It was the factor of not knowing whether she was safe or not that prevented him from gaining some much- needed sleep. When she lay across room, just a few feet away and sleeping soundly, Kid could do the same. It was ultimately one of the things that had destroyed their relationship; his not knowing when or if she would return from one of her dangerous rides. It had driven them both crazy. However, Kid learned in the time they were apart that he didn’t stop worrying simply because they weren’t together. He still spent sleepless nights calculating in his head where she was at the moment and how much longer it would be until she returned to the station. He needed her, plain and simple.

Kid must have fallen asleep somewhere in his musings because he didn’t hear the door to the bunkhouse open, nor did he hear the quiet footsteps of someone approaching his bunk. He wasn’t aware of anyone’s presence until a small hand caressed his cheek, jerking him awake. He felt the hand move to his chest, where it held him down.

“Shhh Kid, it’s only me.” Lou said as she bent in closer so that he could see her face in the dim light. “I was worried about you, are you all right?”

“I’m fine…where have you been?” He asked quietly, as he sat up slightly.

She smiled at his question and stood up. “I’ve just been doin’ some thinking.” She answered enigmatically, as she started stripping down to her long johns.

“I tried waiting up…I guess I fell asleep.” Kid said somewhat sheepishly.

Lou smiled at him again as she approached his bunk and slid under the covers beside him. Placing a quick kiss on his cheek, she lay her head on his broad chest and listened to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. He wrapped his arms around her slight form and kissed the dark crown of her head, closing his eyes. Whatever words had been spoken earlier that day had been forgotten as the young lovers fell asleep, nestled in each other’s arms.

“I told you not to hurt her! I told you to talk to her…Oh God, why did I trust you?!”

“You want to let the whole world know? Shut up Percy, or I’ll kill you, I swear I will.”

The cold voice left no doubt in the older man’s mind that the speaker would do just that if he didn’t get himself under control. Straightening his robe, he collected himself and stared straight into the eyes of the tall man before him. Eyes that were completely devoid of any emotion. Eyes that scared him.

“What are we going to do? I can’t just let that innocent man hang.”

“That is exactly what you are going to do Percy Gardiner. You have nothing to worry about, nothing at all, just as long as you keep your mouth shut. That man is the answer to all our problems.”


“But nothing Percy…now you listen and you listen good. If I so much as suspect that you are going to confess to anything, I’ll…” The man paused for a moment before a devilish grin split his face. “It’d be a shame if Missus Gardiner were to meet with an unfortunate accident.”

“Are you threatening my wife? I swear I’ll-“

“You’ll what? You’re a spineless old man Percy. If you just keep quiet, you’ll have nothing to worry about. We’re home free Percy. Now, I’m going to leave and forget that we had this conversation, but so help me God, if I-“

“I get the point Jacob.” Percy replied tightly.

Jacob smiled and patted Percy on the shoulder. “Good…give Missus Gardiner my best, won’t you?”

Kid groped blindly across the small bed and let out a disappointed grunt as his hands didn’t find what they were looking for. Opening first one eye, then the other he discovered that not only had Lou vacated his bed, but the rest of the boys had left the bunkhouse as well. The sun’s rays were bathing the bunkhouse in light and Kid knew it was late morning. The others had graciously allowed him to sleep in, and he didn’t know whether to be pleased or upset.

Swinging his legs over the side of his bed, he sleepily rubbed at his eyes. Yawning and stretching, he climbed to his feet and began to pull on his clothes. Once he was presentable, he walked out onto the porch and glanced across the yard to Rachel’s house. He guessed from the empty yard, the riders were eating breakfast in the beautiful woman’s home. He didn’t think he was ready to face the others yet, but his stomach urged him to the door of the other house. Knocking quietly, he opened the door and was greeted with silence. Buck, Cody, Jimmy and Jesse looked at him with some trepidation, while Lou smiled un-surely. Rachel walked over to him and patted him on the back.

“Well sit down honey, there’s plenty left even though Cody over there’s already had two helpings.”

Kid smiled and removed his hat as he took a seat beside Lou. She patted his knee reassuringly as Rachel handed him a plate. The other riders began to talk amongst themselves once more, exchanging barbs and insults. Lou leaned in a little and whispered, “How are you feelin’?”

“I’m fine Lou, really.” He answered as he looked her fully in the eyes. She seemed satisfied with his answer and turned back to her own breakfast, which had remained until that point untouched for the most part.

“Well that was a good breakfast Rachel, but I guess we need to get into town and get them supplies you wanted.” Cody said as he stood up. The others echoed excuses and it was apparent that they wanted to be away from the table. They didn’t quite know how to talk to their friend and the awkwardness was making it too uncomfortable.

Rachel smiled in understanding and stood up from the table to escort them to the barn. Neither Kid nor Lou said a word and the only sound permeating the silence was the occasional clang of a fork against a plate. Finally, Kid exhaled loudly and turned to look at Lou.

“Just ask me Lou.”

“Ask you what?” Lou answered innocently.

“Don’t play games…I know you’re wonderin’ what I’ve decided about Caleb.”

Lou winced inwardly at Kid’s use of his father’s name. This wasn’t a good sign. “Well, what are you goin’ to do about your father?” Lou returned.

“Don’t call him that Lou. He hasn’t been a father to me.” Kid said angrily as he stood up.

“O.k, well, what are you goin’ to do about Caleb?” Lou asked as she stood up to face Kid.

Kid looked around the room for a moment before meeting her gaze. “Nothing. I’m not going to do anything. He can prove his innocence to the circuit judge in a few days.”

Lou looked at the man she loved in horror and backed away. “I can’t believe you Kid. I mean…this is you father, whether you want him to be or not. If you don’t want to forgive him, that’s fine. If you want to hate him for the rest of your life, that’s fine too. But you can’t let him hang because of what he did to you in the past.”

“You act like he’s already been proven guilty Lou. If he didn’t do it, then he’ll go free right? So, you have nothing to worry about.” Kid replied dispassionately.

Lou laughed bitterly. “You know as well as I do that it doesn’t matter whether or not he’s guilty. These people already have him hanged in their minds. No one will speak for him, and you know it. Jesus Kid, look at what happened to Jimmy back in Sweetwater. He didn’t kill Randall Downs, but he had a rope around his neck before we rescued him.” Kid merely stood in stony silence, glaring at Lou. “You’re not going to change your mind, are you?” She took Kid’s silence as an affirmative and stalked to the door. Before she walked out however, she turned, “I don’t know what’s happened to you Kid, but…but I don’t want any part of it.”

“What are you saying Lou?” Kid asked as he walked closer.

Lou closed her eyes and leaned her head against the door frame for a moment. “I don’t know Kid…God I don’t know. I love you, I really do, but I won’t, I mean I can’t…” Lou stopped again and Kid saw that her eyes were filled with tears. He put his hand on her arm and forced her to look him in the eyes. She looked into the beautiful orbs and straightened up. “We’re through Kid.”

“You don’t mean that Lou.” Kid almost whimpered.

“Oh yes, I do. I won’t stand beside anyone who’d knowingly let an innocent man die for a crime he didn’t commit.”

Kid slammed his fist into the wall and glared back at Lou, trying to ignore the frightened look in her eyes. “You don’t know that he’s innocent damn it!”

“And I won’t find out unless I investigate myself. You know, I was so sure you’d help me. I thought you’d be able to put aside your personal feelings. Guess I was wrong, about a lot of things.” Lou answered as she opened the door. When Kid didn’t try to stop her, she walked out into the yard without sparing a backwards glance.

“What are you doin’ here Lou?” Teaspoon asked as the small girl walked through the office. He noted the redness of her eyes, but he chose to ignore it, knowing that Lou would discuss whatever was bothering her when she chose and not a minute before.

“I came here to see Caleb.” She said simply as she walked closer to the cell, where the man was snoring lightly on his cot.

“Well, he’s sleepin’ right now darlin’, maybe-“

“I’ll wait.” Lou responded dully as she sat heavily in an empty chair. Teaspoon looked at her in concern for a moment, but then went back to reviewing the wanted posters on his desk.

“Have you talked to any witnesses yet?” Lou asked suddenly.

“I beg your pardon?”

“Have you talked to any witnesses…you know to see if anyone saw what happened to Nellie?”

“Lou, we already know what happened to her. We found a piece of his shirt in her hands…he tried killing you in case you forgot!” Teaspoon said in exasperation.

“You mean, you haven’t even talked to anyone yet? There may be someone out there who saw something-“

“I didn’t say that Lou. I talked to plenty of people Louise, and no one saw anything. I don’t need you comin’ in here tryin’ to tell me how to do my job!” Teaspoon roared.

