July 18, 1861

My dearest Kid,

We got some good news today. We learned last week that the company is losing profit, and they are shutting down most of the stations. Ours will stay open, but I fear it will not be for long. Already there are plans for a telegraph office here, and when that comes, the station will surely close. At first Rachel and I were afraid we'd have to move, but the town banded together, led by Tompkins of all people, and bought the land Rachel's house is on. It is now the official residence for the schoolteacher. As for the bunkhouse, and that land, Mr. Tompkins bought it for himself. I don't know what he plans to do with it, but he is allowing us to use it as the way station for as long as the company wants to keep it open; and at no charge! He sure has changed. It is so strange to hear him call Buck 'son,' but since he and Jenny have become so close, that is what Mr. Tompkins calls him. Buck and Jenny are becoming quite serious, and I wouldn't be surprised if wedding plans were announced soon.

Oh, back to the news from the company...Russell, Majors, and Waddell have also made their prices cheaper. Now it only costs one dollar instead of five to send a letter. The pony express has to compete with the telegraph, and now that they have fewer stations and riders to fund, I guess they can afford to lower their rates.

My dearest, I long everyday to feel your touch again. It is sheer torture to think about you being involved in this war; sometimes horrible images play over and over in my mind. I'm not telling you this to worry you, but please, please my love, be as careful as you can.

Lord, Kid, I always used to get mad at you for worrying so much about me, and now look at me! I finally understand that your worry had nothing to do with lack of faith in me, or in my abilities. Because I know that you have the strength and courage to pull through anything; but still I cannot help but worry, because to imagine my life without you scares me to death.

Rachel just walked in the door from school, and she says to tell you that we all miss you and pray for you everyday. Oh, how I miss you. But I'm trusting God will protect you and bring you back to me, safe and sound.

We got a letter from Teaspoon yesterday. He is in Texas. They almost didn't let him join the army because of his age; but he persisted, and probably whipped a few of them into shape, until they finally allowed him to sign up--probably just to get him out of their hair. I guess training us to ride, and putting up with all of us for so long gave him good preparation; because now they have him training new recruits.

We haven't heard from Jimmy at all, but Cody writes us often. He sees Jimmy every once in a while, and keeps us informed. Jimmy still has not officially joined the army, but he does some scouting for them. Cody has thrown himself into army life. He definitely was born for it--as long as he is the center of attention. I really do think he will be quite famous one day. I only pray that you will never have to face either him or Jimmy in this war.

My dearest, my love, I sit everyday remembering the simpler times. Times when all we had to worry about was getting the mail through without being caught by Indians or outlaws. Seems strange to think of that as being simpler times, but it is true when compared to being separated from you, and not knowing what danger you may be in at this very moment. But I know that you will come back to me one day...that God will answer my prayers...and that hope is all that keeps me going everyday. I love you my husband, more than I ever imagined possible. Even as a little girl, when I dreamed of growing up and getting married, I never imagined love would be like this. It is almost overwhelming...but so satisfying. I can't imagine that I ever lived without your love.

Now my heart, I must close to go help Rachel with supper. I am becoming a better cook everyday. You'd be surprised.

I love you so much my dearest, and I know that my love is held in your heart, as yours is in mine, and will remain there...

Until we meet again,


Part Eight


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