June 24, 1861

My Dearest Kid,

Do you know, this morning when I woke up, my first thought was of you. Do you remember when Ike had to go testify against Nickerson? We were all helping him get there safely, and you stayed behind at the canyon to give us cover. I practically drove Sam and Jimmy crazy with my worry. I think that's when I realized just how much I love you. Before that, whenever you were missing or in trouble, the thought of you never coming back was like losing a member of my family...worse perhaps than if it had been one of the others, but that day I realized that if I were to lose you, I would be losing part of myself.

I pray constantly that God will keep you safe and bring you back to me. I can't imagine my life without you.

I must close now my dearest. I hear Rachel coming home from school, and Buck should be back from his run soon; so I need to go help Rachel get supper ready.

Sleep well my heart, and know that I will always love you.

Until We Meet Again,

Your Lou

Letter Three


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