“Well I wouldn’t be tellin’ you if you were doin’ it. That man is innocent Teaspoon, but you don’t even care. Why are you so ready to let him hang?” Lou demanded as she stood up.

“That’s it, GET OUT!” Teaspoon yelled as he came to stand before Lou, red-faced and out of breath. “When you can speak a little more civilly to me, then you may return, but until then, you can leave."

“No.” Lou returned stubbornly as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Teaspoon looked at the girl in pure shock. He’d expect this kind of trouble from Jimmy, or even Kid, but not from Lou. For a moment, he didn’t know what to do, but he knew he couldn’t back down. Taking a deep breath, he grabbed her roughly by the arms and dragged her out onto the street tossing her on her backside. She looked at him in outrage as she stood up.

“Remember what I said Lou…don’t come back until you can treat me with a little respect.” Teaspoon said as he walked back into the building and slammed the door.

Jimmy, who had been across the street at Tompkins loading up the buckboard watched the scene before him in amazement. Had Teaspoon really just thrown Lou out of his office? Cody and Buck walked out just in time to see Lou storm away to the bunkhouse.

“What’s wrong with her?” Cody asked as he set a feedbag down upon the others.

“I don’t know, but I aim to find out.” Jimmy said absently as he jogged across the street.

“Ah, don’t worry Jimmy…we can handle the rest.” Cody called after him sarcastically. When Buck sent him a scathing glare, Cody stared back at him innocently. “What?” He asked.

Jimmy walked into the bunkhouse just as Lou began stuffing her clothes into a well-worn valise. She didn’t turn to acknowledge his presence, and Jimmy even doubted she’d heard him enter. She was muttering unintelligible words that he tried to comprehend, but he couldn’t make sense of anything. She turned at that moment and seemed surprised to see him, but walked past him to retrieve her trunk from the other side of the room.

“What are you doin’ Lou?” He asked, perplexed.

“What does it look like Jimmy?”

“Stop playing games Lou.” Jimmy said as he reached out to grab her arm.

“Why does everyone think I’m playing games today. For Christ’s sake Jimmy let go of my arm or I swear you’ll regret it.” Lou threatened. Jimmy could see the fire in her eyes and backed away slowly. He had never seen the petite rider so upset and it riled him.

“Lou, what’s wrong?” Jimmy whispered.

“Nothings wrong, Jimmy. Everything’s just fine.” Lou replied.

“Then what are these?” Jimmy asked as he reached out to gently wipe away the tears coursing down her small face. At Jimmy’s tender touch, Lou began to sob openly and allowed the tall rider to wrap his arms around her. “Oh Lou, what’s the matter?”

Just then, the door opened and Kid walked in. Once he took in the sight of Jimmy comforting Lou, he grabbed his hat from the table and walked back out without so much as a passing glance at the crying girl. What in the world is going on? Jimmy thought to himself as he rocked Lou back and forth.

Lou suddenly pushed away from her friend and swiped at the offending tears. “I gotta get going, now.” She said as she dragged the trunk to her bedside and began throwing what little possessions she owned into the depths of the old chest.

“Where are you goin’? Lou, I don’t understand.” Jimmy said as he walked to her bed and sat down.

“You can tell Teaspoon I quit. I’ll be staying at the hotel until Caleb’s trial. Then I’m leavin’.” Lou explained as she closed the lid to the trunk and buckled it close.

“But…but why Lou?” Jimmy asked, his handsome face contorted in confusion.

“Because I don’t know you all anymore…I thought I did, but I don’t.”

“What are you talking about Lou? What happened? I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s going on.”

“You are all just willin’ to sit on your asses while an innocent man is condemned for something he didn’t do.” Lou shouted.

Now it was Jimmy’s turn to get upset and he stood up, towering over Lou. “Why are you so blind Lou? You can go off trying to prove he didn’t do it, but don’t expect us to as well. Hell, even Kid won’t help that man, and he’s his father.”

“I know.” Lou said quietly as she picked the trunk up and stumbled to the door. “Bye Jimmy…I’ll be back for the rest of my things once I check in.”

Once she had exited through the door, Jimmy exhaled sharply and threw his hands in the air. Louise McCloud was the most stubborn woman he had ever met and ever would meet. She was the most infuriating person, man or woman, Jimmy had ever encountered and he knew for the first time exactly what Kid went through with her. Sitting down on the bench, he buried his face in his hands and tried to make sense of what had just happened.

“Mister Gardiner? You have a visitor.”

Percy looked up from the book of accounts on his desk to see his secretary standing before him ringing her hands nervously. Before Percy could protest, a small figure entered the room and walked past Sally Williamson to stand before the older man. He could tell by the stubborn set of the young man’s jaw that he wouldn’t leave until he talked to Percy, and it was then that he recognized the young man as Lou McCloud, the Pony Express rider who’d been attacked by Caleb Franklin. Closing the thick black book, he signaled for Sally to leave them, and then he smiled at Lou.

“What can I do for you young man?”

The young man’s eyes darted behind his glasses for a moment before he sat down. “I…I uh came to talk to you about Nellie.” He began, his voice soft and low.

“What about her? I’m sure you can understand Mister McCloud that this is not a topic I am ready to discuss.”

“Yes, I understand Mister Gardiner, and I’m sorry for your loss, but, well, you see I need to know if Nellie was in any kind of trouble lately? Did she mention anything to you or your wife-“

“Now just what are you trying to insinuate here? Nellie was a good girl, she was never in trouble a day in her life.” Percy said as he stood up.

“Yes sir, I’m not sayin’ otherwise, but-“

“What is this all about Mister McCloud? The man responsible for my daughter’s…murder is behind bars, I don’t understand what you’re doing here.”

“I don’t think Caleb Franklin killed Nellie, sir.”

“Pardon me? Did I hear you correctly young man? You don’t think Caleb killed my daughter? You saw him yourself, you saw what he did.” Percy bellowed.

“No, I didn’t see him kill her, I just saw him-“

“He attacked you Lou! Now I ask you, is that an action of an innocent man?”

Just then, the door opened and a young well-dressed man entered the room. His black hair was combed back impeccably and his face was clean-shaven. Lou remembered seeing him with Nellie a few times and she knew they had been engaged. He looked at Lou now with cold blue eyes, demanding an explanation.

“What’s going on in here? Half the bank can hear you shouting.”

“Jacob Mitchell, this is Lou McCloud…he was just asking a few questions about Nellie.” Percy said quietly.

“Nellie…what kind of questions?” Jacob asked as he turned to Lou.

“I was just wondering if maybe she had been in some trouble, or-“

“Nellie in trouble? Well, that’s preposterous. Why are you here stirring things up?”

“Lou here doesn’t think that Caleb is guilty.” Percy explained as he sat down heavily in his seat. Before Jacob could say anything, Percy continued. “Look Mister McCloud, save yourself some trouble and forget about all this. Caleb Franklin is guilty as sin, and he’ll hang for it. Now, if you could excuse me, I have some business to attend to.”


“I believe Mister Gardiner just dismissed you, boy. Don’t make a scene.” Jacob said as he approached Lou menacingly.

Lou stood up from her seat and glanced at both men. She didn’t understand their reactions, but she wasn’t about to sit there and ponder it. Instead, she walked to the door and walked out, turning before she left, “If you think of anything Mister Gardiner, I’m stayin’ in the hotel.”

Once she was gone, Jacob shut the door and walked into the room. “What in the hell was that all about?”

“I don’t know, but we have some trouble. If that boy starts poking his nose in where it doesn’t belong, he’s bound to find some damaging information.” Percy answered as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.

“Well, we’ll have to make sure he stays out of our business, won’t we?”

“You can’t be serious Jimmy, she quit?” Rachel asked as she set a stack of plates onto the table.

“I’m tellin’ you Rachel, she just packed her things and left. I tried stoppin’ her, but you know Lou.”

“What is she plannin’ on doin’?” She asked in concern.

“I don’t know Rachel…she said somethin’ about provin’ Caleb innocent. After that…well, I don’t know. She’s goin’ to leave.”

Just then, the bunkhouse door opened and Cody, Buck, Kid and Jesse shuffled in. Rachel and Jimmy exchanged a look, which didn’t go unnoticed by the others. “What’s wrong?” Cody asked as he sat down at the table, eyeing the steaming contents of the pot in front of him.

“Lou quit.” Jimmy said without preamble.

“She what?” Buck and Cody exclaimed at the same time.

“She cleared her stuff out of here, and went to the hotel. Told me to tell Teaspoon she quit, and that’s it.” Jimmy explained.

