October 14, 1861

My darling Lou,

I just received your letter, and the news has given me so much joy. I must admit I gave quite a few of the other men in camp a great laugh. I had barely finished the first paragraph before I was running around camp, whooping and hollering. I didn't realize General Robert E. Lee himself was doing a surprise informal inspection, and I ran right into him! I just knew I was going to be punished, and I'm sure my face was beet red. But General Lee just laughed and asked me what was going on. I shared the news, and now he wants to write something to you.

Mrs. Macloud,

Your husband has told me your wonderful news, and I wanted to congratulate you myself. I know it is difficult for you to go through this time without your husband with you, and I truly admire your strength.

I just want to thank you for making such a noble sacrifice by allowing your husband to fight for the cause. I pray he will be able to be home again as soon as God permits.

And now I will let this husband of yours get back to writing his letter, as he seems a bit impatient. I imagine that he is a very lucky guy.

Sincerely yours,

General Robert E. Lee

Isn't that something Lou? General Lee himself writing to you? He is a wonderful man, one I would admire whichever side of this war I was on. He reminds me a little of Teaspoon, full of wisdom, but more stately and dignified. But that is not the reason for this letter.

Besides General Lee, all the other officers and men in the camp are congratulating us. That's right, I told everyone here; I am so happy right now.

Put aside your fears my dear; you are going to be a wonderful mother. Neither of us had very good examples of what a parent is supposed to be...our fathers were not good men, and our mothers, although they tried, they were unable to overcome that. But you and I will be good parents my love, because we can learn from their mistakes.

My darling, I love you more than life itself, and thinking about our child, this tiny part of us, only serves to make me love you more.

With all my love,


Part Twelve


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