June 23, 1861

My darling Lou,

I write this here, my first night away from you. I traveled quite a few miles today, and have just set up camp for the night. I couldn't help but think of all the nights we camped out on our runs, all the time we spent talking of our future, never imagining that this is what it would hold.

You know that I'm not good with words Lou, but I'm going to try to say what is in my heart. It may not be fancy, but it is all true. My darling Louise, I love you more than life itself. And I thank you for trying to understand why I had to do this, why I had to leave you. Please don't ever forget that no matter what happens with this war, I will always love you. I know I made a promise to you to come back to you, and my darling, you know I will do all that I can to keep that promise. But if I can't keep it, I want you to know that I love you.

I'm going to send this letter as soon as I reach a town. I'll let you know as soon as I reach Virginia where you can send letters to me. But until then, until we meet again, I leave you with these words:

I love you.


Letter Three


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