“And you didn’t stop her?” Kid asked as he leaned forward against the table, his blue eyes flashing dangerously.

“Yeah, that’s a good one Kid. Me tryin’ to stop Lou from doin’ somethin’ she has her mind set on. And anyway, you walked in here just before she left…why didn’t you stop her?” Jimmy accused.

Kid took a deep breath and sat at the table. “She doesn’t want to have anything to do with me…it wouldn’t have helped. And I didn’t know she was leavin’…Jesus!” Kid swore under his breath.

“Well, what do we do?” Jesse asked from the corner.

“There’s nothin’ we can do Jesse. For some reason or other, Lou has her mind set on provin’ Caleb Franklin innocent…and she won’t stop until she does.” Rachel said as she placed a hand on her shoulder.

“Well, why don’t we help her? I mean, obviously she believes in it strongly enough to quit her job and move to the hotel…maybe she’s right.” Jesse continued.

Nobody answered right away, they just exchanged guilty glances. Finally, Buck broke the silence. “What if she doesn’t find anything to help Caleb? I mean, it’s goin’ to destroy her if they hang him.”

Kid stood up then and walked out of the bunkhouse without a word. In their talk, they had forgotten that Caleb was indeed Kid’s father. Jimmy made a move to go after him, but Buck placed a restraining hand on his shoulder. “Let him be Jimmy. This is somethin’ he needs to figure out on his own.”

Caleb looked up as the door opened and secretly hoped it was Lou. He had been awakened by the commotion earlier that day and he hoped the young girl would come back and make peace with the Marshal. However, the tall, solid figure that stood in the doorway didn’t belong to Lou, but to Kid. Caleb sat on his bunk examining him for a moment. He felt a surge of pride as he noticed the confident way his son carried himself and the purposeful strides he took as he walked to the cell that housed his father. He’d been rehearsing everything he’d say to his son when he met him, but all his words deserted him at that moment, and he sat in silence.

“Well, don’t you have anything to say for yourself?” Kid demanded as he gripped the bars fiercely.

Teaspoon cleared his throat and stood up from his chair. “I’m goin’ to make my rounds now.” He didn’t even wait for an acknowledgement as he strode out of the office.

“I…I don’t know what to say. I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long, and-“

“Do you have any idea what kind of problems you’ve created?” Kid interrupted. “Why’d you come back, huh? You never gave a damn about me before, so why now?”

“Because you’re my son, and I love you.” Caleb said simply. “I’ve made some mistakes in my life, a lot of mistakes, but I’m trying to fix things.”

“Fix things? You think you can just come back here after ten years and pick up where you left off? Hell, you weren’t even a good father when you were around.”

“I know that son-“

“Don’t call me that. I’m not your son. You gave up that right a long time ago.”

“All right, Kid…I came to find you because I wanted to know if you were doing o.k. I’m not proud of the things I’ve done, but I’ve changed, I really have, and well, I just wanted to let you know that. I wasn’t expecting to come here and get a heroes welcome, but I was hoping that we could put everything behind us. You, me and Jed.”

“Jed’s dead.” Kid said dully as he sat in the wooden chair. “He was trying to steal gold…we had to stop him.”

“You don’t have to explain Kid…the Marshal told me everything. I’m so sorry.” Caleb sobbed as he buried his face in his hands. Kid looked at his father and felt a stirring in his heart.

“Did you kill Nellie Gardiner?” Kid asked quietly.

Caleb looked at Kid through blue tear-filled eyes and stood up. “If you choose to believe only one thing I say, let it be this. I did not kill that girl, I swear to you. I know my word don’t mean much to you, why should it after all I put you through? But you must believe me when I say that I walked upon her…I had no hand in her murder.”

Kid nodded his head and swallowed almost painfully. “I believe you. I don’t know how I’m goin’ to get you out of this, but I believe you.”

“That’s all I care about.” Caleb said honestly as he extended his large hand through the cell bars. Kid stared at his father for a long moment before shaking his head.

“I don’t forgive you, and I don’t think I ever will. For so long, all I dreamed about was meeting you again, somewhere down the road when I was successful and rich. You would be so proud of me, and I could forgive you. But I stopped thinking like that a long time ago. I’ve been through some hard times, but I never forgot my family, not ever. But you…you just walked out on us, and you didn’t care. I can’t forget that, it wouldn’t be right to. Now, no matter what you done, you don’t deserve to hang for something you didn’t do. I’m goin’ to help Lou clear your name, but after that, I want you to leave and never come back.”

Caleb stood there stricken and pale, but eventually, he nodded his head. “I understand.”

“I gotta go now…I’ll be back in the morning.” Kid said as he walked out the door before Caleb could see the tears streaming down his cheeks.

Lou had just slipped under the covers when she heard the knocking on the door. Cursing softly, she grabbed her gun from the belt hanging over the bedpost and walked cautiously to the door. “Who is it?” She asked gruffly.

“Lou, it’s me Kid, can I come in for a minute?”

Lou sighed and rested her forehead against the door for a moment. She didn’t have the strength or resolve to face him right now. Why couldn’t he just leave her alone? Before she could form an answer, Kid began speaking again. “Please Lou, just for a minute. I promise I’ll leave right after I say what I gotta say.”

Lou placed her gun on the small end table and opened the door wide enough to admit Kid. He removed his hat once she shut the door behind him, and he turned to face her. She could tell he had been crying, and although she wanted to wrap him in her arms and comfort him, she didn’t allow herself to.

“I just came to tell you that I want to help you.”

“Why?” Lou asked as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Defense posture…this isn’t going to be easy. “Because I’ve been thinking about what you said, and you’re right. I can’t let an innocent man die.”

“So, you believe he’s innocent then?” Lou asked.

“Of course I do…why else would I be here now?” Kid asked in exasperation.

“I don’t know…you tell me.”

“Don’t do this Lou. You been hounding me to do what’s right, and when I finally admit that I been wrong, you question me.” Kid said angrily as he crossed the room.

“I just don’t want you to do something you’ll regret later.” Lou replied angrily. “I don’t want you to feel you have to do this to make me stay, because no matter what happens, I’m leaving.”

“What?” Kid asked as his head snapped up.

“You heard me. When this is all over, I’m leaving. All this has got me thinking…family is important Kid, and I’ve been away from my family for too long.”

“I thought we were your family.” Kid whispered.

“So did I.” That’s not fair, Lou. After a few seconds, she continued. “I know I’ve been hard on everyone these past few days, but it’s just because I expected everyone to act differently. I was disappointed, and that’s the worst feelin’ in the world. Maybe my expectations were too high, I don’t know. The point is, I want to leave before I have to go through that feeling again.”

“But Lou-“

“No Kid. My mind is made up. I want you to respect my wishes and let it be.” Lou said sadly. “Now, why don’t you meet me here tomorrow mornin’, and we can come up with a plan then. I’m really tired and I just want to sleep.”

“I’m not leaving here until-“

“You promised me Kid. You said you would leave once you said what you had to say. You’ve done that, and now I want you to go.”

Kid looked like he was about to argue, but then thought better of it. He could see that Lou wasn’t going to budge in this matter, not tonight anyway. She looked so vulnerable, standing there in her longjohns with her hair disheveled. Kid wanted to embrace her and kiss away the hurt, but he knew she wouldn’t allow it. He could see the stony resolve in her eyes, and he knew when to give up.

“Fine, I’ll be back here early tomorrow morning.” Kid said as he moved toward the door. He looked back and opened his mouth to speak, but then shook his head and put his hat on. Once he was in the hallway he leaned against the wall and sighed. You’ve lost the battle, but not the war Kid.

“So what do we have Lou? No witnesses, no murder weapon. Only one piece of evidence, and that’s not in our favor.” Kid said as he peered at Lou over his cup of coffee.

Lou sat deep in thought for a moment, her fork still poised over her plate. “You’re wrong…there is a witness.” At Kid’s confused stare, Lou elaborated. “They’re goin’ to make me testify Kid, and it ain’t goin’ to help Caleb one bit.”

Kid nodded his head and looked at Lou sympathetically. He could see the internal war raging inside her, but knew there was nothing he could do to help. Hell, he was fighting one himself. Suddenly, Lou’s eyes lit up and she straightened up in her chair. “I can’t testify if I ain’t here.”

“What do you mean Lou?” Kid asked, already not liking the idea.

“You know they’re goin’ to twist my words around Kid to make it look like he’s guilty. I’d only damage his case more by staying here. I was already planning on leaving after the trial…I’ll just leave before it. That way, they have no witness.”

“They still have Teaspoon and Tommy, Lou. They have to tell the truth, which is they found Caleb strangling you. You’d be more use to him here than gone.”

