May 25, 1862

My Dearest Kid,

I haven't received a letter from you since my last letter, but I just had to write to you. Noah is growing so much everyday, and my love, he looks just like you. His eyes are still bright blue, just like yours. The doctor tried to tell me that babies often have blue eyes, and they will change with time, but I will have none of that. Our son has his daddy's eyes, and always will. And he has the cutest brown hair, which I can already tell is going to be curly. And when he smiles at me, my heart melts, because I can see you in his smile.

I am keeping a scrapbook for everyday until you come home, so you will be able to read all about your's not the same as you being here, but when you come home we will look at it together, and when Noah is grown up, he will be able to see what he was like as a baby.

I can't believe I am already thinking about Noah growing up, but each and everyday he gets a little bigger and a little stronger. Rachel says he will be crawling soon, and he is already beginning to talk a little. Mostly it is just syllables, that don't really mean anything, but he is going to be saying Mama before I know it. And everyday I tell him all about his daddy, and we look at your picture and talk about when you are coming home and how you will play with him and teach him all sorts of things. Rest assured that your son will recognize you when you get home, my love.

Noah is crying for his supper now, love, so I must close. Enclosed is a picture of Noah and me that a photographer who was passing through town took. I hope it makes it to you safely, so you can see how much your son looks like you.

With all our love, and until we meet again, Lou and Noah

Part Seventeen


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