Skunkey's Dilemma In The Forest |
The Skunkey hopped about, crying, "What can a small animal like me do with a creature who rules the forest and tramples all enemies into dust?" She soon met Wolfey, and asked Wolfey to talk to the terrible creature who had taken possession of her home and convince her to leave. Wolfey agreed, and when they reached the place, he barked loudly and said, "Who is in the house of my friend the Skunkey?"
Monkey replied in a voice that rocked the earth, "It is I! Yes, I who rules the earth, and tramples enemies into dust!" On hearing this Wolfey thought, "Certainly I can do nothing against such a creature," and he quickly left.
Skunkey then fetched Kittey, whom she begged to help her. Kittey assured Skunkey it would be no trouble at all. On reaching the spot, Kittey bared her claws and growled, "Who is in the house of my friend Skunkey?" Then Monkey replied in the same manner as she had done before. Then Kittey thought, alarmed, "If she rules the earth, and tramples her enemies, I don't even want to think about what she could do to me."
Next Skunkey sought out Donkey. "No doubt, I am the most fearsome of beasts," grunted Donkey. So Donkey marched to Skunkey's cave, where she snorted and pawed the ground with her massive feet. But when Donkey asked who was inside and heard the Monkey's booming reply, she thought, "What, she can trample her enemies and rule the forest and the earth?" And Donkey thundered away, crashing through the forest.
Growing frantic Skunkey tried to get Foxey and Bunney, and asked for their assitance. But like the others, on hearing what Monkey had to say, They both knew they had no wish to be trampled underfoot like enemies, and ran off in a hurry out of eye sight.
Growing more frantic Skunkey tried Horsey, and asked her to come to assist. But like the others, on hearing what Monkey had to say, Horsey knew she had no wish to be trampled underfoot like enemies, either and trotted and galloped off in the forest.
In despair by this point, Skunkey asked Birdey flying by if she could possibly make the creature who had frightened all the other animals leave her house. Birdey went to the cave door and asked who was inside. She received the same reply as had been given to the others. Then Birdey went nearer and shouted, "I, who am the strongest of all, have come at last. I am the one who truly rules the earth and forest. Shes who flies the skies and carries Enemies and dumps them over cliffs! I am the one who keeps the peace of the forest.
This forest on this Earth with many animals in it must stay at peace with one another. My powers are the greatiest law and I will underfoot those who do harm to the others. We as members of this forest must make trends and love one another as friends!"
When Monkey heard this, she trembled. She sensed the shadow of Birdey coming nearer and thought, "After all, I am only a Monkey!" And Monkey sneaked out of the Skunkey's den along its edge, trying not to be noticed. The forest animals who had collected around Skunkey's house seized Monkey and dragged her out. "What, you?" they all cried in disbelief.
"I would never think of living in that cave!," said Monkey with her nose in the air. "A smell like that is far too crude for a refined creature like myself!" As she sniffed away, all the other animals laughed at the trouble she had given them. For all Skunkey had to do was go to the other entrance and lift her tail.