Lou sighed and nodded. “I guess you’re right.” She put her fork down and ran her hands through her hair in frustration. “The judge is due in any day now Kid, we don’t have much time to help him.”

“Well, what’s the plan?” Kid asked

“I already tried checking with Percy Gardiner to see if maybe Nellie had been in any trouble.”

“Well, what did he say?”

“Well, before he threw me out of his office he informed me that there hadn’t been any trouble as far as he knew.”

“He threw you out of his office?”

“Yep. Come to think of it Kid, his behavior seemed kind of strange. I don’t know, he seemed scared.”

“Scared of what exactly?”

“That’s a good question.”

Lou was lost in thought as she entered the Marshal’s office. She hadn’t come to see Teaspoon, but never-the-less she was surprised to see that he wasn’t there. Jimmy sat behind the desk, a deputy badge pinned to his vest and an unspoken warning in his eyes. “Where’s Teaspoon?” She asked quietly.

“He said he had some business to attend to. Rode out of here early this morning, but not before deputizing me and the boys.”

“The Judge is due here any day now, and he just rode out of town?” Lou asked incredulously.

Jimmy’s eyes darkened for a moment, and Lou knew she wouldn’t like what he was about to say. “Actually Lou, the judge arrived about an hour ago. The trial’s gonna start tomorrow.”

Lou felt as if someone had punched her in the stomach and she had to lean on Teaspoon’s desk for a moment to gain her bearings. Jimmy made no move to help her and she knew he was torn between his loyalty to her, and his duty to Teaspoon. She saved him the trouble of having to decide by walking over to Caleb’s cell and smiling slightly at the older man.

“How’re you doin’?” She asked.

“Better than you I guess. If you don’t mind me sayin’ so, you look like Hell.”

“I didn’t get much sleep last night.” Lou admitted. “Caleb, this is very important…did you see anyone else that night you found Nellie? Anyone at all?”

Caleb shook his head. “I didn’t see anyone. But even if someone else had been around, I doubt I would have noticed them. The sight of that little girl…well, you saw her, you know what I mean.” He almost whispered as he closed his eyes. After a few moments of silence, he raised his eyes to hers and said, “Things aren’t looking to good for me now, are they?”

Lou thought about lying to the man and assuring him that he would be all right, but she knew it was cruel to fill him with false hope. Biting her bottom lip she nodded her head. “I’m sorry Caleb. I’ve tried everything I could think of. I’ve been to the saloon, the bank, and all the shops. No one saw anything.”

“You tried, and I really appreciate it. It’s more than I deserve.”

Lou stood up and walked closer to his cell. “I promise you Caleb that no matter what happens tomorrow, I ain’t gonna let you hang.”

Jimmy shifted uncomfortably in the background, but Lou ignored him. Before she could say anything more, a short man in a well-pressed suit entered the office and cleared his throat. He nodded slightly at Jimmy and walked to stand before the cell, beside Lou.

“Mister Franklin, I’m Robert Hardy and I’ll be you attorney.” Lou didn’t like the look of him, but he was all they had. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to discuss our strategy for tomorrow.”

Lou took that as a request for her departure. She smiled at Caleb and bowed her head to Robert. “I’ll be back later.”

She stepped outside into the bright sun and turned around as she felt a hand on her shoulder. Jimmy stood before her, his knowing eyes boring into hers. “Lou, don’t do anything stupid. I don’t want to have to lock you up in a cell too.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about Hickok.”

Jimmy didn’t even flinch at the coldness of her tone, or the formal use of his name. Instead, he grabbed her arm and pulled her closer until their faces were mere centimeters away. “I’m warning you Lou. Take some advice from a friend and don’t interfere. You can’t help him anymore. Just let it be.” Lou tried to jerk her arm free, but Jimmy’s grip was too tight. “I know what you’re going through Lou, but it’s out of your hands.” With that, he let her go and walked back into the office.

Lou rubbed her sore arm and walked down the sidewalk, deep in thought. She didn’t see Kid until she ran into his broad chest and when she looked up at him there was hope brimming in her eyes. Maybe he had found some useful information. However, one look at his handsome face told her that he hadn’t had any luck either.

“The trial’s tomorrow.” Lou stated dully.

“I know.” Kid responded quietly as he looked around the town. “I tried Lou, I really did, but there just isn’t anything to go on. No one saw anything, and if they did, they ain’t talkin’. I don’t know what else we can do.”

“Did you know Teaspoon’s gone?” Lou asked as they began walking back towards the hotel.

“Yes.” Kid answered a bit guiltily.

“You know, I thought he’d come around in the end. He’s spent more time with Caleb than any of us and I thought he’d realize that he’s innocent. Looks like I was wrong about that too.”

Lou opened the door to her hotel room, and when she didn’t close the door, Kid took that as an invitation to enter. Lou walked over to the window and started out across the town that was just beginning to buzz with night time activities. She could feel the tears rolling down her cheeks, but she was helpless to stop them. She didn’t even bother to wipe them away.

Kid stood looking at her back, wondering what to do. Before he knew what was happening, he was crossing the room and pulling her into a tight embrace. At first she resisted and tried to pull out of his strong arms, but he wouldn’t let her. Her tiny fists pounded at his chest and ribs, but he refused to release her. After her anger was spent, she relaxed in his arms and began to sob into his shirt.

“What are we going to do?” Lou moaned as she wrapped her arms around Kid’s neck.

“I don’t know.” Kid whispered into her hair. He pulled back slightly so that he could peer into her face. Cautiously, he bent down and kissed the tears wetting her cheeks. When she didn’t fight him, he moved down and captured her lips with his. It wasn’t long before she was returning the gesture ardently, reveling in the feel of his arms around her.

Everything ceased to exist at that moment as they moved clumsily to the bed. Their passionate kiss broke only once when they removed the other’s shirt. But soon, they were locked once more in the throes of their desire, forgetting all about Teaspoon, Percy Gardiner, and Caleb Franklin.

“That boy was snooping around at the bank today again.” Jacob said as he walked into Percy’s study without an introduction. “And this time he had some help from one of his friend’s.”

“I know, Sally told me. They didn’t find anything…if they had, the Marshal would be here by now, wouldn’t he?”

“You’re right, I guess. I still don’t like the idea of them poking around where they don’t belong.” Jacob responded as he poured himself a glass of Brandy from the decanter.

“Don’t worry…the trial’s tomorrow. You know what the ironic thing is? Lou McCloud is going to be the one to seal Franklin’s death warrant once he testifies.”

Jacob smiled at that and sat down opposite Percy. Soon however, his face clouded over. “Do you think he suspects anything?”

“Hard to tell. Right now I think he’s just concentrating on proving Caleb Franklin’s innocence. If he poses a problem later, we’ll get rid of him, won’t we?”

Kid drowsily ran his fingers through Lou’s silky hair and fought the urge to sigh in contentment. Her head rested on his chest and she dozed peacefully in his arms. It was at that moment Kid realized he could not live without the petite girl in his arms, and he vowed that no matter what the outcome of the trial was tomorrow, he wasn’t going to let her walk out on them all.

“Kid, what’s your earliest memory of your father?” Lou asked quietly without looking at him.

“I thought you were sleeping.” Kid whispered as his hand trailed to her bare back. After spending a moment in thought, Kid sighed and shifted a little. “I guess the first real memory of my father is him teaching us, Jed and me I mean, how to fish.” Kid chuckled slightly as he remembered the scene. “I couldn’t have been more than three, but there was a bite on my line and I was trying to bring it in. The fish had to have outweighed me by fifty pounds…I remember him jumping into the water and trying to grab the fish, but he just wasn’t fast enough and soon enough the fish was free. Jed and I were real disappointed because that was our dinner swimming away down stream, but Pa…he just pulled us in the water and started dunking us and splashing us. We must have played in that creek for half the day, and by the time we got home we were too exhausted to even think about supper. When he put me to bed, he told me how proud he was of me…even if we didn’t get that fish. That was before he started drinking.” Kid’s voice trailed off as he recalled the man his father had been before he was consumed with the need for alcohol.

Lou lifted her head and caught sight of the lone tear traveling down his unshaven cheek. Sitting up and pulling the sheet around her slight body in modesty, she reached out and gently caressed his face. He caught her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing each fingertip tenderly. She smiled and lay back down so that her face was nestled against his neck. Wrapping her arms around him tightly, she closed her eyes and kissed his warm skin.



“What’s your first memory of Boggs?” Kid asked as he buried his face for a moment in her dark hair, inhaling the fresh scent. Lou took a long time in answering and for a moment Kid thought she had fallen asleep.

