December 25, 1861

My Darling Louise, Words seem so inadequate right now. It is early Christmas morning, and I find myself so far away from you. When did life become so complicated, that entire families are torn apart on a day that is supposed to symbolize peace and goodwill?

I know this war was inevitable...I also know I did the right thing, the only thing I could have done, by coming to Virginia, but right now, I wish I didn't always have to listen to this conscience of mine. Teaspoon once said that God made each of us different. Cody was the playful one, Ike the compassionate one, Buck the thinker, Noah was so cynical, yet noble at the same time, Jimmy was the headstrong one, you were the bravest of us all, and I...I was the one with the conscience, always knowing right from wrong. And we were all so stubborn and passionate in our beliefs when it came down to business. I guess that's why this country is in the middle of a war. There are a lot of people just like that.

I don't know why I am feeling so melancholy today. Probably just because it is Christmas, and I am not with you. We are going to have a service in camp later this morning, and some ladies from the towns around here are bringing us Christmas dinner. There will be singing, and general merry-making, and probably more than a little drinking for those who enjoy that sort of thing.

As for me, I will be watching the sunset later today, knowing that the same sun was shining on you all day too. And as the moon rises, I will rest in the comfort that the same moon is rising over Rock Creek, keeping watch over you for me.

Merry Christmas my darling,


Part Fourteen


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