March 23, 1862

My dearest Kid,

Right now I am looking at the most precious, most perfect, little person you could ever imagine. Tiny little hands, tiny little feet, ten fingers, and ten me...I counted each and every one of them. It is so hard to fathom that we could have created this tiny little human life, but he is most definitely ours my love.

Yes, I said he. You have the most beautiful son, Kid, and I can already tell that he is going to look just like his papa. He was born just a couple hours ago, after thirty-two hours of labor. But, oh, my love, it was worth every second. I am exhausted, but I just had to write and tell you all about him before I could get any sleep.

My love, I wish you could be here to help me name him. There are so many choices, so many special people in our lives that I want to name him after. I wish I could name him after his papa, but considering the fact that I don't know his papa's name, I don't think that would be possible. And all the boys are clamoring for me to name him after them. They have been pestering me for the past couple months, vying to outdo each other in being nice and helping me. Cody is the worst. He is only home very briefly, once every few weeks, but last time he was comical in his attempts to impress me. Apparently the name Cody is a great first name for a boy, or so he says. And you would never imagine it, Buck is just as bad, as is Jimmy. He has actually come to visit my love, and Teaspoon was injured and has returned to Rock Creek. Things were awkward between them at first, but they have patched up their friendship, and now spend all their time worrying over me and the baby. It seems our child is supposed to have a combination of the names James, Cody, and Buck, but choosing the order in which they come would cause a crisis of tremendous proportions.

I have settled on a name though, my love, and I hope you like it as much as I do. Since neither of us would care to have a child named after our fathers, I decided to name him after a man that is truely our father in so many ways. I suggested Alycious. I was not serious of course, but you should have seen Teaspoon's face when I suggested it! Anyway, as soon as you are able to come home, I will introduce you to your son, Noah Hunter Mcloud. He is beautiful my love, and I wish desperately that you were here with me to meet him.

Now my love, my writing is becoming slower, and the pen is feeling heavy, and I really need to get some sleep before Rachel comes up and scolds me for not resting. I will not say goodbye, I will only say,

Until We Meet Again,


Part Fifteen


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