“I don’t know how old I was, but I know that Jeremiah wasn’t born yet. One of our neighbor’s boys had filled my head with nonsense…you know told me that there was a monster in the woods surrounding our property. I woke up one night screaming from a nightmare and my father, he came in and took me in his arms…after I told him about the monster, he promised me that he would never let anything or anybody hurt me. He stayed with me the whole night, and for two nights afterwards. I loved him so much then Kid. He wasn’t always a bad man.”

“I know, Lou.” Kid said as he brushed her hair back from her face and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

Lou looked deep into his blue eyes and whispered, “I used to pray everyday at the orphanage that he’d come get me and Teresa and Jeremiah and that he’d be a changed man. We could all be a family again…but he never showed up. And, well, you know the rest of the story Kid. I’ll never understand him…weren’t the three of us worth changing for?”

Kid propped himself on his elbow so that he was staring down into her face. She looked up at him with her liquid eyes and all he wanted to do at that moment was erase all the hurt and fear she’d ever known. “God Lou, I’d give anything to have your father back…to have him be a good man, worthy of your love. He had no idea what he was giving up…you deserve so much more.”

Lou smiled weakly and sat up beside him. “I don’t want you to end up like me, Kid.”

“What do you mean?” He asked in confusion.

“Always wondering how things could’ve turned out if your Pa had been a better man. He can’t take back all the things he’s done Kid, but he’s here now asking forgiveness…can’t you find it in your heart to do that?”

Kid looked down at her tiny hand resting on his arm, and suddenly his eyes were filled with tears. He wanted so desperately to grant her wish and give his father the absolution he was seeking, but he didn’t think he could. Emotions he thought were long-buried had come to surface. He suddenly remembered the conversation he’d had with Jed when they’d been reunited.

: Why'd you lie about Pa? You don't owe that man nothin'” Jed had asked.

“ I didn't feel like talkin' about it” Kid had responded quietly.

Have you forgotten the way he beat us? Beat Mama? I swear, if he hadn't of run off, I would have killed him.”

“ I ain't gonna waste my life hatin' him. He caused enough hurt. But it looks like you turned out alright. Never thought I'd see you wearin' a uniform.”

“Best thing that ever happened to me. I'm gonna see you tomorrow.”

“Hey Jed. You would make Mama proud.”

Suddenly, past and present converged together in his mind. He saw his father in the past, stumbling in the house drunk and violent. Then his father was there, telling Kid and Jed stories about their ancestors and the land, instilling in them the pride of their heritage. He smiled fondly as he remembered the Christmases spent around the fire, delighting in whatever small trinket his parents had managed to obtain. His face darkened however as he saw his father slap his mother senseless and walk out the door with all the money they had in the world, leaving his family to starve. He had forgotten Lou was there until she reached her hand out to tentatively smooth his furrowed brow.

“Do you want to know how I came to be called Kid?” He didn’t wait for her answer, but continued on. “My father came home drunk one night and couldn’t remember my name. He couldn’t even remember his own son’s name.” Kid whispered as he swallowed painfully. “He referred to me as ‘the kid’. He came home in that state more often, and pretty soon that was all he called me. Wasn’t too long before my ma and Jed, and everyone else started calling me Kid too.”

“I’m sorry, I had no idea.” Lou whispered as she trailed her hand down Kid’s chest.

“I want to forgive him Lou…but I-“ Kid stopped mid-sentence and looked down at his hands.

“What is it Kid?” Lou asked as she dipped her head so that she could look into his eyes.

“I don’t know how.” He said simply as he sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. His back was to her and she waited only a few minutes before crawling behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist.

“You can start by going to see him and telling him how you feel.” Lou explained as she gently touched his shoulder with her lips.

Kid smiled and placed his hands over hers. “I love you, Lou.” He said as he turned to gaze into her eyes. He was troubled by her lack of response and the way she avoided his eyes. However, his fears were put to rest as she smiled shyly and pulled him down beside her, resting his head on her bosom. “I love you too, Kid.”

Caleb looked up from his hands as a shadow darkened his cell. He found himself staring into a pair of very angry and accusing brown eyes. Although part of his face was obscured by his hat, Caleb could see the stubborn set of his jaw and knew he was in for a verbal lashing, if not a physical one.

“You know, I can’t figure you out.” Jimmy said quietly. “Why have you come back?”

“I already told you-“

“Yeah, yeah, I know. You just wanted to find your sons. My question is, why now?”

“Do you really want to know, or do you already have me condemned?” Caleb asked as he turned his crystal eyes to Jimmy.

“I don’t like you Caleb, it’s as simple as that. But I do want to know why you’ve shown up here all the sudden.” Jimmy said sincerely as he dragged a chair in front of the cell. Taking a seat, he gestured with his hands for Caleb to start explaining himself.

“After I left my family, I wandered around Virginia for a while, finding work where I could. Eventually I moved further south to North Carolina and Georgia, and I met a woman. You have to understand that it had been almost five years since I last saw Elizabeth, Jed, or Kid. This woman, Natalie, she was so pure and innocent…I fell in love with her the first time I set eyes on her. I was working for her father on his small farm, and it wasn’t long before I was courting her properly. We were married soon after-“

“How could you marry her when you were still married to Kid’s mother?” Jimmy demanded.

Caleb’s eyes closed momentarily and Jimmy knew the man was trying hard to maintain his control. “I had written to an old family friend before I dared to ask for her hand. He told me…he told me that Elizabeth had died a few months earlier. Jed had been gone for a long time by then, and Kid had left shortly after the funeral…no one knew where. I…I just closed that chapter of my life and moved on.”

“Didn’t you even care that your sons were out there somewhere by themselves? Why didn’t you try to find them?”

“I’m not ignorant as to how much pain I caused them over the years…truth be told, they were far better off without me. I figured it’d be better if I just started my new life and let them continue with theirs.”

“You were selfish…just admit it. It was easier to start your new life, than to find your sons.” Jimmy said through clenched teeth. “So, what happened after you married Natalie?”

“We stayed on her father’s farm, and she bore my son, Jonah. He’s almost five now. Anyway, he’s part of the reason I’m here now. You see, I wanted to make a life for him, something he could be proud of, and I decided the best place to do that was in California. I purchased a spread about two months ago…but I knew I couldn’t look my son in the eyes if I didn’t come out here and try to right the wrongs I’ve done. I want Jonah to have a father he can look up to.”

“How’d you know to come to Rock Creek?” Jimmy asked suspiciously.

“I initially went back to Virginia to see if I could find out any information…I wasn’t too kindly received, but a woman there, well her daughter had been trying to find out where Kid was as well. Seems they were childhood friends. When she found out he was here, she sent her mother a letter. Mrs. Simms was kind enough to tell me what her daughter, Doritha was her name I believe, discovered. I was on my way not to long after that.”

“What did you tell your wife?”

“I told her the truth, that I was going to look for my sons. She understood my reasoning…she’s back in Georgia now, waiting on me. As soon as I get back, we’re going to California.”

“What about Nellie Gardiner?” Jimmy asked.

“How many times am I going to have to say this. I didn’t kill her. As soon as I checked into the hotel, I went to the saloon to grab a game of cards. I only stayed for a few hours before I decided I was losing more than I was winning. After excusing myself, I started making my way back to the hotel. Something in the alley caught my eyes…I went to investigate and found the girl. You know the rest of the story.”

Jimmy narrowed his eyes, but he saw the naked honesty on Caleb’s face and he found himself believing the man’s story. Standing up to hide the emotions in his eyes, Jimmy turned to walk back to his desk, but stopped dead in his tracks when he spotted Kid standing in the doorway. His hair was disheveled, and his clothes looked like they had been pulled on hastily, but Kid’s eyes were alert as he looked over his best friend and his father.

“Jimmy…could you leave us alone for a few minutes?” Kid asked in a husky voice.

“You know I can’t do that Kid, there-“ But Jimmy stopped mid-sentence as he saw the look on Kid’s face. “All right, you have five minutes…don’t make me regret this.”

Kid barely nodded and waited until Jimmy had exited the office before approaching his father cautiously. He studied Caleb for a long time, as if looking for the truth in the man’s eyes. Finally, Kid relaxed his posture and placed his large hands on the cell bars.

“Did you ever miss us?” Kid asked quietly.

“Of course I did…you were my family. But I couldn’t provide for you, and in the end, it was best that I leave. I was angry all the time…angry and drunk, and you suffered for it. All of you did. Do you know how many times I sat down to write a letter to your ma asking for forgiveness? I never sent any of them off though. I couldn’t. You were always on my mind though, son, I promise you that. I used to imagine what you would be like, and I used to wonder if I did the right thing, running out on you all. I have to say that you turned out to be a damned fine man. All I have to do is look at your friends, and how much they care about you to know that you’ve surpassed all my expectations.”

