July 24, 1861

My Dearest Kid,

This is going to be a very newsy letter I believe. A lot has happened in Rock Creek in the past couple weeks. The biggest news is that Jenny Tompkins has come to visit her father. You remember her don't you? When we knew her before she was barely more than a young girl, but she's a lovely woman now. Buck is more than smitten with her I believe, and surprisingly, Mr. Tompkins seems to have no objection. In fact, he and Buck have been getting along just great lately. Right now Jenny and Buck are just friends, but only because neither can admit how they feel to the other...they are worse than we ever were.

The company has made Buck the station manager, and he's hired two new riders. The runs have been becoming fewer and fewer, and two riders is all we really need. Buck occassionally takes a run if he needs to, since I can manage things too. We had quite a few stressful days trying to train the new riders. I can't imagine how Teaspoon managed with seven of us! But they are doing great now; both are really good riders.

I've been helping Rachel out with the school. A lot of families are moving west to avoid the war, and the school has grown to more than she can handle by herself. It keeps me busy, which is good for me right now...I would go crazy with missing you if I didn't have some kind of work to do.

Have I ever told you how much I love you, dearest? My life seems empty without you here by my side. Two years ago I never thought it could be possible to love someone that much, but it is true. Even when we were broken up, I think I knew we would always be together. I can't imagine living without you, so hurry back to me my love.

I will love you always, dearest, take that with you wherever you are. Be assured that our hearts are joined together over the distances by that love...until we meet again.


Part Six


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