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Alone In His Chamber

She lays in bed a waiting his arrival
Bathed in a soft amber light.
Then suddenly he is there
A sillouhette of gold and shadows
Her arms open. An invitation.
And he move's to rest beside her.
His warm body most welcome all velvet
over steel.

He cradles her gently.
Holding back the strength that might harm.
His eyes a spark of blue fire
His face that of some long forgotten God.
He dips his head to drink of her kisses.
The rest of the world no longer exists.
The two become one in a dance of love.
And passion reigns supreme.

Exploding into a million shards of white hot light
Shedding its warm golden joy over the two lovers
Filling them with the simple happiness
of just being with one another.
As they lie still again In one another's arms.

Author Unknown.
November 03, 1999







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