August 21, 1861

My dearest Kid,

I just got Mrs. Snow's letter about your injury, and I am so glad that you are okay. Hopefully I'll get your letter soon (I am expecting you to have written me long before now). My love, my heart almost stopped when I read that you had been injured. I honestly don't know what I would do if I ever got a letter saying that you...I can't even write it. Just promise me that it will never happen.

There is so much I want to say to you, so much that I didn't get a chance to say to you before you left. There is so much we still have to share, memories we have to make. And I don't want to say it to you in a letter. I am trusting that God will bring you back to me.

Now my dearest, my heart must whisper the rest of what I want to say to yours, as the words are impossible to write. But I am confident that our hearts can hear each other, and will testify of our love...

Until we meet again,


Part Ten


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