Chapter Two

Lou rode back into the Station after a long and weary run. Ike was ready to take the mail and Lou thankfully passed it off to him. After brushing down her horse, Lightening, all Lou wanted to do was grab some vittles and fall into her bed for a good night’s rest.

Turning to leave the barn, she noticed an unfamiliar horse tied to the bunkhouse post. It was a beautiful Indian Paint pony, and looked very well taken care of. ‘That horse ain’t used to Pony Express runs,’ she thought ruefully. ‘Wonder who’s visiting?’

Deciding she’d never know out here, Lou moved quickly toward the bunkhouse door. She could hear the chatter inside, and immediately knew that the group was eating supper. The aromas of Emma’s cooking wafted past her nose, and Lou felt her stomach growl in response.

She opened the door to Cody’s cackling; ‘He must be laughing at one of his own jokes again,’ she mused for a moment. At her entrance, the room quieted.

“Have a good run Lou?” Noah asked.

“Long,” she replied, looking around for the visitor. It only took a moment to spot him, and in that moment, she lost her ability to breathe. He was the most handsome man she had ever seen. He had rich, dark hair and vivid blue eyes. As her eyes were captured by his face, Cody leaned over to reach for more food, completely blocking the view of his neck. The visitor then stood, and she immediately noticed how his black trousers hugged very masculine legs. His crisp white shirt molded to the muscles of his chest. He appeared a strong man, used to hard work, yet his face looked almost gentle. She continued to hold her breath as she stared at his body, but as her eyes traveled up his chest to his face, she noticed the black color at his throat. Her startled brown eyes whipped back up to his mesmerizing blue ones. Those same eyes were regarding her with open interest and curiosity.

Jimmy and Buck exchanged an amused glance. Lou was obviously smitten, and if the Preacher’s regard were any indication, he was interested as well. Jimmy cocked an eyebrow as he leaned over. “Guess he can tell she’s a girl,” he whispered.

Buck grinned, “I certainly hope so.” Noah cleared his throat to make the introduction. The long silence was dragging on to an uncomfortable stretch for the others in the room. “Preacher, I’d like you to meet our other rider. This is Lou. Lou, this is the new preacher, Pastor Kidderson.”

Lou’s breath came back in a sputter. “Preacher?” she gasped. “You’re a preacher?” she repeated, dazed. ‘Hellfire, preachers aren’t supposed to look that good,’ she thought furiously. She felt betrayed by a man she didn’t even know and embarrassed at her blatant perusal of his body.

“Yes ma’am,” he responded. His voice was a deep timbre that reverberated in Lou’s chest. Its husky quality was even more attractive to Lou. “And you’re a rider?” His tone was questioning.

Because of the fog filling Lou’s mind, it took her a moment to realize he had called her ma’am. “Yes, I’m a rider,” she stated matter of factly. “And where do you get off calling me ma’am?”

The preacher looked nervous. He ran a finger under his collar and looked to the other riders for support.

“Because you are?” Buck drawled.

Lou’s face turned mutinous. “Thanks for keeping the secret boys,” she said in a huff.

“We didn’t tell him,” whined Cody.

“You mean there are actually folks that think you’re a boy?” Preacher Kidderson interrupted, his tone full of shock and dismay. As soon as the petite young woman walked in, he had noticed the gentle sway of her hips, the dainty pink lips and the lithe, trim body underneath her clothes. He’d never felt such an instantaneous attraction for a woman, but he now better understood temptations of the flesh.

“Everyone but the other riders,” Lou answered. “And Emma.”

“How is that possible?” the new pastor was stunned. “Why, it’s obvious that you are a lady.”

Lou liked the “lady” part, but she’d never admit it. Instead of replying, Lou quickly went outside to wash up. When she returned to the table, she was careful not to look at the handsome visitor. Instead, she concentrated on the plate in front of her. Because she avoided even looking in his direction, Lou missed all the glances that Preacher sent her way. He was fascinated by this young woman and was determined to find out more about her.

Chapter 3

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