June 24, 1861

My darling Lou,

I have reached St. Jo safely. I stopped by the orphanage to see Jeremiah and Theresa this afternoon. They send their love and said to tell you they would see you soon. Sister Augusta says there is a family who will be heading west in about a month. They have agreed to bring Jeremiah and Theresa with them since they will be passing through Rock Creek. Of course it will all depend on whether it is still safe to travel then.

Those first days of the Express have been on my mind a lot these last few days. Do you remember that first day when we were all lined up at the fence? I never thought that we would all become a family like we did. The only real family I had ever had before was my Ma and Jed. No one else had ever cared about me the way you and Rachel and Teaspoon and the boys did. I hate to see us all split apart like this. War is hell.

St. Jo is a really sad place Lou. Everywhere you go you see division. There was a riot in one saloon yesterday...two men began to fight over the war, and suddenly the whole place was one huge fight. Things got out of control until somebody decided it would be a good idea to just set the place on fire. A lot of people were killed in it. And things like that are happening all over Missouri.

Lou, you don't know how glad I am that you aren't here with me right now. I miss you more than life itself, but it comforts me to think that you are safe. I only pray that Rock Creek never gets this bad. And I am glad that Theresa and Jeremiah will be leaving here soon. The orphanage is safe for now because it is a church and it is far enough out of town, but it would be better for them if they were completely away from here.

Don't worry though my love. They are not in any danger, and they are happy. Theresa talked constantly of you...be glad that the Express is winding down, or else in about four years, they'd have another girl rider!

My dear, I'm looking out my hotel window, and the sun is setting...are you watching the same sunset that I am right now? Always remember, no matter how far apart we are, how long we are separated, I will be watching the same sunrises and sunsets that you do each day. They are our links while we are apart my darling; everyday the same sun will rise over both of us, and every night it will give place to the same moon that shines over both of us. So when you look at the sun or the moon, think of me and know that I am seeing the same sun and moon. Know when you see them they will carry my love to you until we meet again.


Part Five


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