Kid felt his eyes mist up as he listened to his father’s words. He was too proud to shed them, but as he caught sight of the wetness on Caleb’s cheeks, he allowed them to flow freely. All the anger and bitterness drained from his heart as if they had never been there, and Kid found himself embracing his father through the unforgiving cell bars.

Lou opened her eyes and knew instinctively that she was alone. Propping herself on her elbows, she looked around the room and noticed that Kid’s clothes, which had previously been strewn about on the floor, were gone. She smiled as she realized where he was and sent a silent prayer that he would finally be able to heal some old wounds.

In a moment, she was frowning and biting her lip. She hadn’t meant what happened the night before to take place. She didn’t regret it because she loved Kid tremendously and always would, but she knew it wasn’t fair to him. She still planned on leaving for good in the next few days, depending on how the trial went, and knew that by making love to Kid last night she had given him false hope that she had changed her mind.

Sighing, she stood up and began to pull her clothes on methodically, for her mind was a thousand miles away. A feeling of apprehension had settled in her stomach and she knew that her future hinged on the final judgement of Caleb Franklin. She would learn by the end of the day whether or not she’d be leaving Rock Creek as a fugitive of the law.

Kid looked around the packed saloon and was amazed to see that nearly the entire town had turned out for Caleb’s trial. It wasn’t everyday they had a murder trial and Kid thought it quite morbid that the townspeople thought of this as entertainment. No one knew that Caleb was the Kid’s father and they thought it best that they keep that fact a secret, at least for the time being. Even though the temperature outside was quite chilly, because of the number of bodies in the room, several women were fanning themselves frantically.

“You ok, Kid?” Rachel asked from beside him. Although she had no particular wish to watch the trial, she had come to support the young rider. He smiled at her now in reassurance, even though his eyes were clouded with doubt.

His attention was diverted as the Gardiners walked past him, their heads bowed in grief. Mrs. Gardiner had always been an attractive woman, but she seemed to have aged twenty years in the past few days. Percy walked beside her, his hand resting securely on her arm and Kid felt his heart go out to the couple. His father hadn’t committed the murder and it struck Kid that the real culprit was still loose, and perhaps sitting in the mock-courtroom now. He swept the room once more with his discerning gaze until he saw Lou enter the saloon followed by Robert Hardy.

He hadn’t spoken to her since the night before, as he’d spent the rest of the early morning talking to his father and getting reacquainted. He felt as if a tremendous weight had been lifted from his shoulders, a weight he’d been carrying around for far too long. It had taken Lou to make him realize how much better it was to forgive someone, than to let resentment eat away at his soul. His admiration for her had raised several more notches, if that was possible.

He saw the misery written on her face and knew how much it hurt her to have to testify against his father. The court wasn’t interested in her own beliefs, only what she saw, and what she had would condemn Caleb. She walked past him, but refused to meet his eyes. Suddenly, there was a rustle in the courtroom as Caleb entered the room, flanked by both Jimmy and Tommy Bennet. The other boys filed in behind them, sending silent apologies to Kid with their eyes.

Everyone watched the group make their way to the front of the room where a small, simple table stood. Caleb sat down heavily, his handcuffs making a haunting noise as they clashed together. Hardy leaned down and whispered something to Caleb, and he nodded, but soon their attention was riveted on the judge as he entered from the back of the saloon. He was an unimposing man to say the least. He couldn’t have much taller than Lou, or weighed much more. His gray hair lay in disarray against his small head, and behind his owlish spectacles, he looked over the courtroom in consternation. It was evident that he wasn’t used to this kind of turnout, but he was determined not to lose control over the hearing. Everyone stood up as he made his way to the make-shift bench and once he sat down, he gestured for everyone else to do the same. Looking down on the paper before him, he glanced back up again.

“The first and only case on the agenda is The People Vs Caleb Franklin…are the people ready, Mister Gray?” He asked in a voice much too soft for a man of his position.

“We are Your Honor.” The distinguished gentleman said as he stood up and straightened his jacket. Josiah Gray was a man who was exceptional at his job and Kid found himself hoping that just this once the amicable lawyer fail.

Kid watched the proceedings in dismay. Even until that morning, he had held out hope that someone would turn up, able to prove his father’s innocence. Hardy questioned several patrons at the saloon, but most had been too inebriated to recall how they got home that night, let alone what time Caleb had departed from the premises. It wasn’t until Lou and Doc Barnes took the stand that Kid knew without a doubt his father would be convicted for a crime he didn’t commit.

Lou tried her best to explain things, but Judge Payne was interested in facts only, not emotional appeals. Kid could see the frustration building in Lou’s too-expressive features and wondered for a moment if she was going to jump across the table to attack Josiah. The middle-aged man questioned her quickly and efficiently, only allowing her to answer the questions with a yes or no. When Lou was finally excused, she walked dejectedly to her seat and seemed to collapse. Kid wanted to go to her, but he was glued to his seat.

Kid closed his eyes as the old doctor was sworn in. He felt his stomach turn in nausea as Barnes succinctly described the conditions of Nellie’s body. Several women in the audience quickly made their way to the back of the saloon and out to the sidewalk, including Nellie’s mother. When the Doc was done with his testimony, Kid looked to the judge’s face and knew immediately what his verdict would be. The disgust and horror was plain to see on the old man’s features. The courtroom was silent as he cleared his throat.

“Normally in these types of cases, I’d retire to deliberate on the case, but it is evident to me that there is no need. Will the defendant please rise.” Caleb looked at Robert Hardy a little unsurely, but complied. “Caleb Franklin, this court finds you guilty of murder and sentences you to be hanged from the neck until you be dead.”

Caleb hung his head and leaned on the table for support. Most of the occupants in the room murmured in hushed tones, and some even applauded and cheered. Kid watched in detachment as the people began to file out of the room, but his heart was beating wildly in his chest. He had known all along that his father would be found guilty, so why was he surprised? Maybe it was because he had held out some small hope that the justice system would free the innocent.

“I’m sorry Kid.” Rachel whispered as she touched his arm. Kid didn’t acknowledge her, but continued to stare at his father as Jimmy and Tommy led him away. Caleb’s gazed into his son’s eyes for a brief instant before he was taken from the saloon. Kid tried to catch Jimmy’s eye, but the young rider seemed intent on avoiding all contact with his best friend.

“You ok Kid?” Lou asked as she approached him.

He looked up into her unreadable eyes and nodded. He lowered his face into his hands and sat there for a moment, still reeling from the verdict. Lou placed her hand on his shoulder, but Kid shrugged it off as if it burned him. “I’d like to be alone now Lou, please.”

“I understand.” Lou whispered, though he could tell from her tone that she was hurt. He sensed her move away from him, and even though he wanted to call out to her, Kid stayed immobile.

It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. His father was an innocent man, but already he could hear the hammering and sawing taking place outside while men built the gallows that would end Caleb’s life. He couldn’t really blame the judge; all the evidence had been damning. What was he going to do? He couldn’t let an innocent man, his father no less, hang for a crime he didn’t commit, could he?

“I need to ask a favor of you, Kid.” Caleb whispered as he looked deep into his son’s tortured eyes. “I…I want you to go to Georgia, and I want you to tell Natalie what happened. Please make sure that she knows I didn’t kill that girl, please. Will you do that for me?”

Kid nodded because he didn’t trust his voice in that instant. Caleb smiled widely then and heaved a sigh of relief. “I…I want you to meet Jonah…he’s a good boy. You make sure to tell Natalie that the deed is in her name as well, so she can do whatever she wants to with that land. She can sell it if she wants too…anything.”

“Maybe you should write her a letter.” Tommy suggested from the corner. He was trying to be helpful, but Kid found his presence irritating. Jimmy and the others had gone back to the station an hour earlier to eat, but he knew they’d be back soon. The town always got a little rowdy when there was to be a hanging, and they knew they’d be needed to keep the peace.

“No…I wouldn’t know what to say.” Caleb admitted. “You’ll tell her for me, won’t you Kid?”

Again the young rider nodded, not knowing how he was going to make it through the next couple of days. Suddenly, the door opened and Lou strode in purposefully. Kid hadn’t seen her since that morning and he wondered idly where she had been all day. However, he didn’t have long to ponder as she drew her gun from the holster and pointed it at Tommy.

“What…what are you doin’ Lou?” The deputy demanded as he found himself staring at the barrel of her colt.

“Where are the keys?” Lou demanded in a deadly tone.

“I don’t understand.”

