December 25, 1861

Merry Christmas, my dearest,

I hope this letter finds you healthy and well. This is our first Christmas as a married couple, and even though we aren't together, we can still be together in spirit.

Jeremiah and Theresa got here yesterday, just in time to be here for Christmas. I'm go happy that we can all be together at last. If only you were here, everything would be perfect.

My love, I wish you could see me right now. The doctor says the baby seems just fine; no problems as far as he can see. I'm growing bigger everyday. Cody was able to come home for Christmas, and he keeps teasing me about being as fat as a cow. The baby just kicked, and oh Kid, it is the most wonderful feeling in the world. Cody keeps coming up to me and putting his hand on my stomach, waiting for the baby to kick or move. Poor guy, he never has quite picked the right time. But I think he knows that I've been missing you a lot more than normal lately, and he is trying to cheer me up. He throws this horribly dramatic little fit, which always makes me laugh.

It is just barely dawn on Christmas Day, and the sun is barely beginning to rise. It snowed last night, and snow is still lightly falling, just a few flakes. The sunlight is reflecting off it, and it is the most beautiful scene. Remember that morning we got up at dawn and walked to the pond to watch the sunrise. And the lake was frozen, and fresh snow was on the ground, and we thought it was the most lovely scene in the world? The only thing that keeps this from being just as lovely, is that you aren't here with me.

Kid, know that even though we aren't together today, the miles between us are easily crossed every second that we spend thinking of each other. Love conquers all distances, the limitations of space and time mean nothing. I firmly believe this. I have to believe this, or I'm sure I would go completely insane.

Merry Christmas my love,

Your Lou

Part Thirteen


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