May 3, 1862

My darling Lou,

I am so overcome with emotion right now, I'm not quite sure whether to laugh or cry. You have just made me so impossibly happy. I am so happy to hear that you and our son are well, but oh how I long to be there right now. Your letter took the better part of two months to reach me, and I imagine, my reply will take at least the same amount of time, if not longer, as the mail system continues to worsen with each passing week. So by the time you read this, it is a very real possibility that our son will be four or five months old, and I will be missing every moment of it. As much as I wish I could promise you that this damn war will be over long before then, I know better. I know that many more battles will be fought, many more men will die, and many more sisters, and mothers, and wives will be left heartbroken. But I promise you my dearest, we will never come to that. Before I left, I made you a promise to come back to you, and I fully intend to keep that promise, with all the power that I possess.

My darling, I am absolutely thrilled with the name you have chosen. It is a perfect tribute to two very special people in our lives, and I would not have chosen any other. Noah Hunter Mcloud. Somehow, I know that name will fit him.

Dearest Lou, I am sorry to close so quickly, as I desire nothing more than to sit here and write and write forever, just because it makes me feel so much closer to you. But we are marching out in just a few minutes, and I must go. Like you, I will not say goodbye, as I could not stand to do so. I love you my darling, more that mere words can express, but one day, I will be with you again and can show you how much I love you better than my words can tell.

Until we meet again,


Part Sixteen


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