Lou exhaled in frustration and Kid could see the trembling in her hands. “I don’t have time for this Tommy. Give me the keys.” Lou said as she cocked the hammer back.

“They’re on the desk.” Tommy answered.

“Good…now drop your gun belt real slow like.” Tommy complied with her wishes, even as he shot a look at Kid.

“What are you doing Lou?” Kid demanded as he was finally drug from his stupor.

Lou didn’t answer him as she motioned for Tommy to walk to the empty cell beside Caleb’s. She followed him closely and retrieved the key ring as she walked past the desk. Handing the keys to Tommy, she said, “Open the door now.” Once Tommy had done what she asked and the metal door swung open with a loud groan, Lou ushered the young man in and locked it behind him. “You just sit in there real quiet, and you won’t get hurt.” Lou warned as she turned to Caleb’s cell and began testing all the keys on the ring to see which one fit.

Kid placed his large hand on hers and forced her to look at him. “Don’t do this Lou, it ain’t right.”

“It ain’t right? Well, it ain’t right to let him die either when he ain’t done anything wrong.” Lou returned as she shook his hand off and opened the door. “I got two horses waitin’ around the side of the building for the both of you. You need to go now though because the boys’ll be back here soon.” When neither Caleb nor Kid moved, she looked between the two of them imploringly. “Didn’t you hear me, you have to leave now.”

“No, I won’t run from this.” Caleb spoke quietly. “I’d have to live the rest of my life on the run, always looking behind me. I won’t do that to my family.”

“I don’t believe this.” Lou said more to herself, than anyone else. “You’d rather die than see your family again.”

“You don’t understand Lou…what kind of life would he have, huh?”

“No, you don’t understand. You could all go down to Mexico…somewhere you’d be alone. You wouldn’t have to worry about anything ever again…you could start over. I’m doing this for you Kid!”

“And what happens to you Lou?” Kid demanded.

“Don’t worry about me, I can take care of myself.” Lou said as she shifted her eyes.

“What in the Hell is goin’ on here?” An angry voice demanded from behind them. Lou and Kid turned around to find themselves surrounded by Jimmy, Cody and Buck who were eyeing them distrustfully.

“This ain’t none of your concern…why don’t you boys go for a walk.” Lou barked.

“This ain’t our concern? Now, I don’t know about you boys, but this looks like a jailbreak to me, which also happens to be a crime, and since we are deputies, sworn to uphold the law, I’d say this most definitely concerns us.” Jimmy said sarcastically.

“Jimmy…” Buck warned as he looked between the two stubborn riders.

Lou continued to stare at him defiantly, but Kid spoke up. “It’s ok Jimmy…she’s going to be leaving now, aren’t you Lou?”

“No.” Lou answered. “I’m not leaving here until Caleb is free.”

“You heard her boys.” Jimmy said as he approached the petite rider. “She wants to stay here, and I have the perfect place for her.”

Kid tossed the keys to Buck, who walked behind Jimmy and opened the door for Tommy. Lou backed up ever so slightly, not sure where this was heading. She found herself pressed against Kid’s broad chest, but before she could move, he wrapped his arms around her torso, pinning her arms to her side. Jimmy grabbed her legs and the two men carried her into the damp cell as if she were a feedbag. All her struggling and writhing did nothing to free her from the boys’ hold and it wasn’t long before she was alone in the locked cell.

“This is for your own good, Lou. You can’t get into any more trouble locked in there.” Kid apologized as he looked down on her.

She thought about replying with a very unlady-like answer, but opted instead to remain silent and unforgiving. Sitting down on the cot, she drew her knees to her chest and looked at the boys with murder in her eyes. Jimmy was the only one who could meet her gaze without flinching, but even he seemed surprised by the venom in her stare.

“They’re only doing their jobs.” Caleb said from the neighboring cell. When it became apparent that Lou wasn’t going to speak to him either, he sighed and walked away.

Kid walked away as well and sat down heavily in the chair. Exchanging glances with the others he shook his head. It was going to be a long night.

Dawn was just beginning to break as Lou opened her eyes and looked around the room. She groaned inwardly as she moved her neck. She had fallen asleep in an awkward position and her limbs protested as she stood up to pace her cell. Buck looked up from the desk, but said nothing. He knew from her posture that it wouldn’t do any good. She was hell-bent on being angry with them. Jimmy sat in the corner cleaning his gun and completely ignoring Lou’s accusing glare. Both Caleb and Kid were fast asleep, looking so remarkably alike that Lou’s face softened for just a moment.

The door burst open and Cody entered, carrying a basket of food in his hands. The smells coming from inside were quite enticing, but Lou couldn’t think of food at the moment. In only a few hours, Caleb would be led away to face a cruel and undeserved fate. It just wasn’t fair.

“Well good mornin’ sleeping beauty. You hungry?” Cody asked as he walked closer to Lou’s cell.

Lou turned her back on the young man and walked to the corner of her cell, but not before shooting daggers at him. “Let her be, Cody.” Buck warned calmly.

Kid began to stir at the voices and soon he was stretching as he sat up in the chair. He immediately stood up and walked over to Lou’s cell, looking at her in concern. “You all right Lou.” When she didn’t answer him, he straightened up and turned to walk away. However, his anger got the better of him and soon he was standing before her cell again. “I don’t know why you’re so mad at us Lou. You did this to yourself. Stop acting like a child.”

“You don’t know why I’m so angry? Well, I’ll tell you why…you’re all cowards, every single last one of you.” Lou began as she walked closer to Kid. “It’s easier for you to let this man die than to stick up for what’s right, and you all make me sick.” “This is my father, Lou. Don’t you think I want to set him free? But it ain’t right…besides, he won’t go even if we open the cell doors. You saw that yourself last night.” Kid returned.

“When are you going to learn that not everything falls easily into categories of right and wrong? There are shades of gray, Kid. It ain’t right to free a convicted killer, but he shouldn’t have been convicted in the first place because he’s innocent. So, you tell me who’s right here, and who’s wrong.”

“We ain’t goin’ to argue with you Lou, because frankly, we’re all tired of it. So, you just sit there on your high horse and look down on the rest of us, but remember one thing, you’re the one sitting in a jail cell.” Jimmy said as he came to stand beside Kid.

“A lucky thing for you James Hickok.” Lou whispered dangerously as she came to stand as close to Jimmy as the cell bars would allow. To his credit, Jimmy didn’t take a step back, even though the look in her eyes genuinely scared him. Lou broke her gaze away and walked to the cot. Sitting down, she encompassed the room with her eyes, “I don’t know how you boys are going to be able to live with yourselves after today, and I’m glad I’m not in your position.”

Jimmy, Kid, Buck and Cody all glanced uneasily at each other as her words echoed in the room.

“Here…here’s the letter. I want to give it to you before I change my mind.” Caleb said as he handed the envelope to Kid. He had decided to follow Tommy’s advice and pen his thoughts, jumbled as they were, so that his wife would know exactly how much he loved her. “I’ve explained everything.”

“I’ll make sure she gets it.” Kid whispered as he stuck it in his coat pocket. There was so much Kid wanted to say, but he couldn’t find the words. Caleb placed his hand on Kid’s and smiled. “I know son, I know.”

“Uh…Kid, it’s time.” Jimmy said as he approached the duo reluctantly. The cries from the crowd were growing louder by the minute and he wanted to get this over with.

“I understand.” Kid said as he moved away from the bars. Jimmy’s hands were shaking as he turned the key into the lock, but he managed to open the door with little difficulty. Caleb walked out with a confidence he didn’t feel and turned to embrace his son tightly.

“I’m proud of you Japheth.” Caleb whispered. “I want you to know that there is nothing you could have done here, so don’t go blaming yourself.” Pulling back, he smiled slightly. “Lou…she’s a good woman. Take care of her.”

“I will.” Kid promised as he blinked back tears.

“Caleb…you’re a good man, and I’m sorry for the way I been treatin’ ya.” Jimmy said as he extended his hand.

Caleb grasped the younger man’s hand and shook it firmly. “You were just trying to protect Kid.”

“I’m sorry, but I…” Jimmy trailed off as he brought the rope with which to bind Caleb’s hands with into sight. Caleb nodded and turned around, moving his arms behind his back. Once the rope was firmly in place, Jimmy took one arm gently and led him to the door. Before he walked out however, he turned back to spare a glance at Lou.

“Thank you Lou…for everything you’ve done, and everything you tried to do.” Lou looked up at him briefly, but soon buried her face into her knees, refusing to let the others see her tears. Caleb smiled sadly at Jimmy and allowed himself to be led away.

Kid looked up into the sky where dark clouds were beginning to form. He could feel the moisture in the air and knew it wouldn’t be long before a storm broke out. He turned his attention back to the crowd, which parted like the Red Sea when Caleb and his escorts moved through it. The faces around him were solemn and accusing as they passed. Kid blinked as several raindrops started falling onto his face, and he couldn’t help but think of how suitable the weather was for this particular occasion.

He stopped as he reached the bottom step of the platform, unable to make the rest of the tragic journey. He watched helplessly as Jimmy and Cody escorted him the rest of they way. Buck had opted to stay behind to keep an eye on Lou. Kid allowed his gaze to turn to the left where Percy Gardiner and Jacob Mitchell looked up at his father with triumph in their eyes. Kid closed his eyes, unable to watch the scene before him.

Suddenly, faint cries could be heard in the distance and everyone looked behind them where riders were fast approaching. Kid looked up at Jimmy in confusion, but the other rider was staring in the distance trying to discern the riders’ identities.

“It’s Teaspoon!” Cody said suddenly as he made out the Marshal’s horse. Jimmy placed his hand on Caleb’s arm and pulled him away from the trap door.

“That man is innocent!” Teaspoon declared as he finally pulled his horse to a stop in front of the crowd. A young lady pulled up behind him, but no one paid her any mind as they were focused on Teaspoon.

“What’s the meaning of all this, Marshal Hunter?” Percy demanded as he approached the station master.

Teaspoon didn’t respond as he walked towards Jacob, drawing his gun and grabbing the young man roughly by the arms. “What are you doing?” Jacob demanded angrily as Teaspoon dragged him to stand before the crowd of people. “You tell them what you told me, Lucy.” Teaspoon said to the girl who had since dismounted.

She turned her dark fearful eyes to the townspeople, but took strength when Teaspoon smiled at her encouragingly. “I…I was on my way to work at the saloon one night when I heard some arguin’ in one of the alleys by the hotel. I got curious because I recognized Nellie Gardiner’s voice…we went to school together before…before I started workin’.”

“Tell us what you saw.” Teaspoon urged.

“I couldn’t hear what they were arguin’ about, but I could tell that Nellie was scared, so I peeked around the corner and I saw…I saw Jacob Mitchell pull a knife. It was long and shiny…I remember that much. Before I could say anything…he just slit her throat.”

“That’s preposterous! You’re going to believe a whore over me, a law abiding citizen?” Jacob asked the crowd.

“I am not a whore, and I know what I saw!” Lucy responded.

“Why didn’t you come forward in the beginning?” Josiah Gray asked.

“I was scared. Jacob…he’s a powerful man and I didn’t think anyone would believe my word over his. I just left…I couldn’t stay here knowing what I knew.”

“How’d you know to look for her Teaspoon?” Kid asked.

“I went to the saloon to see if Caleb’s alibi checked out…I asked Joe if anything out of the ordinary happened that night. The only thing he could think of was that Lucy didn’t show up for her shift. I went over to the hotel where she had a room and the clerk said she checked out in an all-fired hurry in the middle of the night. It seemed important to me so I rode out to New Hope, figurin’ it was a likely bet she’d end up there since she didn’t have money and it’s the closest town.”

“This is outrageous!” Jacob sputtered as he tried to free his arm. Teaspoon’s grip was as strong as iron though and Jacob finally stopped struggling. He shifted his gaze to several of the townspeople. “I loved Nellie…I was goin’ to marry her. Why would I kill her?”

“That’s a good question Jacob, why did you kill her?” Tompkins asked as he walked to the front of the crowd. “The way I see it, this girl has no reason to lie, and I’m more inclined to believe her story than yours.” More people echoed his sentiments and Jacob looked around him wildly.

“Why don’t you talk to Percy about that! He had as much a hand in her death as I did!” Jacob screamed.

Suddenly, Percy’s hand snaked like lightning as he pulled Kid’s gun from his holster and fired three shots at Jacob. The rest of the town looked on in horror as Jacob slumped to the ground, smoke rising from his mortal wounds. Without thinking, Kid jumped on Percy, tackling him to the ground and wrestling the gun from him. It didn’t take much effort however as Percy seemed resigned to his fate. He didn’t struggle as Teaspoon placed heavy manacles around his wrists and drug him to his feet.

Jimmy immediately freed Caleb from his restraints and watched as the older man made his way down the steps as if he couldn’t believe he was actually free. Kid pulled him into an embrace and slapped his back lightly. “Everything’s going to be fine now.” Kid whispered.

“What’s goin’ on Buck??” Lou asked impatiently as they heard the shots ring out. Fear for Kid and the other boys raced through her heart, but Buck merely shook his head.

“I don’t know Lou…but Teaspoon is heading this way with Percy Gardiner…and he don’t look too happy.”

“Where are the others? Are they ok? What was all that gunfire?”

Before Buck could answer, Teaspoon strode into the office. If he was surprised to find Lou sitting in a cell, he didn’t show it. He turned his attention to Buck and grimaced. “It seems Mister Gardiner will be our guest for a little while. Why don’t you show him where he’ll be staying for the next few days.”

Buck nodded and moved to place Percy in the cell. Meanwhile Teaspoon walked over to Lou. “Do I even want to know why you’re in here?” When Lou didn’t respond, Teaspoon shook his head, “No, I didn’t think so. Well, you’re free to go now.” He finished as he took the keys from Buck and opened Lou’s cell.

The small girl grabbed her gun belt from Teaspoon’s desk and brushed past the two men without saying a word. Once she was out on the sidewalk, she saw the crowd had begun to disperse and the undertaker standing ominously over Jacob Mitchell’s body. Lou was still confused as to what happened, but she saw Kid walking with Caleb’s arm slung over his shoulder and knew that everything had turned out the way it should have. She walked over to the pair and extended her hand to Caleb. “Congratulations, I guess you’re a free man now.”

Caleb smiled and instead of taking her hand, pulled her into an embrace. “Thank you Lou. If it weren’t for you, I don’t think I’d be standing here now.”

“Let’s just say you owe me one!” Lou returned as she pulled away. “Good luck.” And with that, she walked away.

“You too.” Caleb replied.

Lou cinched Lightning’s saddle and patted his neck affectionately. She looked around the town, quiet in the early morning hours and felt a bit guilty for sneaking off without saying goodbye to the others. It would be easier this way. Easier for you maybe. Lou accused herself. She led Lightning out of the livery and breathed in deeply. She didn’t know where she was headed, but she knew she couldn’t go to St. Joe to visit with her siblings. At least not now for it would be the first place the boys would look for her.

“You leavin’ already?” A voice behind her inquired.

Lou turned around and smiled at Eli, the livery owner. She had paid him the night before for Lightning’s board so she wouldn’t have to wait around for him in the morning. “I figured I’d get an early start.”

“Where you headed?”

“I don’t rightly know…I guess I’ll figure it out after a few days out on the trail."

Eli shot her a strange look, but merely shrugged his shoulders. He looked like he was about to turn away when his eyes lit up. “Say, did you hear about what Percy Gardiner confessed?” When Lou shook her head Eli walked closer and lowered his voice a notch. “Seems he and Jacob Mitchell were tryin’ to swindle money from the bank…you know altering the records ever so slightly so no one would notice how much they were taking. They planned on leavin’ town in a few weeks…but well, I guess Nellie over-heard them one night and confronted them. Needless to say, it wasn’t pretty. She tried going to the Marshal…actually that’s where she was headed when Jacob caught up with her. He tried sweet talking her, but when he saw it wasn’t goin’ to work, he just killed her.”

“What a shame.” Lou whispered. She couldn’t imagine what kind of torment Percy was going through, knowing that his greed had essentially killed his daughter. He may not have wielded the knife that took her life, he was still responsible for Jacob’s actions. “What’s goin’ to happen to him?”

“He shot and killed Jacob in front of this whole town…my guess is he’ll hang before the end of next week.” Eli paused for a moment and then patted Lou on her shoulder. “Well Lou, I got the horses to tend to. We sure are goin’ to miss you around here."


"I know, I know. If Teaspoon, or any of the boys come here asking questions, I'm to say that you didn't tell me anything, and that I thought you were goin' back to the station."

"Thank you Eli."

"Don't mention take care out there."

"I will." Lou promised as the old man walked back inside the livery stable. She walked back to Lightning and buried her face into his side. This was it. She was leaving Kid, Jimmy, Rachel, Teaspoon and the others. Straightening her back she took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment. This was how it had to be. Lou mounted her faithful horse and steered him south of town in order to avoid the weigh station. With one last look around the empty streets, Lou spurred off at full speed to face her future.

The End …Or Is It???


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